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Anti-paedophile demo - Weymouth

Tell us about your "evidence" that a UK register of convicted sex offenders would lead to no decrease on attacks on children.

Oh wait, you haven't got any.
It was posted earlier. A study from the States showing "Megan's Law" has been worse than useless.

You don't care about that, because, I suspect, you don't actually care about children.
All the evidence shows this. In fact all the evidence shows that a public register would make things worse. All of it. Oh but you don't do evidence do you?

But you haven't got any evidence regarding the UK have you you silly man? You just have some cod statistics from New Jersey. And THAT is IT.
Tell us about Baudrillard Kenny. Come on. You brought him up. Admit it. You only read the cover didn't you?
It was posted earlier. A study from the States showing "Megan's Law" has been worse than useless.

You don't care about that, because, I suspect, you don't actually care about children.

Re-read my point. I want evidence for the UK. Not from a completely different criminal justice environment.

If someone started talking about murder based on US stats they would be laughed at, why is it any different when talking about tackling paedos?
How are people meant to produce British evidence for a policy that Britain has yet to implement? :confused:
I think you are not used to having to reason things through.

Gun ownership in the States results in the high murder rate. But why shouldn't we learn from the failure of Megan's Law?
Why should that be different?
But you haven't got any evidence regarding the UK have you you silly man? You just have some cod statistics from New Jersey. And THAT is IT.

Give your ridiculous Sarah's law a few years Kenny and you will have reams of it. I'm sure you will ignore that too.

You want to dismiss a major report by The State Department of Corrections' Office of Policy and Planning referring to exactly the type of law you wish to implement here. Exactly the type of public disclosure legislation that you wish to bring in to the UK. And it say's very clearly that it does not work. In fact it goes further and says that it makes things worse. This is important. You are blindly running with a piece of legislation that very possibly may become a reality here and you are choosing to ignore the evidence that it makes attacks on children more likely not less. Think about that.

The fact that you choose to ignore that report shows that you are prepared to ignore evidence that doesn't suit your agenda.

Face it, you have been annihilated on this thread. You have made yourself look like a paranoid lunatic. The sad thing is you haven't got the guts to recognise that.
Did you actually read that report? I ask because not reading things is a bit of a habit with you isn't it?
OK, so the guy had a beard, as does Sidney Cooke now.

I hope you decked the bearded bastard! And took his beads. :mad:
I think you are not used to having to reason things through.

Gun ownership in the States results in the high murder rate. But why shouldn't we learn from the failure of Megan's Law?
Why should that be different?

Because of a high murder rate and gun ownership for one.

It is hardly surprising if paedos are more likely to go on the run if their identities are known when they are facing a high murder rate and high gun ownership.

A very different situation statistically from the UK. The risk for a paedo of getting caught by the Police for being on the run would be considerably higher than that of being murdered by a gun toting vigilante.
OK, so the guy had a beard, as does Sidney Cooke now.

I hope you decked the bearded bastard! And took his beads. :mad:

He wasn't wearing beads, just a beard and some shitty coloured clothes.

I was adding a bit of colour to my description, it is you who is making something out of it.
A lack of evidence does not mean that there is evidence against ...
Oh yes it does!

A lack of evidence means a lack of evidence. Either way.

OK, lets start counting ...
1) impaired reasoning
2) irrational suspicions
3) violent punishment fantasies
The risk for a paedo of getting caught by the Police for being on the run would be considerably higher than that of being murdered by a gun toting vigilante.
Vigilantes don't need a gun to indulge in their vigilantism. (Although if they're in the mood, there's always that shifty guy who "knows some squaddies" down the local.) Many exciting pointy objects are on open and legal sale. (Or maybe they'll get medieval on their prey and tool up with crossbows.)
You want to dismiss a major report by The State Department of Corrections' Office of Policy and Planning referring to exactly the type of law you wish to implement here. Exactly the type of public disclosure legislation that you wish to bring in to the UK. And it say's very clearly that it does not work. In fact it goes further and says that it makes things worse. This is important. You are blindly running with a piece of legislation that very possibly may become a reality here and you are choosing to ignore the evidence that it makes attacks on children more likely not less. Think about that.

You are a pompous idiot. You can not transpose a report, major or otherwise from the US to the UK and claim it is evidence of what would occur in the UK.

It relates to a completely different environment.
You are blindly running with a piece of legislation that very possibly may become a reality here and you are choosing to ignore the evidence that it makes attacks on children more likely not less.

5) Sadist by proxy a la Munchausen
Oh yes it does!

A lack of evidence means a lack of evidence. Either way.

OK, lets start counting ...
1) impaired reasoning
2) irrational suspicions
3) violent punishment fantasies

6 Salacious dehumanising language
7) paranoic web trawling
You are a pompous idiot. You can not transpose a report, major or otherwise from the US to the UK and claim it is evidence of what would occur in the UK.

It relates to a completely different environment.
It's like, another planet there maaaaan.
3) violent punishment fantasies
Pk had this down to an art. Any nonce he caught in the act of noncing would be subjected to summary castration, or gouging, as the mood took him. Presumably the unfortunate victim would be dispatched to the authorities first.

Was never explained how he'd catch the nonce in flagrante noncery, or how he'd keep the authorities from finding the nonce while the victim was taken in, but my, such passion!
Anyway, as the circle continues I will let you rest in your lost reliance on US stats sure with the knowledge that a completely reasonable suggestion to allow communities access to a register of paedophiles is shared by the vast majority of the UK and vilified by a few characters on the outer reaches of urban 75.
You are a pompous idiot. You can not transpose a report, major or otherwise from the US to the UK and claim it is evidence of what would occur in the UK.

It relates to a completely different environment.

No you can't transpose it but you can learn lessons from it. Particularly when it is the inspiration for legislation you wish to implement here

. When a piece of legislation that you wish to copy here so clearly fails it would be wise to reconsider that legislation. It would be criminally irresponsible to ignore those lessons because they don't suit your agenda
Pk had this down to an art. Any nonce he caught in the act of noncing would be subjected to summary castration, or gouging, as the mood took him. Presumably the unfortunate victim would be dispatched to the authorities first.

Was never explained how he'd catch the nonce in flagrante noncery, or how he'd keep the authorities from finding the nonce while the victim was taken in, but my, such passion!
For some reason, PK's appallingly violent fantasy life never disturbed me much, although I know it seriously upset many others. I guess it's because he had other interests, and was witty and engaging as well.

This guy seems rather narrow and single minded.
You could at least try things more likely to succeed, like better supervision of abusers post-release, and better psychiatric intervention inside, before you uncorked the Paedo-Finder General.
For some reason, PK's appallingly violent fantasy life never disturbed me much, although I know it seriously upset many others. I guess it's because he had other interests, and was witty and engaging as well.
It had the gory artfulness of Jacobean drama, when he got going.
This guy seems rather narrow and single minded.
Pk would never have gone for anything so tawdry as beards and rainbow weskits, that's for sure.
You could at least try things more likely to succeed, like better supervision of abusers post-release, and better psychiatric intervention inside, before you uncorked the Paedo-Finder General.

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