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And next, Syria?

Assad has refused to allow the destruction of his country or his people, which is why there's a war . Unless you think a repeat of that Libyan disaster presided over by Daesh and Al Qaeda will be a good thing or Syria and its people . Which was what the west , Turks and Saudis had in mind for Syria .

No, we are talking about Syria here, after months of peaceful protests, Assad lost patience and followed dear auld Dads proven tactics, kill the opposition.
I am more than prepared to admit the west has been overly cack handed in its dealings with the ME, but Syria is the one exception, the west openly tried to remain "out of it"
Christ on a fuckin bike!

The west and its allies have sought to carve Syria up into bit sized pieces, to partition it and end it's existence as a nation. This would result in genocide against various sectors of Syrias population. Assad has ensured that plan failed . A plan openly supported by more than a few shills on this site and often floated in the liberal media .

The Syrian people have triumphed over that foreign agenda . Suck it up and get used to it . Won't be happening now .
Your just making that bollocks up Colely. If you want the thread to be a calling the president nasty names competition go ahead . But the adults here would like some proper analysis and fact based information .

No, I'm not, he hasn't shown his ugly pyet for months, but now after uncle Putin has thrown him a lifeline he suddenly starts making public appearances.
Most of the "adults" would like him to become one of the casualties of this whole mess in order for the Syrian people to resume a life.

Any "adults" who disagree?
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The west and its allies have sought to carve Syria up into bit sized pieces, to partition it and end it's existence as a nation. This would result in genocide against various sectors of Syrias population. Assad has ensured that plan failed . A plan openly supported by more than a few shills on this site and often floated in the liberal media .

The Syrian people have triumphed over that foreign agenda . Suck it up and get used to it . Won't be happening now .
And Russia's plan to " federalise" Syria, including an autonomous Kurdish state? Assad's going to be happy with that?
No, I'm not, he hasn't shown his ugly pyet for months, but now after uncle Putin has thrown him a lifeline he suddenly starts making public appearances.
Most of the "adults" would like him to become one of the casualties of this whole mess in order for the Syrian people to resume a life.
Any "adults" who disagree?

This is bullshit . We're have you gotten this info from ? Source please ?
No, we are talking about Syria here, after months of peaceful protests, Assad lost patience and followed dear auld Dads proven tactics, kill the opposition.
I am more than prepared to admit the west has been overly cack handed in its dealings with the ME, but Syria is the one exception, the west openly tried to remain "out of it"

By supplying literally billions in weapons to outright lunatics from across the globe, by training thousands of lunatics in their use, by repeatedly threatening to bomb, by repeatedly demanding the Syrians surrender, by recognising cranks and shills with neither support nor influence in Syria as its " legitimate government " , by placing Syria under economic blockade ?

You're talking utter nonsense. They never stayed out of it. They've fuelled the entire bloody mess from start to finish .
Casually Red - any chance of addressing my points about Assad being a dictator...?

I'm going out on a limb here but I'm guessing that you have never been to a country ever governed by a dictatorship and therefore do not know how it looks like, how it works and its consequences.

You need to take a step back and consider that.
It's all a bit :facepalm: isn't it?

Yes it's very very :facepalm: He treats it like it's a football match and now he's gloating because he thinks 'we' have 'lost.' What have we lost exactly? Wtf has he won exactly? It's very, very bizarre behaviour. He's like a ranting, Irish Alex Jones (the conspiraloon and not the presenter of the one show) not saying he's a conspiraloon exactly but he certainly sails very close to the wind and employs the same wall of bullshit posting style as they do.
Long winded but interesting.

From Russia, with Lavrov: Explaining the Russian Misadventure in Syria and How It Can Benefit the US
This bit in particular!

Regarding Turkey, the US should provide unequivocal support against Russian encroachment in all its forms in exchange for explicit Turkish acceptance of more powerful Kurdish forces in the region. The Turks have long been fearful of Russian aggression, and may soon cancel Turkish Stream and other deals. Various Kurdish units in Iraq and Syria, conversely, are fast becoming dependable American partners, if not allies, in the fight against IS. The Kurds are also essential to maintaining American influence in Iraq, where Iran predominates and will continue to do so for years. The US should not endorse a Kurdish state per se, but instead press its erstwhile allies to accept Syrian federalism for the time being. The Kurdish question will have to endure long past the current conflict. Turkey, for its part, will have to accept this reality, particularly as Putin is painted into Assad’s corner and threatens to co-opt Kurdish forces in Syria, which would completely derail American designs.

Any thoughts phildwyer
A simple emoticon without reference makes absolutely no sense.

Well we're do you want to start ? The " quagmire " for Russia he keeps referring to simply hasn't happened . He predicted Russia wouldn't be able to keep up its bombardment due to supply and logistics...it's dramatically increased it .
It makes a heavy play on US and Kurdish co operation as the winning strategy for the united states that's much superior to Russia's partners as regards propaganda ...and the Kurds just opened an office in Moscow and are currently fighting under Russian air support .
He talks of Obamas pragmatism resulting in a US Kurdish alliance that will see their coalition march into Raqqa and defeat IS . Well..this week has shown us its the Syrian Army barrelling towards Raqqa under Russian air support .

It's so full of absolute clinkers .

" don't interrupt an enemy while he's destroying himself " ...Jesus .
And oh yeah..actively stoke sectarian animosity in the middle east to even greater degrees than now, using..I shit you not.." moderate jihadists " like the rabidly sectarian Al Qaeda linked Ahrar Al Sham . And similarly respond to any lessening of Russian tensions and peace feelers in Eastern Europe by significantly increasing the aggressive military posture of the US towards them .

Great fucking advice from that guy .
Seriously guys, it's fucking pointless trying to discuss things with him. All it's doing is making the thread even more of a care crash than it is already. Point out his lies for other posters sure but otherwise you're best of just ignoring the fool.
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