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And next, Syria?

To be fair, putting aside the militarization of Syrian politics by outsider mercs, snipers, bombs, ambushes and the usual insidious billions, there were loads of Syrians that had a problem with Assads government. But when you see armed foreigners turn up in your country and start trying to carve out some sort of Caliphate, a lot of them then chose to resist the invasion. Not because they "love" Assad (some of em do obviously) but because they weren't up for having their country being taken over by Al Nusra, ISIS, the Army of Conquest and other Wahabi/Salafi generally all-round Takfiri "good causes".

"there were loads of Syrians that had a problem with Assads government"

At least that's a start, would you care to translate "loads" into actual numbers?
And possibly do a graph on those "loads" if the thousands killed by Assad and his father were still alive?
ETA, don't forget while doing your calculations, your initial statement "there were"
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You miss out completely the sectarianism of Assad's government and his stoking of sectarian conflict that lead to the actual 'head choppers' gaining ground. Deliberately orchestrated so the cunt could hang on to power.

Biggest exodus of people since the 1940s and yet there's this fantasy of tens of thousands of Syrians nobley defending Syria for Assad. An exodus made much worse by Assad and Russian bombing. Bombing of schools, hospitals etc but as long as it's not a NATO bomber doing that it's all good, legitimate in fact.

It's this binary of Russia/Assad = good noble defenders - Everyone, and I do mean everyone else = Head chopping Islamist nut case. It's the maddening simplicity with which that picture is presented that grates, the stead fast refusal to admit the facts that Assad is far and away in the lead in the death, destruction and chaos stakes. The constant dodging of any question put regarding that. Not saying that's totally how you've portrayed it but that's the impression that comes across, especially when you make a post like this.

There's no dodging of any question . It's been put straight to you numerous times that you're talking a load of bollocks , and every single time it has been put to you it's you that's done the dodging . Your posts are nothing more than a series of wild accusations, followed by multiple evasions, and then a tantrum because nobody could be arsed listening to you .

Where is the sectarianism in Assads government..exactly ? What is this shit about ? 2 thirds of his army is Sunni Muslim . Sunni Muslims are heavily represented at every level of the Syrian power structure . They dominate the business and civil service , they're at every level of the military and the Ba'ath party . They dominate the pro government militias .. The Alawite community most certainly do not get special treatment .

Either educate yourself or give over about stuff you have no clue about.

Syria’s Sunnis and the Regime’s Resilience | Combating Terrorism Center at West Point

The reason Syria is in ruins is because of the sectarian madmen of the bought and paid for opposition .

sectarianism ? This is the shit you're supporting

Whey, if they are both committed to eliminating ISIS what's the problem?
Wuts the smiley for ironic sarcasm!!
Pretty much. I find it vanishingly unlikely that they would go in for solely that reason. As with the Russians really.
No, Assad is prepared to wipe out a large part of Syria's population in order for him to remain in power, that's why he is a "murdering cunt"

So you advocate letting Al Qaeda and Daesh take Syria over, because if you fight them you're a murdering cunt ? Yeah ?

Or maybe you reckon he should chuck water bombs at them, and call them names and run away .

Wise the fuck up man .
Whey, if they are both committed to eliminating ISIS what's the problem?
Wuts the smiley for ironic sarcasm!!

They pretty much are ISis FFs . What's the difference between them and the Saudis ? Public Beheadings ? Public Crucifixions ? They both do it . And they've backed the bastards from day one . As have the Turks .

The problem is there'll be a massive regional war if they go in, and possibly a world war.

You twit .
Pretty much. I find it vanishingly unlikely that they would go in for solely that reason.
What I can't understand is why Russia is getting involved in the first place? I can't see a strategic or economical advantage in doing so?
So you advocate letting Al Qaeda and Daesh take Syria over, because if you fight them you're a murdering cunt ? Yeah ?

Or maybe you reckon he should chuck water bombs at them, and call them names and run away .

Wise the fuck up man .

Not at all, let Assad walk away ( though I hope his ability to breathe, let alone walk, ends quickly) and sort out the mess through a democratic agenda, including all parties, and if this means a kurdish state emerges, so be it, and if it upsets Erdogan and his mates, tough Shyte, the ME map needs to be re-drawn and quickly.
ETA, by all parties, I obviously don't mean DAESH and it's close affiliates.
There's no dodging of any question . It's been put straight to you numerous times that you're talking a load of bollocks , and every single time it has been put to you it's you that's done the dodging . Your posts are nothing more than a series of wild accusations, followed by multiple evasions, and then a tantrum because nobody could be arsed listening to you .

Where is the sectarianism in Assads government..exactly ? What is this shit about ? 2 thirds of his army is Sunni Muslim . Sunni Muslims are heavily represented at every level of the Syrian power structure . They dominate the business and civil service , they're at every level of the military and the Ba'ath party . They dominate the pro government militias .. The Alawite community most certainly do not get special treatment .

Either educate yourself or give over about stuff you have no clue about.

