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Argentina - Mexico

Care to elaborate?

Bad decisions are part of football. Trying to standardise this stuff out of the game and you'll end up sterilising the game.
Bollocks! Taking out mistakes by the refs doesn't sterilise anything. :D

Bad luck Mexico for the first goal.

As for the second, :facepalm:
They're part of the game, one of the many variables that makes football a compelling sport capable of surprising even the most jaded veteran.

Take that out of the game and it becomes a little less variable, a little more dull. And then what? Ban fans because they might - shock horror - influence the game? Play all games in closed-roof stadiums incase the wind or the rain causes a player to fuck up?

A load of bollocks. This is football, not fucking horse racing. GLT is a bag of shit.

Bad decisions are part of football. Trying to standardise this stuff out of the game and you'll end up sterilising the game. You may as well propose banning chants or playing all league games on neutral grounds.

You are talking absolute shite. Bad decisions are part of football in the same way that racist chanting is, that crowd violence is and that corruption is.
That's what they said about all seater stadiums - 'taking out the violence will be good for the game, it won't create a sterile atmosphere'. They were talking bollocks then, too.

If you post as much as you do (100 times a day is it? A post every 5 minutes? Do you ever go out? Are you ever not posting here? :hmm:) you're also bound to talk bollocks..
You are talking absolute shite. Bad decisions are part of football in the same way that racist chanting is, that crowd violence is and that corruption is.

How are they even comparable? The officials aren't passive machines, they are people. They make mistakes, just as players make mistakes, just as coaches make mistakes. It is part and parcel. You may as well just screen simulated computer football. Dull, dull, dull.
Okay, so two people - Sepp Blatter, and some bloke from a place where technology is still considered a bit scary - don't want replays.
Care to elaborate?

Bad decisions are part of football. Trying to standardise this stuff out of the game and you'll end up sterilising the game. You may as well propose banning chants or playing all league games on neutral grounds.

Here's your post saying you can't use video tech. I gave you the Zidane example.


How do you think this is in any way relevant to the debate? You loon.

How isn't it relevent?
If you post as much as you do (100 times a day is it? A post every 5 minutes? Do you ever go out? Are you ever not posting here? :hmm:) you're also bound to talk bollocks..

Fuck off you knob. I've only been online for the past hour or so, I wasn't posting during the England hammering was I hotshot?
How are they even comparable? The officials aren't passive machines, they are people. They make mistakes, just as players make mistakes, just as coaches make mistakes. It is part and parcel. You may as well just screen simulated computer football. Dull, dull, dull.

So its passive machines that chant racist slogans? That take bribes to throw games?

stupid dogboy said:
Okay, so two people - Sepp Blatter, and some bloke from a place where technology is still considered a bit scary - don't want replays.

Wrexham is not primitive. We have two railway stations!
Here's your post saying you can't use video tech. I gave you the Zidane example.

How isn't it relevent?

Because ostensibly the Zidane incident had nothing to do with video evidence - because video evidence during the game isn't legal in football. There was speculation that Zidane was sent off because the officials surreptitiously checked the film, but they claimed the incident had been witnessed on the pitch.
You are talking absolute shite. Bad decisions are part of football in the same way that racist chanting is, that crowd violence is and that corruption is.

I'm ashamed that Wales have to take responsibility for the idiot, but atleast he's a north Walian, so you kind of expect them to spout bollocks, its one of their most recognisable traits!
I'm ashamed that Wales have to take responsibility for the idiot, but atleast he's a north Walian, so you kind of expect them to spout bollocks, its one of their most recognisable traits!

He is probably a plant from the South, or - perhaps more likely given that he has nothing better to do and posts on the football forums - someone from Chester.
The fucked up part about that goal is that the linesman couldn't give it another thought without being accused of using a camera to aid him, even if he wanted to check with Rosetti. I thought FIFA had banned instant replays from stadiums, but since everyone was pointing at the screen, that doesn't seem the case.

As for the usual "it doesn't slow down the game nyah nyah nyah", he was about 2 years off the last defender. Yes, in this case it would be instant. But I doubt one of those "foot or head" ahead cases would be so quick to decide. And since it was so blatantly obvious (at real time, I thought Tevez had just one defender between him and goal), it's a matter of refereeing quality, not technology.

Anyway, it was a shame. The game was being quite entertaining until the first goal. Then Mexico lost his head, conceded a soft second goal, and are more than likely out of contention.
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