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Argentina moves to the right

This really is madness. He makes Trump look sane and moderate.

"Blow up the central bank", legalize the sale of organs - I guess that's what you get with 140% inflation.

He also makes Brexit look timid and wants to cut ties with Argentina's two biggest trade partners (Brazil and China).

Hell in a handcart.
Shades of Trump Vs Clinton.

Put up a candidate who stinks of the failures of the past and don't be surprised if the 'new broom'/nutter gets the nod.

Personally - and ignoring whatever happens to all the Argentines trying to cope with Weimar levels of inflation - my concern is what happens when he decides he needs a distraction because all the Magic Plans have turned to shit.

As with all these demagogue/man-child types, what he said yesterday is nothing, all that matters is what will see him stay in place for the rest of the day, and tomorrow is tomorrows problem.
Personally - and ignoring whatever happens to all the Argentines trying to cope with Weimar levels of inflation - my concern is what happens when he decides he needs a distraction because all the Magic Plans have turned to shit.
When the magic plans have turned to shit, people will take to the streets against Milei. If I were living there today, I would fear the return of political violence - among other things, he is on record downplaying the atrocities of the Videla years.
Regarding pegging Argentina to the US dollar, that will produce the same problems Greece had being pegged to the euro. With devaluation no longer an option, gutting public services will be the only path open to him. I can't see him actually doing this, but if he does, it will be a disaster.

Argentina's problems are rooted in its foreign debt, though. A sensible nutter would tell the creditors to fuck off.
Regarding pegging Argentina to the US dollar, that will produce the same problems Greece had being pegged to the euro. With devaluation no longer an option, gutting public services will be the only path open to him. I can't see him actually doing this, but if he does, it will be a disaster.

Argentina's problems are rooted in its foreign debt, though. A sensible nutter would tell the creditors to fuck off.

Sovereign debt defaulting creates an economic disaster in itself. You can't just tell creditors to fuck off and hope nothing bad happens.
Regarding pegging Argentina to the US dollar, that will produce the same problems Greece had being pegged to the euro. With devaluation no longer an option, gutting public services will be the only path open to him. I can't see him actually doing this, but if he does, it will be a disaster.

Argentina's problems are rooted in its foreign debt, though. A sensible nutter would tell the creditors to fuck off.

One of Argentina's big creditors/enablers seems to China...

Saw this on the tweets.

Wild swing in one direction, turns to shit, wild swing in another direction...
Dollarization is what stopped the hyperinflation in Zimbabwe, nearly 15 years ago:

My guess is that the loon-elect will go for the dollarization of the Argentinian economy, which will experience at least some kind of respite. . . enhancing his reputation ("Crazy? Crazy like a fox!") and allowing him to use Argentina as his personal train set and toy box - and use it for some pretty funny games indeed.
Full tweet reads

In his platform, Argentina's extremist "libertarian" fascist president-elect Javier Milei calls for a Pinochet-style regime:-
"militarization of the institutions during the transition"
-building for-profit "public-private" prisons
-making it easier to imprison people
-mandating forced labor for prisoners
-reducing the age of being considered a minor
-creating a nationwide surveillance network of cameras with facial recognition technology

He's a loon but the "professional" polticians have made a corrupt mess of Argentina they cant even rely on the traditional approach of a military coup:eek:. Military spends most of its money on wages and pensions its got no jets no actual warships that are armed with anything bigger than a machine gun they last sub imploded with all hands lost due to a botched maintence attempt to save money:(.
Argentina should fuction its big got loads of natural resources reasonably educated workforce no massive ethnic tensions ( ok the genocided most of the natives) no hostile neighbours .

But since ww1 its seems to have lurched from disaster to disaster maybe they can persuade Ms Merkal to retire there it is after all the traditional retirement home for german leaders?
grow up stop taking bribes and get to work
the same transparent shit every time. he talks about smashing the state yet wants "militarization of the institutions during the transition"... a private military? i think not. state spending on law enforcement / protecting the regime from riots will continue apace.

i am particularly worried about the risk of public transport riots. I have just come back from Argentina and saw for myself how certain aspects of society have been protected from hyperinflation by government subsidies and price-fixing. one of the most important of these is public transport.

while most goods have shot up in price in recent years, a ride on a bus or the metro in Buenos Aires costs the equivalent of just a few pennies. this is allowing a large section of people to continue being able to afford to travel to work. if these subsidies/fixed, pre-inflation prices are stripped away and the price of a metro/bus ride suddenly shoots up in price, then there will be massive riots.

we've seen similar public transport accessibility flashpoints in south america before, notably in Sao Paolo in 2016 and in Santiago de Chile in 2019
unfortunatly argentina doesnt have a rich economy next door to parasite off sure google etc are making all that money in cork:rolleyes:.
an EU to give them money and lots of corporation looking for a tax haven
Yes fish. We "parasite"off our neighbour's economy.

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