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And next, Syria?

No because the Saudi Arabian army is stupendously shit .
Which may mean that if they had put boots on the ground in Syria, Anglo-American boots would have had to go in on the ground to bail them out.

Hence the new ceasefire deal (which may or may not work of course). I have no idea if that had happened, but would be consistent with the speculation offered by J Ed above.
The ceasefire won't happen - any fool who believes the Russians and SAA will stop bombing whomsoever they please under the pretext that they are jihadists is seriously deluded. It's just another pathetic, vacuous diplomatic gesture with which western politicians hope to demonstrate to their own people that they are not doing "nothing", when in fact, they are doing nothing.

Yeah the 'ceasefire' appears to be 'we'll stop bombing but only in a week or two's time when we've bombed the fuck out of our pet murderer's opposition and levelled Aleppo. We might get round to bombing the actual religious lunatics after that though but we'll see how we feel then'
Whey, if I'm wrong I'll be the first to admit it, anythings better than the current mess, but let's see if they continue the blanket bombing or if they actually now begin to target only Daesh.

They never said they'd only target Daesh, they said they'd target Daesh, al Nusra and various other terrorist formations active in Syria. The Russians have said this from the beginning. And we see that they've been willing to work with Kurdish groups and FSA-types that are self-identified as the opposition. If you've not the ability to oppose Assad in the political opposition going forward, then you've no stake in ending the war. Daesh for example.
Well fucking no shit, Sherlock. Of course you wouldn't be saying this if the US was Assad's air support.

How could that situation be possible when the US did so much to militarise this situation in order to topple Assad in the first place?

The Russians have been very late to the game in terms of military action, really they're like the janitor who turns up after the wild party of the night before. Blame the janitor for the puddles of puke everywhere and the dead rent-boy floating in the pool, why not.
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I wonder if this cessation of hostilities not ceasefire thing has come about because of the threat of Saudi Arabia to enter the war with troops on the ground

I doubt it, I think that was a Saudi attempt to make themselves relevant after having their dogs flounce from the previous attempt at talks did not amount to any sort of gain for their agenda and left them in an even weaker position. Now their offer to 'help' is even more irrelevant.

US Secretary of State John Kerry told Syrian aid workers, hours after the Geneva peace talks fell apart, that the country should expect another three months of bombing that would “decimate” the opposition.

During a conversation on the sidelines of this week’s Syria donor conference in London, sources say, Kerry blamed the Syrian opposition for leaving the talks and paving the way for a joint offensive by the Syrian government and Russia on Aleppo.

“‘He said, ‘Don’t blame me – go and blame your opposition,’” one of the aid workers, who asked to remain anonymous to protect her organisation, told Middle East Eye.
"He said that basically, it was the opposition that didn’t want to negotiate and didn’t want a ceasefire, and they walked away,” the second of the aid workers told MEE in a separate conversation and also on the basis of anonymity.

“‘What do you want me to do? Go to war with Russia? Is that what you want?’” the aid worker said Kerry told her.

The Wall Street Journal says the opposition group ended the talks before they began on Turkish and Saudi orders:

The Syrian opposition abruptly withdrew from peace talks in Geneva this week under pressure from Saudi Arabia and Turkey, two of the main backers of the rebels, according to diplomats and at least a half-dozen opposition figures.

M of A - Why Kerry Blames The Opposition For The Continuing Bombing In Syria

Thus this latest ceasefire agreement in my opinion indicates that the Saudis and their noises have been sidelined. Under the terms of the new agreement (with Kerry's face on the front) the idea of them barging into Syria flies in the face of the reality at the table now. Besides, militarily (thanks to Erdogans poorly thought through downing of a Russian jet-bomber last year) it would be a mistake to think muscular action can be taken by them. Only Turkey has the idea that somehow it can get NATO to have its back with muscularity now, and frankly the EU NATO powers probably wouldn't be too keen to try imposing a no-fly-zone against the Russian no-fly-zone that is now already established.
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How could that situation be possible when the US did so much to militarise this situation in order to topple Assad in the first place?

The Russians have been very late to the game in terms of military action, really they're like the janitor who turns up after the wild party of the night before. Blame the janitor for the puddles of puke everywhere and the dead rent-boy floating in the pool, why not.

