Working Class First
Id say im highly influenced by Marx's thought and elements of Marxism. For me, the best Marxist organisations are ones aiming for concrete goals based on real lived collective experience... they dont have to call themselves Marxist organisations. And a lot of the actual Marxist ones are at best a drag and at worse well... I think we all know.
I get emails and follow Counterfire but im not a member (basically cos of what I said above).
I agree with your point about the best and most effective groups are those aiming for concrete goals 'based on real lived collective experience', but my general experience over the last period has been a degeneration of that type of work across the board. The retreat from class politics and the rise of identity, Corbyn/Labourism, the culture of online 'activism' and, perhaps, time and the passing of one generation (mine/ours) to a younger one in terms of energy and time have all had an effect. As for Counterfire, I can't say I know too much about them but what I have seen is okay, but I've never thought about joining them.