Syria’s Sunnis and the Regime’s Resilience | Combating Terrorism Center at West Point

The reason Syria is in ruins is because of the sectarian madmen of the bought and paid for opposition .

sectarianism ? This is the shit you're supporting

Nope, fantastically bored of your shitty loon spud links and youtube videos now. Either discuss the fact the Assad regime has tortured, raped and murdered it's own people on a vast scale in its prisons, accept that glaringly obvious fact or stop fucking replying to me you arrogant, war glorifying piece of shit.
Careful dear. You'll do yourself a mischief . The links were perfectly valid and you're a chronic bullshitter who'll probably have to go on ignore if you can't address the issues and just prefer shrieking and wailing .
Not at all, let Assad walk away ( though I hope his ability to breathe, let alone walk, ends quickly) and sort out the mess through a democratic agenda, including all parties, and if this means a kurdish state emerges, so be it, and if it upsets Erdogan and his mates, tough Shyte, the ME map needs to be re-drawn and quickly.
ETA, by all parties, I obviously don't mean DAESH and it's close affiliates.

Like in Libya you mean ? Cop on FFs.

Off you go Colely. Come back when your prepared to talk some sense . The presidents staying were he is. That's done and dusted a long time ago. And nobody's carving Syria up, not no more .
They are winning . If you don't like that it's your problem.

Let's be clear here, you are happy with a family dictatorship, who, measured by countless independent reviews, have murdered many thousands of their own population, to cling onto power and who are prepared to invite foreign powers to assist in this clinging onto power and to murder countless others in the process?
Nope, fantastically bored of your shitty loon spud links and youtube videos now. Either discuss the fact the Assad regime has tortured, raped and murdered it's own people on a vast scale in its prisons, accept that glaringly obvious fact or stop fucking replying to me you arrogant, war glorifying piece of shit.

Wouldn't bother getting worked up by him, he has problems with the West and NATO (occasionally genuine problems) and I suspect they began with the British Army in general ( again,sometimes genuine concerns)
But hey ho, let's forget chetnya;)
Careful dear. You'll do yourself a mischief . The links were perfectly valid and you're a chronic bullshitter who'll probably have to go on ignore if you can't address the issues and just prefer shrieking and wailing .

You don't ignore anyone you bellend. You pretend to ignore people but you don't. You just dodge inconvenient questions that shatter your bullshit view point. Why the fuck should I do you the courtesy of viewing your links, stupid fucking links from fucking youtube I might add, when you ignore links from me and everyone else who disagrees with you?

Your tactic is come on a thread, shit all over it with huge chunks of text that swerve wildly all over the place, someone responds to one piece of your text because people can only really respond to one bit at a time, especially on a forum like this, you either ignore it if it doesn't fit your world view because of it's inconvenience or dismiss with a healthy dose of abuse about how everyone's a wanker. You then post another wall of bollocks with a youtube video of 'ooh look at this person being raped it must have been really awful for them' or 'look at this grainy video it proves all the rebels are western backed head choppers' you're called out on that and then you do the same thing again.

To top it all off you then cry wank over how there's some sort of clique ganging up on you and that it's every one else's fault for misunderstanding you. So on that basis go ahead, add me to your imaginary ignore list and add me to the clique you think exists of people who think you are, to sum up another poster on another thread, a self centred arrogant prick.
Wouldn't bother getting worked up by him, he has problems with the West and NATO (occasionally genuine problems) and I suspect they began with the British Army in general ( again,sometimes genuine concerns)
But hey ho, let's forget chetnya;)

Yep I know. I'm done now. Got it out my system :)
Like in Libya you mean ? Cop on FFs.

Off you go Colely. Come back when your prepared to talk some sense . The presidents staying were he is. That's done and dusted a long time ago. And nobody's carving Syria up, not no more .
Divvent worry son, I'll keep an eye on yer progress, I really see on occasion signs that your developing an intellect, then you go backwards, but I have hopes for you, love Da;)
You don't ignore anyone you bellend. You pretend to ignore people but you don't. You just dodge inconvenient questions that shatter your bullshit view point. Why the fuck should I do you the courtesy of viewing your links, stupid fucking links from fucking youtube I might add, when you ignore links from me and everyone else who disagrees with you?

Your tactic is come on a thread, shit all over it with huge chunks of text that swerve wildly all over the place, someone responds to one piece of your text because people can only really respond to one bit at a time, especially on a forum like this, you either ignore it if it doesn't fit your world view because of it's inconvenience or dismiss with a healthy dose of abuse about how everyone's a wanker. You then post another wall of bollocks with a youtube video of 'ooh look at this person being raped it must have been really awful for them' or 'look at this grainy video it proves all the rebels are western backed head choppers' you're called out on that and then you do the same thing again.

To top it all off you then cry wank over how there's some sort of clique ganging up on you and that it's every one else's fault for misunderstanding you. So on that basis go ahead, add me to your imaginary ignore list and add me to the clique you think exists of people who think you are, to sum up another poster on another thread, a self centred arrogant prick.

I'm ignoring you now, and I sure as shit am not pretending. And I genuinely do really ignore those other twats too. Cheerio.
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