" According to Turkish officials and Syrian rebels..." :D:D:D

Ten out of ten for persistence anyway .
Actually liarboy there is a very well researched FT article which I posted both here and on the Islamic state thread documenting the cases of Syrian gas engineers employed by the regime working in IS controlled plants (so that both the regime and IS could have access to gas which they both need). It is not beyond the bounds of improbability that some Russians have also been doing the same thing, regardless of the sources. Moreover I have not said that I 100% believe it to be true, simply put nothing would surprise me.
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Break it down for me Carrot, how would you deal with al Nusra et als occupation of Aleppo, let's say the UN, the US, Russia, the EU, even the Syrian government has conceded to your greater wisdom on the matter and have all given power over to you to sort it all out, what would you do on day one?

The facepalm was for your extremely crass analogy.

Who's 'et al?' I'm not playing your game of 'the entire opposition are head chopping loons.' Once again the Assad regime is off the hook for you because it simply doesn't matter to you he's barrel bombed, tortured, raped and murdered vast swathes of his own people, him being his regime of course. That is and always will be the back drop of this whether you choose to ignore it or not.

As I've said to CR, I don't dispute Russian intervention has changed this massively. It's not exactly surprising it has given that they bombed the shit out of the opposition that initially rose up against Assad and I'm not surprised this is the outcome. Note how they've hardly touched IS which controls over half the country, ya know, the real head chopping loons. In the long term though where is this heading. Syria, to my mind, can't hope to move past this while that murdering fuckwit sits on the throne.

America has had a largely hands off approach to the whole thing, you can fantasise all you like they've had some enormous role in militarising the conflict but compare that to their history in other countries it,s pretty low level. I have no truck with them arming the opposition but they executed it really poorly and way too late.

Of course Turkey has armed Nusra, elements in Saudi, Qatar etc have armed IS as we know. None of this equates to 'America did it' just because these are US allies doesn't mean they have full control over them, they of course do provide arms to its forces though.

The outcome of this still remains to be seen and it's not going to be good for anyone, excpet some cunts in power. What I would do is neither here nor there, what I would've done has long since passed now. What I find extremely distasteful in your position is the complete and utter exoneration of Assad, he's just a poor fellow defending his country. Well the facts are the opposite. I accept you haven't been quite the arsehole a certain other poster has about it, nor have you been the cheerleader he has but the exoneration of Assad is pretty shameful. Whether or not the situation of US supporting Assad would've been possible is neither here nor there. The point is Russia has done exactly the same as the US have done for near enough a century. They've propped up a murderous, brutal dictatorship against the will of that dictator's subjects. You wouldn't support it if America did it so why the hooray for Russia? That's aimed at any cheerleader for Russia in this and not you in particular by the way.
The facepalm was for your extremely crass analogy.

Who's 'et al?' I'm not playing your game of 'the entire opposition are head chopping loons.' Once again the Assad regime is off the hook for you because it simply doesn't matter to you he's barrel bombed, tortured, raped and murdered vast swathes of his own people, him being his regime of course. That is and always will be the back drop of this whether you choose to ignore it or not.

As I've said to CR, I don't dispute Russian intervention has changed this massively. It's not exactly surprising it has given that they bombed the shit out of the opposition that initially rose up against Assad and I'm not surprised this is the outcome. Note how they've hardly touched IS which controls over half the country, ya know, the real head chopping loons. In the long term though where is this heading. Syria, to my mind, can't hope to move past this while that murdering fuckwit sits on the throne.

America has had a largely hands off approach to the whole thing, you can fantasise all you like they've had some enormous role in militarising the conflict but compare that to their history in other countries it,s pretty low level. I have no truck with them arming the opposition but they executed it really poorly and way too late.

Of course Turkey has armed Nusra, elements in Saudi, Qatar etc have armed IS as we know. None of this equates to 'America did it' just because these are US allies doesn't mean they have full control over them, they of course do provide arms to its forces though.

The outcome of this still remains to be seen and it's not going to be good for anyone, excpet some cunts in power. What I would do is neither here nor there, what I would've done has long since passed now. What I find extremely distasteful in your position is the complete and utter exoneration of Assad, he's just a poor fellow defending his country. Well the facts are the opposite. I accept you haven't been quite the arsehole a certain other poster has about it, nor have you been the cheerleader he has but the exoneration of Assad is pretty shameful. Whether or not the situation of US supporting Assad would've been possible is neither here nor there. The point is Russia has done exactly the same as the US have done for near enough a century. They've propped up a murderous, brutal dictatorship against the will of that dictator's subjects. You wouldn't support it if America did it so why the hooray for Russia? That's aimed at any cheerleader for Russia in this and not you in particular by the way.

