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And next, Syria?

Casually Red I see you've gone into broken record mode over Hillary on a thread not exactly related to her. Again. Believe it or not I imagine quite a few people including myself don't envy Americans their choices this time round - I am one of them. This is however supposed to be a thread about Syria, you know like the thread with Donald Trump in the title is supposed to be about, Donald Trump. So please provide the evidence I asked for, there's a good chap.

It's about her current actions and plans for Syria. In response to posters who demanded sources . It's also ...need I remind you yet again.. not your thread Or your forum so fuck off . And take your prissy little admonishments and lectures with you .
Amusing to see anarchists cheering these fucks on . Hilarious . Especially bearing in mind their heroes would chop their heads off if they ever laid hands on them .

Not hilarious, deeply sad and concerning. A grim indication of which way we're headed. What are you're thoughts on the below from MoA:

The Larger Context Of The Jihadi Attack On Aleppo
Al-Qaeda in Syria and associated forces are currently driving a large scale attack from the south-west into Aleppo city. Their aim is to create a new corridor between the Idleb/Aleppo rural areas they occupy and the besieged al-Qaeda controlled areas in east-Aleppo. Between 5,000 and 10,000 al-Qaeda fighters, using U.S. supplied equipment, are taking part in the battle. Formally some of the fighters are "moderates" but in reality all this groups are by now committed to implement Sharia law and to thereby suppress all minorities. They made some initial progress against government forces but are under fierce attack from the Syrian and Russian air forces.

The Russian General Staff has warned since April that al-Qaeda in Syria (aka Jabhat al-Nusra aka Fateh al Sham) and the various attached Jihadi groups were planing a large scale attack on Aleppo. An al-Qaeda commander confirmed such long term planning in a pep-talk to his fighters before the current attack.

This shines a new light on the protracted talks Secretary of State Kerry has had for month with his Russian colleague. The U.S. tried to exempt al-Qaeda from Russian and Syrian attacks even as UN Security Council Resolutions demanded that al-Qaeda and ISIS areas be eradicated. Then the U.S. tried to make an "offer" to Russia to collectively fight al-Qaeda should Russia put its own and Syrian forces under U.S. control. We called this offer deceptive nonsense. All this, it now seems, was delaying talk to allow al-Qaeda to prepare for the now launched attack.

Another step in the delaying, though a failed one, was the re-branding of Jabhat al-Nusra as Fateh al-Sham. Some "western" media called that a split from al-Qaeda but in reality is was a merging of al-Qaeda central and Nusra/al-Qaeda in Syria under a disguising new label. Al-Qaeda's Qatari sponsors had demanded the re-branding so al-Qaeda in Syria could publicly be sold to "western" governments and their public as "moderate rebels". But the sham failed. It was too obvious a fake to be taken seriously. The "western" support for al-Qaeda will have to continue secretly and in limited form.

The current attack on Aleppo is serious. The Syrian army lacks ground forces. Significant professional ground forces from Iran were promised but never arrived. Iran was still dreaming of an accord with the U.S. and therefore holding back on its engagement in Syria. The Afghan farmer battalions Iran recruited are not an alternative for professional troops. Defending against an enemy that is using lots of suicide vehicle bombs to breach fortifications and death-seeking Jihadis to storm field positions is difficult. It demands diligent preparation excellent command and control.

If this attack can be defeated the huge losses al-Qaeda will have to take might end its open military style war. If al-Qaeda succeeds with the attack the Syrian army will need very significant additional ground forces to regain the initiative.

But no matter how that battle goes strategically the U.S. is sniffing defeat in its regime change endeavor. It is now proposing to split Syria. Syria and all its neighbors are against this. It will, in the end, not happen, but the damage Washington will create until it acknowledges that fact could be serious. Russia can and should prevent such U.S. attempts of large scale social engineering.

Russia on the other side has now to decide if it wants to escalate enough to create more than the current stalemate. Over time a stalemate becomes expansive and it may, at any time, suddenly turn into defeat. The U.S. negotiation positions so far were obviously not serious. The U.S. delayed to allow for further large attacks on the Syrian government. The alternative for Russia is to either leave Syria completely or to escalate enough to decisively defeat the Jihadis. That is not an easy decision.

