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And next, Syria?

Bound to be . You should address that to their supporters though.






Yes there's a war on. It'll require a victory to end it. And what happens afterwards is the future . These are pretty normal concepts .

Good point Casually Red.

Diplomacy has been tried without much success due to the inability of the US and Russia to agree meaningful operational norms and a common definition of the enemy.

Wars tend to continue when diplomacy fails.
Good point Casually Red.

Diplomacy has been tried without much success due to the inability of the US and Russia to agree meaningful operational norms and a common definition of the enemy.

Wars tend to continue when diplomacy fails.

That diplomacy was deliberately scuppered by Mrs Clinton repeatedly going for the military win . And the rebel coalition launching this massive offensive consists of a conglomeration of openly terrorist groups and those vetted by the US as weapons recipients . Working hand in glove as they've always done.
It's impossible to target the al Qaeda groups and not target the vetted ones, because they're all mixed up together . Yanks keep crying about their guys getting bombed despite them sitting in the same trench as al Qaeda . And even if they didn't want to work with them they've little choice as the jihadis run the show and call the shots on the ground. They'd just take their shiny American toys off them if they didn't comply.
But still the yanks persist with that strategy . Prolonging the agony as much as they can .
Hopefully this offensive gets turned over. That'll be the beginning of the end. Crucial to do it as soon as possible before Clinton and the crazy gang get into power . Theyll create an infinitely bigger disaster here than what's gone before.
They usually do a little dance where the US gives a shit load of weapons to their "approved" terrorists. The latter then get captured by ISIS or Al Qaeda, who take the weapons. That way the US can say they aren't arming ISIS or Al Qaeda, but only "Syrian freedom fighters", or whatever the fuck they call them. But in reality the effect is that they're arming ISIS and Al Qaeda.
They usually do a little dance where the US gives a shit load of weapons to their "approved" terrorists. The latter then get captured by ISIS or Al Qaeda, who take the weapons. That way the US can say they aren't arming ISIS or Al Qaeda, but only "Syrian freedom fighters", or whatever the fuck they call them. But in reality the effect is that they're arming ISIS and Al Qaeda.

They dont even need to capture them . The US gives them to a bunch of punters who sit in the same trench as them. That means Al Qaeda get the benefit of the weapons without even having to physically touch them. That's what permits them to take districts over . They only take the weapons from a group if they ont do what they're told.

What the yanks want is to take this even further and effectively turn the guys they arm into shields . To not have the Russians bombing al Qaeda either because their guys will get hurt. They're all part of the same shitstain.
If the US govt want Assad gone then surely its only a matter of time? Or they will drag the world down trying. No matter the justice of it they've shown they don't care about what happens elsewhere to people's interests. They've fucked up Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and the wider region. Alls they need is a fig leaf of a pretext to assert their interests.

Don't see how there could be an 'infinitely bigger' disaster when its a fucking massive disaster anyway. Unless Assad is not prepared to go and Russia is committed to backing him up. Is it not beyond doubt he has broken international laws? What a world.
It would be an infinitely bigger disaster if the government fell. The vast majority of Syrian civilians live in government controlled areas . If these lunatics gained power and ran amok there the death toll would be unimaginable . And then the circus would move to Lebanon .
And with both Syria and hezbollah out of the way the big target would be on Iran . A country Clinton herself has vowed to obliterate . As in literally wipe off the face of the earth .

So yeah, this can get way worse . A hell of a lot worse . And that's without even considering her trying to face the Russians down . Which she will try.
Bound to be . You should address that to their supporters though.
Whilst blithely ignoring the barrel bombs the repeated attacks on hospitals etc etc. Something that can only happen with air power which only one side has. You are completely full of shit.
It would be an infinitely bigger disaster if the government fell. The vast majority of Syrian civilians live in government controlled areas . If these lunatics gained power and ran amok there the death toll would be unimaginable . And then the circus would move to Lebanon .
And with both Syria and hezbollah out of the way the big target would be on Iran . A country Clinton herself has vowed to obliterate . As in literally wipe off the face of the earth .

