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And next, Syria?

La Stampa in Italy reporting that YPG are fighting against the rebels in Aleppo, de facto on the same side as the SAA if not directly collaborating with them. Can't see anything about this on mainstream English sites.

I curdi nella battaglia di Aleppo

(article in italian, but it basically says):

Kurds have taken Aleppo airport from the rebels
turkey pissed off, turkey supporting rebels that the Kurds have beaten
Brett McGurk visits Kobane, further pissing off turkey
erdogan says american has to choose between turkey and kurds
The SDF - of who some are FSA-arab groups but the majority YPG - are taking back some villages and areas from the islamists and more dodgy FSA groups who took them from the YPG and kurds in 2012-13 and who then chased out the non islamist FSA groups in the following period. In the same way that in the north-east the SDF and FSA groups are co-combatants with the SAA against ISIS rather than being allies.
All of this YPG attack the rebels nonsense comes from the same propaganda place as all rebels and FSA being beardie nutters. The YPG has always opposed the islamists and has fought them when it needed to and when it was to their advantage. What's going on now is a simple continuation of this, but this time with help from FSA-sunni arab groups who are also opposed to the islamists and nutters. It's only confusing if you confuse all rebels with FSA and all FSA with 'head-choppers' - exactly as the regime and other terrorists supporters have been trying very hard to do for years now.
The SDF - of who some are FSA-arab groups but the majority YPG - are taking back some villages and areas from the islamists and more dodgy FSA groups who took them from the YPG and kurds in 2012-13 and who then chased out the non islamist FSA groups in the following period. In the same way that in the north-east the SDF and FSA groups are co-combatants with the SAA against ISIS rather than being allies.
It's getting interesting I've seen videos where the Ruaf are bombing positions to help the YPG/J that are within small arms fire (there's some major cooperation going on there).Kobani has electricity for the first time in four years and American diplomats have essentially told Turkey to fuck off.They've also just taken a major military airport with little if any resistance.I'd also like to know how many people have been allowed into Afrin (seen figure of 30,000 but who knows if that's right).
No it won't because that's not reality . I'll just laugh at it .


You on this entire thread.
All of this YPG attack the rebels nonsense comes from the same propaganda place as all rebels and FSA being beardie nutters. The YPG has always opposed the islamists and has fought them when it needed to and when it was to their advantage. What's going on now is a simple continuation of this, but this time with help from FSA-sunni arab groups who are also opposed to the islamists and nutters. It's only confusing if you confuse all rebels with FSA and all FSA with 'head-choppers' - exactly as the regime and other terrorists supporters have been trying very hard to do for years now.
All those who don't support the glorious leader are terrorist head choppers, fact!!
Assad a bastard
Cr is right that some of the fsa are head chopping nutters
Turkey has tried to up its game from the traditional whack a kurd to playing remember the ottamans:facepalm:
Putain has a plan it may be a shit plan but he's going to carry it out and has the kit to do it.
Europe doesnt have a plan.
The syrians are even more in the shit and a lot more of the poors sods are going to die directly by bombs fleeing or in the "peace process"
Assad a bastard
Spot on.

Cr is right that some of the fsa are head chopping nutters

Some yes.

Turkey has tried to up its game from the traditional whack a kurd to playing remember the ottamans:facepalm:

Erdogans game, a lot of "Turks" are Kurds.

Putain has a plan it may be a shit plan but he's going to carry it out and has the kit to do it.
Europe doesnt have a plan.

True, but the truth is the West hasn't got a "plan"not just the EU,and whereas Western fighter bombers often come back loaded because they couldn't find a legitimate target, Assads barrel bombs and Russian bombs are dropped indiscriminately over areas the regime considers hostile.

The syrians are even more in the shit and a lot more of the poors sods are going to die directly by bombs fleeing or in the "peace process"

There is no "peace process" it was obviously a ruse to allow further bombing and killing.
Untrue. There's no shortage of CIA shills and the like too .
While most would think there are any amount of unpalatable groups and various unsavoury leaders of such groups in Syria, your incessant cheerleading of a vicious dictator is beyond comprehension.
I've had to spend pages pointing out your reality was completely wrong Mr " theres no significant gains..wot just 2 Kms ? hahaha ". And not just me pointing it out .

What part of 'I accept he's made gains' are you failing to grasp? (I said 2% not 2 km). Now how about answering my questions as regards to the significance of this. What do you think is going to happen? What's the outcome going to be for Assad? The geographical space of Syria? The people in exile? Answer them instead of waving a mass murderer's dick around for him.
"The PYD has supported and welcomed the Russian campaign in Syria from its very first days . We will stand behind any country that will help the Syrian people fight terrorists, radical groups and bandits like never seen before .....Furthermore the fight against Islamic State , Al Nusra and other radical groups should intensify in Syria ."
Abd Salam Muhammed Ali , PYD head of Moscow mission .


Syrian Kurdistan mission opens in Moscow

Vid here of the Moscow office opening , it's in Kurdish though .

What a nice man that Putin chap is helping these PYD people. They really seem to greatly appreciate the Russian campaign in Syria, and Im sure the Russian patronage they're now receiving ...offices in Moscow no less ...will also be greatly appreciated too .
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What part of 'I accept he's made gains' are you failing to grasp? (I said 2% not 2 km). Now how about answering my questions as regards to the significance of this. What do you think is going to happen? What's the outcome going to be for Assad? The geographical space of Syria? The people in exile? Answer them instead of waving a mass murderer's dick around for him.

