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Are you an anarchist but not a member of an anarchist organisation?

Anarchist organisation involvement poll

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Yes, the Danny Burns book is good.

I couldn't remember if that was the one I read several years back or not. But I do remember it being the only book about the poll tax that the library had in their collection. I've just checked the catalogue and yes, that's the one.

I also remember reading this:

Great use of illustrations in that one.
Yeah, seems like it'd be an odd thing to do since the SRA is very much a product of US culture. Can't really imagine that there'd be enough socialist/anarchist farmers and clay pigeon shooting enthusiasts to make a UK SRA worthwhile?
Report of founding conference and aims and principles of the AnarCom Network (our constitution is also on our website) :

How do you plan to win people over? What program or approach do you offer?
Report of founding conference and aims and principles of the AnarCom Network (our constitution is also on our website) :

Bless. Just what the world needs, another pointless little splitette of a group writing self importantly and badly. You’ll have another one for next year, no doubt.
Hilarious. But you’re assuming that organisation necessitates hierarchy. That’s a political assertion not a law of nature.

So how do you organise services for sixty million people with no hierarchy?

Who takes the decisions, and how?

Who enforces decisions?

Name a country that has been successfully run on anarchist principles.
So how do you organise services for sixty million people with no hierarchy?

Who takes the decisions, and how?

Who enforces decisions?

Name a country that has been successfully run on anarchist principles.
My answer to this is as follows - This would be done by communities via popular assemblies and workers' councils ie. the commune.

Some notable examples of worker's self organisation would be significant parts of Spain during the Spanish civil war (particularly in rural areas but also urban collectives) and also the Makhnovist areas of Ukraine from 1918-21 (there are other examples of this sort of thing aswell, throughout histroy).

I would recommend reading about it and looking into it for yourself, and it can be very detailed (there are certain books dedicated to this topic) , but here's one summary of such things (from 2003) :

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So how do you organise services for sixty million people with no hierarchy?

By having a lazy aristocracy.

Who takes the decisions, and how?

Rich people, in their own interests.

Who enforces decisions?

An organisation in the employ of the state which is controlled by wealthy people.

Name a country that has been successfully run on anarchist principles.

A contradiction of Capitalism is that it relies on socialist interactions at the bottom to function.
By having a lazy aristocracy.

Rich people, in their own interests.

An organisation in the employ of the state which is controlled by wealthy people.

A contradiction of Capitalism is that it relies on socialist interactions at the bottom to function.

Very good.

Now answer the questions actually put.

I'm genuinely interested. I suppose anarchism could work in a small commune, I'm interested in how it would work in a nation of sixty million people.
My answer to this is as follows - This would be done by communities via popular assemblies and workers' councils ie. the commune.

Some notable examples of worker's self organisation would be significant parts of Spain during the Spanish civil war (particularly in rural areas but also urban collectives) and also the Makhnovist areas of Ukraine from 1918-21 (there are other examples of this sort of thing aswell, throughout histroy).

I would recommend reading about it and looking into it for yourself, and it can be very detailed (there are certain books dedicated to this topic) , but here's one summary of such things (from 2003) :

That rather reinforces my view. There is absolutely no way that the needs of a large nation could be met on the basis you propose above.
There is absolutely no way that the needs of a large nation could be met on the basis you propose above.
You need to explain why that is the case, although as danny la rouge pointed out we're talking about federations here, not really nations.

Btw in terms of economics, we're talking about worker's ownership of the means of production and distribution, and also decommodification of the economy (the distribution of things based on need).
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Very good.

Now answer the questions actually put.

I'm genuinely interested. I suppose anarchism could work in a small commune, I'm interested in how it would work in a nation of sixty million people.
It would work in a small community until a bigger community came killed them all and stole their land.
As has happened many times in the past.
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