Assads methods have been brutal that's for sure... and counter productive in large parts. The ME is a tough neighbourhood as far as governments go and I don't believe Assad is exceptional by the standards at all. Having said that, any war-zone is a terrible place where terrible things happen. Look at what happened when the Third Reich was taken down, hundreds of thousands of civilians annihilated by the allies, cities fire-bombed, summary executions and torture, untold numbers of German women raped- and not just by the Red Army either, the French, the Americans, the British all got 'stuck in'. War really is hell, cruelty, the unspeakable horrendous insanity of human inhumanity to human, killing each other off like ants...

That's why in my opinion war is always a bad idea. But war does happen, there's no point getting all up on a high horse because of all the accumulated evils that unfold from a war that we helped start (well, the same cynical tax-spending chinless wonders that now indignantly speak of barrel bombs etc while quadrupling arms spending and escalating situations with military excersizes).

They didn't have the same concern for the Syrian people when they were figuring out ways to destabilize the situation in Syria in the first place did they, or when they were looking to see how they could get Assad to "over react" etc. And they didn't have the same concerns when they cluster-fucked Iraq or more recently when they cluster-fucked Libya (I'll assume that you've read the articles about how the CIA helped transport weapons from that little adventure to jihadis in Syria for use there of course... not the half of it either).

Well, the war is on and all sides are taking it very seriously, vigorously applying unthinkable cruelties to each other because that's what war is. We did no less when we jet-planed missiles into civilian populations in pursuit of Shock & Awe (aka terrorism) during the invasion of someone else’s country. And own our political elite boast about how if anyone fucks with us we'll nuke em, wipe civilians out by the hundreds of millions, and for this our government is prepared to spend billions to make sure we can do it too. War and barrel bombs and civilians in fire-zones is all awful horrible stuff but it's naive and crap to think that the stink of it all is not all over us too because it is... in fact my country (Britain) is a major producer of all sorts of munitions and devices that get aimed at civilians or feed wars all over the world... plus we very diligently helped this war get going on many different levels.

Now, having played such a part the idea that anyone associated with our island gets to squeal at the horridity of it all is in my opinion out of the question. Only one thing matters now, how can the war be brought to an end. The Syrian government has Assad as president and if there was a vote tomorrow (with all Syrians able to vote, even the refugees) he'd win, by a clear margin. But it's not about him, the Syrian state will remain (no thanks to the US/UK/Saudi etc) even when he goes, and it's the Syrian state that is the apparatus that can deliver stability, security, boots on the ground in Syria going forward. It's the Syrian state that will be the framework and the subject for whatever political reforms we might hope for going forward, it's the Syrian state upon whose presidency we might hope for some future better man than Assad to take office (again, hopefully by the vote of the Syrian people).

I think it would be better for us all to grow up from this naive Assad-squealing bollocks like our vast amounts of shit that we've thrown about doesn't stink and take account of the bigger picture, take it for what it is. An attempt was made to destroy the Syrian state and carve its territory up, that has failed and many have suffered for it, Syria the state now shows the slim possibility of rising from the ashes as a political unit again (perhaps missing a Kurdish bit here or there) and that's good really, as we'll need a state in place because the power-vacuum without it will be a genocidal nightmare. The Syrians live there, shitty president or no, the world isn't here for us Brits or Americans to whine about why our troops should be placed in harms way in somebody elses country (after we barge our way in to place them in harms way in the first place) and sickeningly act like we're just selflessly trying to teach the savages to run their own country at the cost of young Tommy and Brad... No, the Syrians will be doing that, in Syria, using the Syrian army thank you very much.

