Child Abuser Registration Regulations 2010
1. All persons over 18 years of age convicted of a crime of a sexual nature concerning persons, or representations of persons, whether in image, sound or literary form, apparently under the age of 18 shall be designated as registered child abusers.
2. Registered child abusers shall be photographed and their photos placed in a register of child abusers which will be made available to the public for viewing at no charge at the offices of the registered child abuser's Local Authority. A copy of the register shall be kept by the Local Authority in a searchable internet accessible electronic form accessible to the public for no charge.
3.The required details to be placed in the register are to be;
i. The registered child abuser's full photograph, face photograph and side photograph.
ii. The registered permanent address of the registered child abuser and any other place he may reside.
iii. Description and registration numbers of any vehicles that the registered child abuser has any financial interest in.
iv. Offences for which the registered child abuser has been convicted.
4.The registered child abuser shall, at his own expense, have his photographs as required in section 3. i) taken at yearly intervals from the time of conviction.
5. The registered child abuser shall stay between the hours of 11pm and 6 a.m at no place other than the registered permanent address without notifying the register and the register being updated accordingly.
6. The registered child abuser shall drive no car other than one registered under section 3 iii. This expressly excludes hire cars and company cars. There shall be no more than three cars registered at any one time.
7. To ease identification registered child abusers shall be restricted to facial hairgrowth of no more than 2mm in length and no other head hair shall be allowed to grow beyond 10mm in length.
8. It shall be an offence to commit a breach of, or be a party to any breach of, sections 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, or 7.
9. It shall be an offence to knowingly or unknowingly, provide shelter, food or sustinance to any person who is in breach of section 8.
10. It shall be a defence to an offence under section 9 to show that all reasonable precautions and due diligence have been taken to avoid the commissioning of an offence.
11. Where a person has committed an offence under section 8 he may on summary conviction be liable for a £20,000 fine and six months imprisonment for each offence.On indictment he may be liable for a fine and imprisonment as seen fit.
12. Where a person, including the officers of a company, has committed an offence under section 9, he may on summary conviction be liable for a £20,000 fine and six months imprisonment for each offence.On indictment he may be liable for a fine and imprisonment as determined.
13. In addition to the penalties outlined in section 11 a person convicted of an offence under section 8 shall be liable to forfeiture of all properties, whether financial, movable or immovable as to be determined by the Court.
14. Section 2 of the Suicide Act 1961 shall be abrogated where the suicide concerns a registered sex offender.
15. The Local Authority may, as it sees fit, place conditions on the registered child abuser's admittance to the register. In the event that the conditions are breached, the registered child abuser shall be in breach of section 8.
16. No conditions shall be in place which are in breach of obligations under the Human Rights Act 1998.