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Anti-Semitic Incident in Oxford Street

The amount of CCTV in Oxford Street means that they'll soon be feeling the long arm of the law. And maybe these people too:
Some racial slurs about Muslims can also be heard from inside the bus, which had been hired by a group of Jewish people celebrating the eight-day festival. The Met said the incident would be looked at "in its entirety".
Thankfully the BBC have blurred the faces of the perpetrators, so that when the police say "Anyone who recognises the men shown in the video can call police on 101 with the reference 6187/29NOV" it's totally pointless. :facepalm:

That’s what I thought - why not show their faces? All I can tell is that they appear to be late teens and white.
Thankfully the BBC have blurred the faces of the perpetrators, so that when the police say "Anyone who recognises the men shown in the video can call police on 101 with the reference 6187/29NOV" it's totally pointless. :facepalm:

Yeah I was just about to say that. What the fuck are the BBC thinking? These twats need to have their mugs on billboards so they can be identified. I mean ffs. :mad:
look more Middle Eastern than Asian. Isn’t the shoe banging thing a middle eastern insult?

Twitter is - with depressing predictability - full of ‘well this is what you get with immigration’ takes.

Sure the middle east is in asia, everything the far side of Suez anyway. Say Pakistani or whatnot if that's what you mean
the shoe thing is specifically referencing that guy who chucked his shoes at George Bush isn't it, rather than just being some generic weird middle eastern insult?
the shoe thing is specifically referencing that guy who chucked his shoes at George Bush isn't it, rather than just being some generic weird middle eastern insult?
Oh ffs I thought you might have learnt over the past ~20 years that the shoe thing long predates the GB incident. Have you really been paying so little attention? Didn't you see the Iraqis twatting Saddam Hussein's statue with their shoes at the fall of Baghdad? It's long been a great insult in the Arab world
No, but it alters the probable motivation for attacking Jews.
Not sure it alters it that much.

There are clearly different strands or varieties of anti-semitism, but attacking a bus load of people simply for being visibly Jewish, which is what this appears to be, is anti-semitism whether it's specifically fascist in inspiration, or somehow pro-Palestinian/anti-Israel.

Either way it's inexcusable (not suggesting you're seeking to excuse it, but there might be a danger of appearing that way)
look more Middle Eastern than Asian. Isn’t the shoe banging thing a middle eastern insult?

Twitter is - with depressing predictability - full of ‘well this is what you get with immigration’ takes.

Or they could just be British, like I am.
It was v close to Marble Arch/Edgware Road (just the other end of Oxford Street). That is an area usually full of wealthy Arabs and it has started to gain a reputation for unpleasant anti-semitic incidents. To a certain degree, it's the flipside of the cars driving around with flags flying and horns tooting when, say, Egypt wins an important game of football.

Bit more of that sort of thing here:

I fear that we have a major generation of anti-semitism on our hands in the UK. Corbyn was the cover for it to grow and it seems to come from two impulses - (i) the secular left and (ii) Islamic community politics. That second limb is especially concerning - so many of these 2nd gen immigrant kids from Muslim heritage are ferociously anti-semitic.
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