So yeah, this can get way worse . A hell of a lot worse . And that's without even considering her trying to face the Russians down . Which she will try.
Looks like the siege is already about to be broken by rebels in south Aleppo - leaving the regime and pro-regime shia jihadis, mercenaries, foreign forces and poor conscripts themselves now under siege in western Aleppo with their supply lines from the south being cut off. That's going by the progress thy made last night and the speed of retreat of the above, and the promise of the real full push only taking place today. This was a long planned offensive involving very experienced rebels and commanders from all over.

I expect the russian air-force to step up their attempts to Groznify the city as a result.
Whilst blithely ignoring the barrel bombs the repeated attacks on hospitals etc etc. Something that can only happen with air power which only one side has. You are completely full of shit.

It's yourself that's full of shit. The twats you support have attacked hospitals and schools with rockets, artillery, mortars, napalm and even suicide bombers. Only today they massacred a bunch of students sitting their exams in a university after firing rocket artillery into it .

Tweet that motherfecker
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For what exactly ? I made series of points there
A source for this.....
And with both Syria and hezbollah out of the way the big target would be on Iran . A country Clinton herself has vowed to obliterate . As in literally wipe off the face of the earth .
But in her convention speech she said "I'm proud that we put a lid on Iran's nuclear program without firing a single shot," That doesn't sound like she want's to obliterate Iran. I've never heard her say that. If you have sources that say otherwise, I'd like to see them.
It's yourself that's full of shit. The twats you support have attacked hospitals and schools with rockets, artillery, mortars, napalm and even suicide bombers. Only today they massacred a bunch of students sitting their exams in a university after firing rocket artillery into it .

Tweet that motherfecker
Please supply some evidence that I support 'twats'. Please also supply evidence that they massacred a bunch of students k tnx
Sources for Statements that she wants to "obliterate" Iran and is going to "face down the Russians".
No RT ramblings please.

Rt doesn't ramble any more than the rotten lying BBC or Guardian. Or the vast bulk of the western media for that matter . In fact it's nowhere near as bad. Please spare me your sniffy Anglo Saxon Russophobia thanks. Your no superior to anyone else in that regard .

Hilary Clinton’s Israel, Iran, Iraq & Libya Record Indicates She’s A Proven Warmonger

And look at her words carefully. She's saying that she would obliterate Iran if it even "considered " attacking Israel. Remember it will be her camp that will be doing the deciding as regards whether Iran was considering attacking Israel with a nuke or not. Its not something Iran would be taking an advertisement to tell people . A decision that would be made on the usual secret evidence and all the rest . The very same people who decided Saddam Hussein was an imminent threat, that gadaffi was issuing Viagra to his troops etc.the people who would form the basis for that decision as regards what Iran might be considering are essentially PNAC and Benjamin Netanyahu . And she's also a firm believer in not having to seek congressional approval for war .

On facing down Russia

Hillary Clinton’s Likely Pentagon Chief Already Advocating for More Bombing and Intervention

Hillary Clinton’s hawkish position on Russia troubling to right and left

" safe zones " no fly, no bomb, no attack zones on Syrian territory. Rebel safe havens enforced by US firepower. That's what she means by that. Forcing the bully Russia to withdraw from Syria by standing up to Russia...facing it down . That's what she means by that. She will drastically escalate that conflict under the usual fake neo liberal guise of humanitarian interventionism. She will engage in a military stand off with Russia in order to force it to withdraw. She's going for military escalation and military brinksmanship . While effectively partially invading Syria. Armed regime change while facing Russia down

And then Iran once that's done. However well probably all have been obliterated before it goes that ar .
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Rt doesn't ramble any more than the rotten lying BBC or Guardian. Or the vast bulk of the western media for that matter . In fact it's nowhere near as bad. Please spare me your sniffy Anglo Saxon Russophobia thanks. Your no superior to anyone else in that regard .

Hilary Clinton’s Israel, Iran, Iraq & Libya Record Indicates She’s A Proven Warmonger

And look at her words carefully. She's saying that she would obliterate Iran if it even "considered " attacking

She's clearly saying the US would attack Iran in response to an Iran nuke attack on Israel.
She's clearly saying the US would attack Iran in response to an Iran nuke attack on Israel.

No she's fucking not ....she's saying she would obliterate Iran if it even considered launching a nuclear attack on Israel . At no matter what stage of development its ...non existent, fictitious, completely fabricated..nuclear weapons programme is. What she's saying clearly is she'll obliterate Iran the minute it merely arrives at a decision to attack Israel in the future with a nuclear weapon.