Today some Jihadis shot down another Russian helicopter over Syria. The bloody body of the dead pilot was dragged through the mud by some local nuts and the video thereof proudly presented. If the Russian government needs some public pretext to go back into Syria it now has it. Also today the Islamic State threatened to attack Russia within its border. Another good reason to return to Syria in force. Of note is that Russia is already extremely pissed over the unreasonable hostile climate towards it in Washington DC. It will have consequences.

The Iranian Supreme Leader Khamenei today acknowledged that the nuclear agreement with the U.S. is a failure. The U.S. did not deliver on its end. Iranian money is still blocked in U.S. controlled accounts and no international bank wants to do business with Iran because the U.S. is threatening to penalize them. The conclusion, Khamenei says, is that no deal with U.S. over any local issue in the Middle East is possible and that all negotiations with it are a waste of time. This new public position may finally free the limits the Rouhani government of Iran had put on Iranian deployments to Syria. Why bother with any self-limitation if the U.S. wont honor it?

How the situation in Syria will develop from here on depends to a large part on Turkey. Turkey is changing its foreign policy and turning towards Russia, Iran and China. But how far that turn away from the "west" will go and if it will also include a complete turnaround on Syria is not yet clear. Should Turkey really block its borders and all supplies to the Jihadis, the war on Syria could be over within a year or two. Should (secret) supplies continue, the war may continue for many more years. In both cases more allied troops and support for the Syrian government would significantly cut the time (and damage) the war will still take. That alone would be well worth additional efforts by Syria's allies.

Will Tehran and Moscow agree with that conclusion?

Moon of Alabama
All this fucking about on the US side ..supplying the jihadists with weapons, demanding Syria and Russia refrain from bombing Al Qaeda , leading Iran down the garden path...all of that emanates directly from Clinton at source .
I pretty much agree with every line there . Those animals desecrating the Russian bodies couldn't have timed it worse. Russia will most likely escalate their attacks and overall investment even further after those scenes .
It's plainly been a waste of time talking peace with the yanks. They've been scuppering peace from the very beginning while pouring petrol on the fire in the form of armaments and threats . They shafted Putin by extending the olive branch and securing a ceasefire. All it amounted to was allowing the rebels to resupply , regroup and refocus . While stalling Irans intervention . The whole thing was just about stalling and allowing the jihadists to lick their wounds and get ready again after the Syrian army rolled over them .
Hopefully putins wised up after this and just goes with the kitchen sink . Fuck them . plainly Obama has been pandering to Clinton as the price for keeping her and her neo con cohorts in his camp. He doesn't want the responsibility of Syria falling during his presidency, Libya was enough . So what he's done is ensure the conflict remains stalemated, ensured the jihadists retain their positions, arsenals and momentum on the basis he'll be handing the whole shebang over to Clinton later on. And she can take it from there . She's the one who'll really go for it . It's very deliberate and very cynical from an arsehole of a man with no convictions . Just a desire for power and too see out his presidential days without the controversy of a bust up with Clinton and the neocons .
Afraid of Clinton having one of her legendary psycho meltdowns and shouting down the phone at him. The cynical prick. Keeping this murder factory deliberately on the boil and stalemated for nothing more than internal politicking . Wanker of a man .
Dozens ill after suspected chlorine attack in Syria

More than two dozen people have been injured in a suspected chemical attack on a town in northern Syria, a doctor who treated the victims and aid workers said.

The attack, using a gas cylinder laced with chlorine, targeted the town of Saraqeb in Idlib province, which is under opposition control, and near where a Russian helicopter was shot down on Monday.

The Syrian civil defence, a rescue service that operates in opposition-held areas, said it had transferred at least 30 victims with breathing problems to a hospital after what they described as an attack using a toxic gas that smelled like chlorine. The organisation published images and videos of the victims of the alleged attack, which it described as being intended to “spread fear and panic among civilians”.

Local people said ahelicopter dropped cylinders from the sky on to the town – an approach that would fitthe modus operandi of prior air raids that used chlorine and were blamed on the regime of Bashar al-Assad.

Residents of Saraqeb said they heard the helicopter at 11:25pm on Monday, followed by the impact of two cylinders that caused muted explosions.

Afraid of Clinton having one of her legendary psycho meltdowns and shouting down the phone at him. The cynical prick. Keeping this murder factory deliberately on the boil and stalemated for nothing more than internal politicking . Wanker of a man .