The Syrians will need to pick up the pieces when (and I atheist-pray the time comes) this is all over. This is not about Assad, but right now he is crucial to the survival of the Syrian state, without him it would fall apart and anyway on what basis can he be removed by foreign powers? If he can be removed than why not the House of Saud too, why not any number of nations that aren't exactly Sweden but who do have a seat at the UN where things are said to them and obligations are made by them. I doubt it ever was about Assad considering what our allies get up to in the region in the game of oppression. The only proper way to remove Assad is through the political processes of the Syrian people. They tried the 'freedom fighter' approach and it turns out that just means a big war or a bloody and chaotic power vacuum, so grow the fuck up and accept that boring old politics is the only legitimate way to go about any regime change.

By the way "et al" meant in terms of other jihadi war-bands, in light of the cease-fire agreement those armed groups that aren't head-choppers are therefore involved in the UN peace process, if they're not... then it means that they have no role to play in the UN peace process because they're head-chopping Alahu Akbarists hankering after their 72. Why is that so hard to understand?
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Assads methods have been brutal that's for sure... and counter productive in large parts. The ME is a tough neighbourhood as far as governments go and I don't believe Assad is exceptional by the standards at all. Having said that, any war-zone is a terrible place where terrible things happen. Look at what happened when the Third Reich was taken down, hundreds of thousands of civilians annihilated by the allies, cities fire-bombed, summary executions and torture, untold numbers of German women raped- and not just by the Red Army either, the French, the Americans, the British all got 'stuck in'. War really is hell, cruelty, the unspeakable horrendous insanity of human inhumanity to human, killing each other off like ants...
lest we forget the many millions of civilians killed in the soviet union by the germans and their allies 1941-1944
lest we forget the many millions of civilians killed in the soviet union by the germans and their allies 1941-1944

No doubt, but my point here was that Britain and the US are also well practised in killing vast amounts of civilians when at war, and WW2 was a... a 'just war'... oxymoronic as that term is. In Vietnam the US killed millions. In the past fifty years between us we've killed millions... how come we consider ourselves (figuratively speaking) as gentlemen because we can do better than barrel-bombs... we've not even been invaded in all that time like Syria has. Meanwhile we've invested loads in nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons research. Bag-of-cats doesn't begin to cover the hypocrisy of it really, anyone would think we didn't know that's what war is, civilians being head stomped all day long, plus some soldiers occasionally.
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No doubt, but my point here was that Britain and the US are also well practised in killing vast amounts of civilians when at war, and WW2 was a 'good war'... oxymoronic as that term is. In Vietnam the US killed millions. In the past fifty years between us we've killed hundreds of millions... how come we consider ourselves (figuratively speaking) as gentlemen because we can do better than barrel-bombs... we've not even been invaded in all that time like Syria has. Meanwhile we've invested loads in nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons research. Bag-of-cats doesn't begin to cover the hypocrisy of it really, anyone would think we didn't know that's what war is, civilians being head stomped all day long, plus some soldiers occasionally.
while some people may have had a good war, ww2 more a 'just' war
No doubt, but my point here was that Britain and the US are also well practised in killing vast amounts of civilians when at war, and WW2 was a 'good war'... oxymoronic as that term is. In Vietnam the US killed millions. In the past fifty years between us we've killed hundreds of millions... how come we consider ourselves (figuratively speaking) as gentlemen because we can do better than barrel-bombs... we've not even been invaded in all that time like Syria has. Meanwhile we've invested loads in nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons research. Bag-of-cats doesn't begin to cover the hypocrisy of it really, anyone would think we didn't know that's what war is, civilians being head stomped all day long, plus some soldiers occasionally.
could you show your working for 100s of millions in past 50 years?5
No doubt, but my point here was that Britain and the US are also well practised in killing vast amounts of civilians when at war, and WW2 was a... a 'just war'... oxymoronic as that term is. In Vietnam the US killed millions. In the past fifty years between us we've killed hundreds of millions... how come we consider ourselves (figuratively speaking) as gentlemen because we can do better than barrel-bombs... we've not even been invaded in all that time like Syria has. Meanwhile we've invested loads in nuclear weapons and chemical and biological weapons research. Bag-of-cats doesn't begin to cover the hypocrisy of it really, anyone would think we didn't know that's what war is, civilians being head stomped all day long, plus some soldiers occasionally.

