If anything it's more the other way around.
The Israel lobby is the whole point. Yes, Israel needs US military support & will get it because of that lobby. The US doesn't issue orders to Israel.Pft please. Take this shit off to the conspiracy bunker. It's not Israel that funds and subsidises the US military. It's not America who need Israeli military support and sponsorship to protect the viability of their state. Forget the Israeli Lobby for just a second and look at the geopolitics, who needs who in this relationship the most?
The Israel lobby is the whole point. Yes, Israel needs US military support & will get it because of that lobby. The US doesn't issue orders to Israel.
This idea that Israel is America's military outpost in the ME isn't true. The Israel lobby idea isn't antisemitism at all. It's a political fact of life in the US. What has Israel done for the US lately, or ever? Some intelligence sharing & counter insurgency training/advice for Iraq & Afghan is all I can think of. In both conflicts with Iraq, did the US base it's bombers in Israel? No, in Diego Garcia & on carriers. The US doesn't need Israel. It's a pain in the ass.No this is fundamentally misunderstanding the whole relationship. Israel requires absolute US backing to remain a viable state. It needs investment and capital from western countries to keep the economy strong, it needs the US Navy based on Doha to keep it's commercial shipping lanes open, and it needs a whole host of other things politically and economically that it can get best from the USA. It's a totally dependent relationship. Sure the US needs to have strong military allies in the middle east to control access to oil resources, but it doesn't need Israel to survive as a nation. See the difference? The strength of the Israeli Lobby* is peripheral to this regional power politics, not to say that it has no impact at all, but it's not what determines the relationship. If anything the Israeli Lobby is a product of these regional power strcuctres, not it's architect.
*I wish John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt hadn't legitimised this phrase to such an extent, it crops up all over the place and becomes a term to express "Zionists runs the US govt" which is an old anti-semitic trope (ZOG) that's been dug up many times by the far-right, both in the USA and elsewhere, over the years. I suggest TomUS should get this notion of the Israel dominating American foreign policy out of his head, because it's not only factually wrong but it's uncomfortably close to some crude anti-semitism.
This idea that Israel is America's military outpost in the ME isn't true.
The Israel lobby idea isn't antisemitism at all. It's a political fact of life in the US.
What has Israel done for the US lately, or ever? Some intelligence sharing & counter insurgency training/advice for Iraq & Afghan is all I can think of. In both conflicts with Iraq, did the US base it's bombers in Israel? No, in Diego Garcia & on carriers. The US doesn't need Israel. It's a pain in the ass.
The idea is that Russians have moved there and the country has become increasingly militant and racist (no hint of irony in such a statement is given). Very dark.
It's not shady at all. It's out in the open for all to see. It's American Jews who naturally feel a strong kinship with Israel plus the Christian right plus Americans who have been fed pro Israel propaganda. This Israel lobby does cause the US to act against the interests of the great majority of it's people. This overrides the who needs who point. I can't think of a single American politician in national office or main stream liberal media personality who criticize Israel. They dare not, even though it's obvious that America's blind support for Israel results in hostility from most of the Muslim world.a shady Zionist lobby group that's so powerful it can actually force the US to act against it's own geopolitical interests.
An Israel dependent on the US doesn't prevent this. The US has bases all over the ME. If Israel vanished tomorrow, US access to ME oil would remain unchanged.a real "pain in the ass" would be - China and Russia having control over all the access to oil resources in the middle-east, and there being a rival network of client states dependent on China and Russia to enforce this control.
It's not shady at all. It's out in the open for all to see. It's American Jews who naturally feel a strong kinship with Israel plus the Christian right plus Americans who have been fed pro Israel propaganda. This Israel lobby does cause the US to act against the interests of the great majority of it's people. This overrides the who needs who point. I can't think of a single American politician in national office or main stream liberal media personality who criticize Israel. They dare not, even though it's obvious that America's blind support for Israel results in hostility from most of the Muslim world.
An Israel dependent on the US doesn't prevent this. The US has bases all over the ME. If Israel vanished tomorrow, US access to ME oil would remain unchanged.
So in this thread TomUS shows himself to be void of any innate understanding of the US/Israel relationship (clue: master, subordinate, respectively), and we are schooled on geo-politics by another poster. Called Poo Flakes.
On the plus side Delroy is talking sense.
It's not shady at all. It's out in the open for all to see. It's American Jews who naturally feel a strong kinship with Israel plus the Christian right plus Americans who have been fed pro Israel propaganda. This Israel lobby does cause the US to act against the interests of the great majority of it's people. This overrides the who needs who point. I can't think of a single American politician in national office or main stream liberal media personality who criticize Israel. They dare not, even though it's obvious that America's blind support for Israel results in hostility from most of the Muslim world.
