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And next, Syria?

What is even the remotest relevance ? Remotely ?

Mate, I don't know why you bother. Better to just leave em to it than allow the childs life to be demeaned further by becoming yet another football in this awful thread. Leave em to their internet kabuki and twitterganda, it doesn't help the Syrian people in any way does it, gaggle of safe cosy Westerners blathering away on tinternet over their prefered narrative...
Mate, I don't know why you bother. Better to just leave em to it than allow the childs life to be demeaned further by becoming yet another football in this awful thread. Leave em to their internet kabuki and twitterganda, it doesn't help the Syrian people in any way does it, gaggle of safe cosy Westerners blathering away on tinternet over their prefered narrative...

As is often the case, your absolutely right .
No I didn't. I said the kid decomposed after being shot dead by government forces during a chaotic demonstration we're police and troops were also fired upon by rebels . Decomposed to the point of disintegration , which is what happens to dead bodies in hot climates when they aren't refrigerated. Extremities fall off very frequently and very quickly .I also pointed out President Assad personally met the child's parents .
You haven't remotely ..not remotely ...attested to how any of that is a lie . Despite being asked to . And the reason I'm not even going to bother tapping my watch is I'm not even remotely interested in your reply .

A lie. You said he was killed during an armed attack on an army compound. And the lie you're peddling about how he came to be missing his genitals and covered in burn marks consistent with torture by electricity as well as being covered cigarette burns, smashed knee caps and jaws is accepted by no one. Maybe the regime was firing lit fags at him as this armed child attacked their well defended military compound.
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The many other examples as well of non dead torture victims with remarkably similar injuries - just spontaneous decomposition that takes place whilst in regime custody or missing.
Mate, I don't know why you bother. Better to just leave em to it than allow the childs life to be demeaned further by becoming yet another football in this awful thread. Leave em to their internet kabuki and twitterganda, it doesn't help the Syrian people in any way does it, gaggle of safe cosy Westerners blathering away on tinternet over their prefered narrative...

Why stick up for him with that blatant crap?
And it looks like the famously anti terrorist French (military) have bombed a camp for internally displaced people killing 120 at least of them.
That may be the case. But there's still not enough barrels in the world to drop on these grinning scum .



No gore or anything like that but don't look at it if it's likely to upset you . That kids well under 13 . It's not me who's misrepresenting anything .
Your ability to recognise the age of a seriously malnourished child, someone almost starved to death thanks to the regime you cheerlead for, is...let's be generous...rather disputable.
Your ability to recognise the age of a seriously malnourished child, someone almost starved to death thanks to the regime you cheerlead for, is...let's be generous...rather disputable.

So assads starving his own supporters to death now .

So up until a few weeks ago this starving teenager was an opponent of Assad . But he just looks 9 because Assad starved him until he supported him . :facepalm:

The kids a Palestinian. The big ,fat , beefy , healthy , evidently non starving FSA scum slapping him around for the camera drove the Palestinians out of their refugee camp in Handarat years ago . The Palestinian militias have been trying to retake it ever since . Assad has definitely not been starving his long time allies, that kids tiny because he's no more than 9 or ten . And you are yet another one on here taking the complete piss . Arguing angels on the head of a pin in defence of the scum of the earth .
Stick your watch up your jaxie . There's not enough barrels in the world to drop on those bastards .

Barrel bombs aren't exactly precision weapons, especially when you're throwing them around civilian areas. The beardies are removing heads and mutilating people, but so is the Assad regime. They're just using methods that aren't up close and personal.

I don't see any good guys in this fight except maybe, possibly, the Kurds, and even then I've heard things. :hmm: It's the poor sods caught in the middle who I think deserve the most support.

Can't remember any specifics, something about taking revenge on other groups? Don't know if that was officially condoned or just some rankers being wankers.

In fact sod using my increasingly unreliable memory, Google to the rescue: Amnesty International accuses Kurdish YPG of war crimes

Not good if the accusations are true, but I will admit that such accusations have been remarkably thin on the ground considering how brutal this civil war has been.
No I didn't. I said the kid decomposed after being shot dead by government forces during a chaotic demonstration we're police and troops were also fired upon by rebels . Decomposed to the point of disintegration , which is what happens to dead bodies in hot climates when they aren't refrigerated. Extremities fall off very frequently and very quickly .I also pointed out President Assad personally met the child's parents .
You haven't remotely ..not remotely ...attested to how any of that is a lie . Despite being asked to . And the reason I'm not even going to bother tapping my watch is I'm not even remotely interested in your reply ..

This is all bullshit, the torture of the kid including removal of genitals and fingernails is well documented. To claim it was due to decomposition as you have done before is sick but unsurprising.
The Syrian army's Tiger forces and Republican guard have now officially linked up in Allepo after routing the head choppers from their redoubt at Bani Zaid . That's Aleppo firmly encircled now. Head choppers are done for there . They also killed the bloke in charge of cutting that Palestinian kids head off. Military commander of a " moderate " western backed group .
Theyve set up 3 humanitarian corridors for civilians to leave and a 4th safe corridor for deserting rebels .
That's definitely the beginning of the end for them now . Syrians biggest city on the verge of being liberated . Jihadis fleeing in droves . Many handing themselves in for amnesty . Their backers must be sick tonight .
I'd expect a massive bombardment and offensive there now as soon as those civilians are evacuated . It'll be hell on earth for any jihadis stupid enough to stay put . No reinforcements, no resupply . Surrounded on all sides . Done for .

Absolutely fantastic news and a lot of those hotly contested areas taken far quicker than anyone expected .
The Kurdish ypg and the Syrian Army posing together after todays successful rout of the western backed Nour Al Zinki head choppers from Aleppos Bani Zaid district. They collapsed totally .

Syrian jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra splits from al-Qaeda

In the first known video statement ever to show his face, the leader of the Nusra Front, Mohamad al-Golani, announced that the group would re-form under a new name, with “no ties with any foreign party”.

The move was being made “to remove the excuse used by the international community — spearheaded by America and Russia — to bombard and displace Muslims in the Levant: that they are targeting the Nusra Front which is associated with al Qaeda,” he said. The group would now be called Jabhat Fatah al-Sham.
Syrian jihadist group Jabhat al-Nusra splits from al-Qaeda

In the first known video statement ever to show his face, the leader of the Nusra Front, Mohamad al-Golani, announced that the group would re-form under a new name, with “no ties with any foreign party”.

The move was being made “to remove the excuse used by the international community — spearheaded by America and Russia — to bombard and displace Muslims in the Levant: that they are targeting the Nusra Front which is associated with al Qaeda,” he said. The group would now be called Jabhat Fatah al-Sham.

"We're nothing to do with Al Qaeda ... honest guv!"
Anyone who believes this bullshit is as gullible as they come.
i dunno tbh, this move to a more nationalist emphasis could potentially have the effect of making a few of the more ideological jihadist nutcases leave the organisation, even if it's largely cosmetic
The revolution died. There will only be savagery now.

Savagery now? I think there's been plenty of savagery already.

The problem with your 'revolution' is that it was largely an Islamist hijacked revolution. There was never any prospect of some sort of western style democracy loving regime arising from an overthrow of Assad.

It is to the great credit of Assad and his Russian / Iranian sponsors that the West has been saved from its natural inclination to create another Iraq/Libya.
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