"However, to rule out any relapse of animosity between them, Moscow will need to convince Damascus to accept Kurdish self-determination. Indeed, devising a concept of decentralization for a future Syria that would be acceptable to all is the most important task in any plan for a Syrian resolution"

An autonomous Turkish state backed by Russia, that should go down well with Erdogan?
Now Assads finally crawled out of his hole to give his first interview in months he is demanding he regains control of the whole of Syria, wonder what his Russian mates will make of that?
Assads methods have been brutal that's for sure... and counter productive in large parts. The ME is a tough neighbourhood as far as governments go and I don't believe Assad is exceptional by the standards at all. Having said that, any war-zone is a terrible place where terrible things happen. Look at what happened when the Third Reich was taken down, hundreds of thousands of civilians annihilated by the allies, cities fire-bombed, summary executions and torture, untold numbers of German women raped- and not just by the Red Army either, the French, the Americans, the British all got 'stuck in'. War really is hell, cruelty, the unspeakable horrendous insanity of human inhumanity to human, killing each other off like ants...

That's why in my opinion war is always a bad idea. But war does happen, there's no point getting all up on a high horse because of all the accumulated evils that unfold from a war that we helped start (well, the same cynical tax-spending chinless wonders that now indignantly speak of barrel bombs etc while quadrupling arms spending and escalating situations with military excersizes).

They didn't have the same concern for the Syrian people when they were figuring out ways to destabilize the situation in Syria in the first place did they, or when they were looking to see how they could get Assad to "over react" etc. And they didn't have the same concerns when they cluster-fucked Iraq or more recently when they cluster-fucked Libya (I'll assume that you've read the articles about how the CIA helped transport weapons from that little adventure to jihadis in Syria for use there of course... not the half of it either).

Well, the war is on and all sides are taking it very seriously, vigorously applying unthinkable cruelties to each other because that's what war is. We did no less when we jet-planed missiles into civilian populations in pursuit of Shock & Awe (aka terrorism) during the invasion of someone else’s country. And own our political elite boast about how if anyone fucks with us we'll nuke em, wipe civilians out by the hundreds of millions, and for this our government is prepared to spend billions to make sure we can do it too. War and barrel bombs and civilians in fire-zones is all awful horrible stuff but it's naive and crap to think that the stink of it all is not all over us too because it is... in fact my country (Britain) is a major producer of all sorts of munitions and devices that get aimed at civilians or feed wars all over the world... plus we very diligently helped this war get going on many different levels.

Now, having played such a part the idea that anyone associated with our island gets to squeal at the horridity of it all is in my opinion out of the question. Only one thing matters now, how can the war be brought to an end. The Syrian government has Assad as president and if there was a vote tomorrow (with all Syrians able to vote, even the refugees) he'd win, by a clear margin. But it's not about him, the Syrian state will remain (no thanks to the US/UK/Saudi etc) even when he goes, and it's the Syrian state that is the apparatus that can deliver stability, security, boots on the ground in Syria going forward. It's the Syrian state that will be the framework and the subject for whatever political reforms we might hope for going forward, it's the Syrian state upon whose presidency we might hope for some future better man than Assad to take office (again, hopefully by the vote of the Syrian people).

I think it would be better for us all to grow up from this naive Assad-squealing bollocks like our vast amounts of shit that we've thrown about doesn't stink and take account of the bigger picture, take it for what it is. An attempt was made to destroy the Syrian state and carve its territory up, that has failed and many have suffered for it, Syria the state now shows the slim possibility of rising from the ashes as a political unit again (perhaps missing a Kurdish bit here or there) and that's good really, as we'll need a state in place because the power-vacuum without it will be a genocidal nightmare. The Syrians live there, shitty president or no, the world isn't here for us Brits or Americans to whine about why our troops should be placed in harms way in somebody elses country (after we barge our way in to place them in harms way in the first place) and sickeningly act like we're just selflessly trying to teach the savages to run their own country at the cost of young Tommy and Brad... No, the Syrians will be doing that, in Syria, using the Syrian army thank you very much.

The Syrians will need to pick up the pieces when (and I atheist-pray the time comes) this is all over. This is not about Assad, but right now he is crucial to the survival of the Syrian state, without him it would fall apart and anyway on what basis can he be removed by foreign powers? If he can be removed than why not the House of Saud too, why not any number of nations that aren't exactly Sweden but who do have a seat at the UN where things are said to them and obligations are made by them. I doubt it ever was about Assad considering what our allies get up to in the region in the game of oppression. The only proper way to remove Assad is through the political processes of the Syrian people. They tried the 'freedom fighter' approach and it turns out that just means a big war or a bloody and chaotic power vacuum, so grow the fuck up and accept that boring old politics is the only legitimate way to go about any regime change.