Did you stick 2 carrots in your ears before listening to that so you wouldn't have to listen to the actual words ? She's talking about a pre emptive strike...based solely upon a supposition. And a false supposition at that . Which is basically netanyahus line. And basically a rehash of the fakery that went into the decision to attack Iraq .
Iran neither possesses nukes or a nuclear weapons programme either. And she's well aware of that . It's the same shit all over again. With the very same people who were behind bush now behind her.
casually red , I view that simply as political hyperbole to garner votes from the American right. The reality and the tough gal talk heard on the video would be two entirely different scenarios.
It's also very unlikely that Iran or anyone else for that matter would be insane enough to lob over any nuclear missiles Tel Avis's way,give them some semblance of credit.
casually red , I view that simply as political hyperbole to garner votes from the American right. The reality and the tough gal talk heard on the video would be two entirely different scenarios.
It's also very unlikely that Iran or anyone else for that matter would be insane enough to lob over any nuclear missiles Tel Avis's way,give them some semblance of credit.

It's the same hyperbole that saw Iraq and Libya destroyed and other states mercilessly bombed at her personal urging . Her record of war mongering is clear for all to see. And the people she's packing her staff with are of exactly the same neo liberal hawkish bent who've outlined their identical future policies very clearly . Furthermore there's little appetite for it on the American right anymore. Even before trump they mostly opposed bombing Syria. It's not a vote winner with them . Which is why trumps completely opposite message saw him obliterate the GOP leadership .
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Casually Red I see you've gone into broken record mode over Hillary on a thread not exactly related to her. Again. Believe it or not I imagine quite a few people including myself don't envy Americans their choices this time round - I am one of them. This is however supposed to be a thread about Syria, you know like the thread with Donald Trump in the title is supposed to be about, Donald Trump. So please provide the evidence I asked for, there's a good chap.

Please supply some evidence that I support 'twats'. Please also supply evidence that they massacred a bunch of students k tnx
The rebel offensive to break the Aleppo siege continued yesterday - one of the biggest of the whole civil war - and continued to make steady progress. They imposed a media blackout last night which is still in effect for the rebels - plenty of unconfirmed back and forth claims from supporters of all sides, but the latest one doing the rounds from pro-gov sources has the offensive a few hundred metres from achieving its aims. Massively unconfirmed i must stress. Must wait until the blackout is lifted.
Can't help wondering how they're supplying this offensive, considering Turkey is preoccupied right now and the Turkish general in charge of facilitating efforts in Syria was arrested in relation to the coup iirc. Perhaps they just have a huge amount of stockpiles.
London based Syrian opposition spokesman Mousa Al Omar expressed disappointment yesterday on his twitter feed that one of the female passengers on the downed Russian heli never survived as it deprived the rebels of the opportunity of raping her .

Stay classy Omar .

Profile of this serial bullshitter here? I'm sure quite a few in london have been lapping his spoofing up since this began .

Moussa al-Omar - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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Can't help wondering how they're supplying this offensive, considering Turkey is preoccupied right now and the Turkish general in charge of facilitating efforts in Syria was arrested in relation to the coup iirc. Perhaps they just have a huge amount of stockpiles.

It's most likely been stockpiled in Idlib . This offensive was most likely planned before the coup in Turkey . This gives you an idea regards just a fraction of the gear that's been shipped to them.

Revealed: the £1bn of weapons flowing from Europe to Middle East

That doesn't include for example the American arms shipments, or the French . Videos of the jihadists in action yesterday clearly showed them using Browning 50 calibers, SAW machine guns and of course the ever present TOW missiles . All US manufactured and supplied . Add to that all the stuff the yanks shipped to them from Gadaffis Arsenal for example . And the soviet surplus the yanks have been buying for them across eastern Europe . On top of that both Turkish and even Israeli equipment has popped up in the jihadi inventory captured by the SAA .This proxy army has been fed to bursting point by its western and gulf sponsors .

Also worth bearing in mind this assaulting jihadi force is estimated to be 4x the size of the one that poured across the Turkish border and seized Idlib and Jisr al shugour . This is literally the jihadist kitchen sink being heaved at Aleppo .

Amusing to see anarchists cheering these fucks on . Hilarious . Especially bearing in mind their heroes would chop their heads off if they ever laid hands on them .
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