When I think of the other three fronts of this US supported Wahhabi 'Crusade' (Syria, Libya and Yemen) I can't help thinking of Orwell’s vision of a fist smashing a human face forever. But considering how full of passionate intensity Hillary is, Obamas term in power may seem like happier days in the years to come.
No she's fucking not ....she's saying she would obliterate Iran if it even considered launching a nuclear attack on Israel . At no matter what stage of development its ...non existent, fictitious, completely fabricated..nuclear weapons programme is. What she's saying clearly is she'll obliterate Iran the minute it merely arrives at a decision to attack Israel in the future with a nuclear weapon.

Did you stick 2 carrots in your ears before listening to that so you wouldn't have to listen to the actual words ? She's talking about a pre emptive strike...based solely upon a supposition. And a false supposition at that . Which is basically netanyahus line. And basically a rehash of the fakery that went into the decision to attack Iraq .
Iran neither possesses nukes or a nuclear weapons programme either. And she's well aware of that . It's the same shit all over again. With the very same people who were behind bush now behind her.
I'm afraid you are hearing what you want to hear. She made this statement during the term of Ahmadinejad who was very anti-Israel & made statements verging on Holocaust denial. She was simply being a typical American politician rabidly defending Israel. In no way did she say she wanted to destroy Iran.
I'm afraid the chlorine gas reports are most likely cynical propaganda - just as, most famously, was the alleged Ghouta attack in August 2014 which conveniently crossed Obama's 'red line'.

Casually Red - I'd also like to see Russia step up its campaign to liberate Aleppo, but the Foreign Ministry has dashed these hopes this morning. The reality may be a little different though, but we'll see.

I think your analysis on the motives behind US policy on Syria are spot on. Their concern is geopolitical in trying to remove Assad, whilst hoping that western publics don't notice the fake war on IS and the disastrous consequences of their MENA foreign policy.

The refugee crisis and terrorism in Eurooe has not helped the neo con cause, but the election of Hilary would provide them a fresh mandate (in their eyes).
If it's true it's more than likely that the IS bods have hacked something to hide where they actually are. If.

I've no idea. But the facts are that london based, " FSA " rape supporting prick who I highlighted earlier has been a major source of Syrian rebel propaganda for years now. He was also cheering on recent IS activity around palmyra, just in the last few weeks . Ain't that right mousa..fsa rape supporting journalist " bless their hands " I think was the exact phrase he used to congratulate IS .

Also I just noted our resident self styled anarchist jihadi cheerleader has gone rather quiet on the prospects of a jihadi win in Aleppo . Bit less chirpy than yesterday on the prospect of an al Qaeda victory . Cat must have his tongue . Could be worse, his heroes would have his head if he ever met them .
Who knows? Not you or me. Anyway I'm still waiting for evidence from you to back up your claim just recently that I support the 'twats' and as you fucked me off last time I asked you for your opinions concerning repeated airstrikes on medical facilities and deliberate targeting of medical personnel by the regime and it's allies I fully expect you to fuck me off this time with no answer whatsoever.
I'm afraid the chlorine gas reports are most likely cynical propaganda - just as, most famously, was the alleged Ghouta attack in August 2014 which conveniently crossed Obama's 'red line'.

Casually Red - I'd also like to see Russia step up its campaign to liberate Aleppo, but the Foreign Ministry has dashed these hopes this morning. The reality may be a little different though, but we'll see.

I think your analysis on the motives behind US policy on Syria are spot on. Their concern is geopolitical in trying to remove Assad, whilst hoping that western publics don't notice the fake war on IS and the disastrous consequences of their MENA foreign policy.

The refugee crisis and terrorism in Eurooe has not helped the neo con cause, but the election of Hilary would provide them a fresh mandate (in their eyes).

Where are all these new mental cases coming from?
There was a FSA-rebel media blackout enforced for the last three or so days on the aleppo offensive - hence lack of posts. It's been partially lifted now and it looks like the siege has been broken (as near as, just cleaning up ramouseh) by the taking of the artillery academy.
Aleppo: A lesson in resilience
I must confess that when it became clear that Aleppo had been completely encircled by the pro-regime forces, and Russia was acting with a bit more than its usual imperialistic arrogance, I thought all hope was lost.

In this respect, I was completely out of sync with the people of Aleppo – they yet again reminded me through the odd symbol of a burning tyre that as long as they, the beating heart of the revolution, remain defiantly where they are, there will always be hope.
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