By the way "et al" meant in terms of other jihadi war-bands, in light of the cease-fire agreement those armed groups that aren't head-choppers are therefore involved in the UN peace process, if they're not... then it means that they have no role to play in the UN peace process because they're head-chopping Alahu Akbarists hankering after their 72. Why is that so hard to understand?

So basically you're saying war is bad and because elites in my own country are bad I can't say other elites are bad because that would make me a bad hypocrite. Fascinating. Since when did this forum become some fucking sixth form common room?

Your thoughts on the Syrian people who rose up in the first place are absolutely no where in your analysis. No where at all. I'm more than happy to 'grow the fuck up' but that's meaningless when the Assad regime has denied the Syrian people that opportunity of 'boring old politics' for decades in the first place, something that led to this starting.

This utterly banal point of 'America is to blame for it all' is just that, banal. You make out like Russia has just come in and helped mop up when it's been funding and arming Assad long before the war broke out. You decry all those in power but stop short at Russia and don't really care too much about the Syrian people in all this, you just pay lip service to them but that's about it. I don't see why you can't go all the way and decry all the powerful as murdering, thieving cunts and not just be on the side of the oppressed.

How you can sit there and say, with a straight face, that Syria is going to be some phoenix like entity rising from the ashes with Assad at the forefront of it I have no idea.
So basically you're saying war is bad and because elites in my own country are bad I can't say other elites are bad because that would make me a bad hypocrite. Fascinating. Since when did this forum become some fucking sixth form common room?

Your thoughts on the Syrian people who rose up in the first place are absolutely no where in your analysis. No where at all. I'm more than happy to 'grow the fuck up' but that's meaningless when the Assad regime has denied the Syrian people that opportunity of 'boring old politics' for decades in the first place, something that led to this starting.

This utterly banal point of 'America is to blame for it all' is just that, banal. You make out like Russia has just come in and helped mop up when it's been funding and arming Assad long before the war broke out. You decry all those in power but stop short at Russia and don't really care too much about the Syrian people in all this, you just pay lip service to them but that's about it. I don't see why you can't go all the way and decry all the powerful as murdering, thieving cunts and not just be on the side of the oppressed.

How you can sit there and say, with a straight face, that Syria is going to be some phoenix like entity rising from the ashes with Assad at the forefront of it I have no idea.

I think, in all honesty most, who (on here) have taken an interest in what's being going on in the ME will have to re- appraise our positions( not that it will make a happeworth of difference)
Russia has made a major difference, while our lacklustre support to various groupings, our jumping around trying to identify who are the "Good parties" has caused major confusion and led to a lack of interest in the situation amongst most in the West, the upshot is ( from a western/EU perspective) stop the flood of immigrants.
And as a result most will applaud Putin if his actions stop or slow down the flood of refugees from Syria.
TBH, I have never seen a more confused US or EU or UK foreign policy.
Assads methods have been brutal that's for sure... and counter productive in large parts. The ME is a tough neighbourhood as far as governments go and I don't believe Assad is exceptional by the standards at all. Having said that, any war-zone is a terrible place where terrible things happen. Look at what happened when the Third Reich was taken down, hundreds of thousands of civilians annihilated by the allies, cities fire-bombed, summary executions and torture, untold numbers of German women raped- and not just by the Red Army either, the French, the Americans, the British all got 'stuck in'. War really is hell, cruelty, the unspeakable horrendous insanity of human inhumanity to human, killing each other off like ants...

That's why in my opinion war is always a bad idea. But war does happen, there's no point getting all up on a high horse because of all the accumulated evils that unfold from a war that we helped start (well, the same cynical tax-spending chinless wonders that now indignantly speak of barrel bombs etc while quadrupling arms spending and escalating situations with military excersizes).

They didn't have the same concern for the Syrian people when they were figuring out ways to destabilize the situation in Syria in the first place did they, or when they were looking to see how they could get Assad to "over react" etc. And they didn't have the same concerns when they cluster-fucked Iraq or more recently when they cluster-fucked Libya (I'll assume that you've read the articles about how the CIA helped transport weapons from that little adventure to jihadis in Syria for use there of course... not the half of it either).