An Israel dependent on the US doesn't prevent this. The US has bases all over the ME. If Israel vanished tomorrow, US access to ME oil would remain unchanged.
I suppose that sort of soft anti-semitism is a nice way to excuse the actions of your nations imperialist behaviour. I can see why a lot of this Israel Lobby stuff appeals to certain Americans eager to say "oh it's not us, we're just benigns, it's the Zionists fault" to let them off the hook. It's pitiful.
This is such bullshit it's not worthy of responding too. Nothing overrides the who needs who point. Stop wasting my time, i'm trying to teach you something and you're getting it all wrong. If you think the Jewish diaspora and even the Christian Right (which, incidentally, until very recently was anti-semitic by default and that's not entirely gone away) have enough electoral clout to be able to change the cold hard realities of international politics then you're barking mad. Rabid foaming at the mouth crazy. And listen it's not just me coming out with this there's others on the thread trying to make the same point. You'd do well to heed the advice and re-consider your position.
No again you're just plain wrong here. Israel has been the dominant miltiary force in the region for decades now. It's the only military power in the Middle-east with nuclear weapons. It's the only country there that can fight total war accross the full spectrum with high-tech military equipment on a par with the US, albeit on a much more limited basis. It is considered in IR circles as an extension of American military power, and it's armed accordingly. If that nation switched allegiences to Russia or China and became as loyal to them as it is to the US, which btw was a realistic proposition in the early part of the Cold War (where was the Israel Lobby then??) it would be a devastating blow to US power in the region.
Another point here you're missing, and it's your fault for not reading and not paying attention to the exact words, it's not about access to oil. I've never said access to oil either. It's about controlling access to oil. That word makes a lot of difference - let me explain why.
America could access oil with or without Israel and it's military bases, just on the basis they're the biggest oil customer in the world. America's oil needs can be met without the need for a network of client states and military bases costing them billions to maintain and that piss off millions of people in the countries they're in. That's not what this is about, at all. It's about controlling access to oil, it's about having your military allies in the region so that if need be you can prevent other countries accessing oil if they step out of line. It's about being able to enforce sanctions on rival imperial nations if need be, and prevent such things happening to you. It's about making sure you're allies are the strongest in the region compared to your rivals. That's what's at stake here. Hence US support for Israel. That's the big prize. Second prize was Egypt, largest Arab country, suez canal, etc. That's why it was such a big deal when Nasser turned them towards Russia, and why it was considered such a victory when Mubarak became an American client, and why it's scaring the shit out of the yanks now he's gone. 3rd prize is Saudi Arabia, where the oil is, home of Mecca and Medina, which has been an American client since 1945. Even earlier. See how this works? It's not just about "Amerikkka needs it's oil for their 4 miles per gallon SUV's" it's about imperial chess-playing geo-politics and that's the bottom line.
This doesn't mean the Israel Lobby has no influence on these events, this doesn't mean that it can't exert some pressure on how the US acts, but it's not the dominant partner in the relationship.
I wouldn't bother, it's like trying to teach algebra to a duck. Besides at a certain point the guy just stops quaking and waddles off to return next season and start all over again.
Called Poo Flakes.
Hmmm... what is your problem with the name Poo Flakes? I am genuinely intrigued.
Hmmm... what is your problem with the name Poo Flakes? I am genuinely intrigued.
Not yet. Barak hasn't given the order.According to this the S-300 missiles from Russia have been delivered and, surprise surprise, the Israeli's didn't bomb them.
Not yet. Barak hasn't given the order.
It's kinda vile, unfunny, childish, and irritates me every time I see it
I thought he retired in March.
Get a life.
Hewson said he expected the Russians to supply military advisers who would work closely with their Syrian counterparts and train them how to use the system: "There is a big danger that if you blow the SA-300 up you will kill a lot of Russians. I don't think the Israelis want to do that. This is Russia operating at a big international level and saying: 'Assad is still our guy and we stand beside him.'"
The S-300s are similar to the US Patriot surface-to-air missile system. Last December Nato authorised the deployment of Patriots in Turkey to protect the country from missiles fired by Syrian government forces. Unlike the Patriots, however, the S-300s have not been tested in combat situations. Nonetheless, Hewson said they were a serious military threat. "If you are someone who wants to roam around Syrian airspace with impunity this makes it harder for you," he said.
Ok, Poo Flakes!