Well, the war is on and all sides are taking it very seriously, vigorously applying unthinkable cruelties to each other because that's what war is. We did no less when we jet-planed missiles into civilian populations in pursuit of Shock & Awe (aka terrorism) during the invasion of someone else’s country. And own our political elite boast about how if anyone fucks with us we'll nuke em, wipe civilians out by the hundreds of millions, and for this our government is prepared to spend billions to make sure we can do it too. War and barrel bombs and civilians in fire-zones is all awful horrible stuff but it's naive and crap to think that the stink of it all is not all over us too because it is... in fact my country (Britain) is a major producer of all sorts of munitions and devices that get aimed at civilians or feed wars all over the world... plus we very diligently helped this war get going on many different levels.

Now, having played such a part the idea that anyone associated with our island gets to squeal at the horridity of it all is in my opinion out of the question. Only one thing matters now, how can the war be brought to an end. The Syrian government has Assad as president and if there was a vote tomorrow (with all Syrians able to vote, even the refugees) he'd win, by a clear margin. But it's not about him, the Syrian state will remain (no thanks to the US/UK/Saudi etc) even when he goes, and it's the Syrian state that is the apparatus that can deliver stability, security, boots on the ground in Syria going forward. It's the Syrian state that will be the framework and the subject for whatever political reforms we might hope for going forward, it's the Syrian state upon whose presidency we might hope for some future better man than Assad to take office (again, hopefully by the vote of the Syrian people).

I think it would be better for us all to grow up from this naive Assad-squealing bollocks like our vast amounts of shit that we've thrown about doesn't stink and take account of the bigger picture, take it for what it is. An attempt was made to destroy the Syrian state and carve its territory up, that has failed and many have suffered for it, Syria the state now shows the slim possibility of rising from the ashes as a political unit again (perhaps missing a Kurdish bit here or there) and that's good really, as we'll need a state in place because the power-vacuum without it will be a genocidal nightmare. The Syrians live there, shitty president or no, the world isn't here for us Brits or Americans to whine about why our troops should be placed in harms way in somebody elses country (after we barge our way in to place them in harms way in the first place) and sickeningly act like we're just selflessly trying to teach the savages to run their own country at the cost of young Tommy and Brad... No, the Syrians will be doing that, in Syria, using the Syrian army thank you very much.

The Syrians will need to pick up the pieces when (and I atheist-pray the time comes) this is all over. This is not about Assad, but right now he is crucial to the survival of the Syrian state, without him it would fall apart and anyway on what basis can he be removed by foreign powers? If he can be removed than why not the House of Saud too, why not any number of nations that aren't exactly Sweden but who do have a seat at the UN where things are said to them and obligations are made by them. I doubt it ever was about Assad considering what our allies get up to in the region in the game of oppression. The only proper way to remove Assad is through the political processes of the Syrian people. They tried the 'freedom fighter' approach and it turns out that just means a big war or a bloody and chaotic power vacuum, so grow the fuck up and accept that boring old politics is the only legitimate way to go about any regime change.

By the way "et al" meant in terms of other jihadi war-bands, in light of the cease-fire agreement those armed groups that aren't head-choppers are therefore involved in the UN peace process, if they're not... then it means that they have no role to play in the UN peace process because they're head-chopping Alahu Akbarists hankering after their 72. Why is that so hard to understand?

Man , that is a top notch post that should be bloody well read way and beyond this forum .
All that I can say, and I'll honestly apologise for any previous flippancy . But we're I Syrian and looking at the future NATO had mapped out for me and mine I'd deliver hell on earth to those bastards who took NATO coin and NATO weapons . Like scorched earth . I'd leave nothing . Assad or burn the country .

Ash... I've a few drinks taken....I'll say no more . But first rate post . More people should read that. Wasted on here with these fucking shills .
lest we forget the many millions of civilians killed in the soviet union by the germans and their allies 1941-1944

Indeed, but Dresden, Hiroshima, Nagasaki, Laos and Cambodia happened too.

As did this deliberate atrocity many years later. Why did they do that ?

Somehow the wails of outrage just aren't as loud when it comes to the irritant dead . So i ignore them .
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