You never said that you lying sod . You were dismissing the significance out of hand, claiming it wasn't significant . It's the major turning point of the entire war FFs .

I've posted you shit load of links telling you what a lot of people think will happen. The rebels will totally defeated . Can't you read ? I've told you this till I'm blue in the face .
You never said that you lying sod . You were dismissing the significance out of hand, claiming it wasn't significant . It's the major turning point of the entire war FFs .

I've posted you shit load of links telling you what a lot of people think will happen. The rebels will totally defeated . Can't you read ? I've told you this till I'm blue in the face .

You've sent me Daily Mail links and links from the LA times, the LA times link undermined your point about Assad not being utterly dependent on Russian air power and Iranian mercernaries.

I'm not interested in what other people think. I'm not interested in who's going to win what battle and where. I'm interested in what you think the significance is for Assad, the territory of Syria and for the millions in exile.
You've sent me Daily Mail links and links from the LA times, the LA times link undermined your point about Assad not being utterly dependent on Russian air power and Iranian mercernaries.

I'm not interested in what other people think. I'm not interested in who's going to win what battle and where. I'm interested in what you think the significance is for Assad, the territory of Syria and for the millions in exile.

I posted more links than that . And I never said I agreed with everything in them. The common thread though is the rebels are now fucked. And fucked they are .

He's about to win the war . Then there'll be peace and the refugees can come home and Syria will be rebuilt . How many times do I have to spell this out ?

And there aren't any Iranian mercenaries in Syria . You don't even know what a fucking mercenary is . They're Iranian troops, acting primarily as advisors and trainers . that's perfectly legitimate . All countries have allies they turn to for expertise in war .
Syria has been under a crippling military and economic blockade for the past 5 years . It's also under massive attack by actual proper mercenaries from around 80 different countries, armed and funded and assisted in every manner imaginable by a host of very rich and powerful states , including 3 directly on Syrias borders...Turkey, jordan and the zionists . With more pouring in from a shattered Iraq . Any state facing those odds will require help from its allies . Assad is not utterly dependent on those states direct assistance to survive, and never has been . He is dependent upon them to win though . And winning he is .
Assad a bastard
Cr is right that some of the fsa are head chopping nutters
Turkey has tried to up its game from the traditional whack a kurd to playing remember the ottamans:facepalm:
Putain has a plan it may be a shit plan but he's going to carry it out and has the kit to do it.
Europe doesnt have a plan.
The syrians are even more in the shit and a lot more of the poors sods are going to die directly by bombs fleeing or in the "peace process"

Putins plan is far from shit . He's turned the entire military situation around in about 6 months with a very small Russian force . As well as the diplomatic and political . Forcing the west to concede that Assad is going nowhere, very early on in the campaign . And it's cost him very little .

It's costing the Russians no more to do this than they do in training exercises ..they're just dropping their stuff in Syria onto head choppers rather than on a wooden target on some Steppe.. They aren't wasting a fortune with snazzy state of the art guided bombs and missiles either that cost an arm and a leg . and they're still getting the job done for a fraction of the cost . Plus as regards the fancy stuff they have deployed...cruise missiles and the like... they're getting the first opportunity to see how it works in actual combat . which is invaluable .
He's about to win the war . Then there'll be peace and the refugees can come home and Syria will be rebuilt . How many times do I have to spell this out ?

And there aren't any Iranian mercenaries in Syria . You don't even know what a fucking mercenary is . They're Iranian troops, acting primarily as advisors and trainers . that's perfectly legitimate . All countries have allies they turn to for expertise in war .
Syria has been under a crippling military and economic blockade for the past 5 years . It's also under massive attack by actual proper mercenaries from around 80 different countries, armed and funded and assisted in every manner imaginable by a host of very rich and powerful states , including 3 directly on Syrias borders...Turkey, jordan and the zionists . With more pouring in from a shattered Iraq . Any state facing those odds will require help from its allies . Assad is not utterly dependent on those states direct assistance to survive, and never has been . He is dependent upon them to win though . And winning he is .

I had a whole passage written in response but then my browser crashed and I just can't be arsed so I'm just gonna post this instead because that's all you are.

That's vicious winning dictator to you, mush .
Aye, one or two others I can imagine you glorifying, but in the end they didn't win did they? Mind you, that didn't stop them killing millions/ hundreds of thousands of their people before they ended up deid.
Yer weird, do you know that?
Say something about the Kurds supporting the Russian campaign in Syria.

Go on .
Easy peasy, the Kurds are looking at establishing a kurdish nation and are blatantly (and rightly) taking help from any bugger prepared to help them, if it pokes Erdogan in the eye, more fool him, for hating the Kurds rather than looking at the geopolitical situation.
Easy peasy, the Kurds are looking at establishing a kurdish nation and are blatantly (and rightly) taking help from any bugger prepared to help them, if it pokes Erdogan in the eye, more fool him, for hating the Kurds rather than looking at the geopolitical situation.

That and they've always been against jihadist groups so they're of course going to support Russian airpower when it supports them in attacking said jihadist groups. Casually fascist seems to think it means they support Assad because of course, everyone supports Assad and everyone who doesn't is a 'western backed head chopper.' Black and white facts.
Aye, we could have stopped another "juggernaut" in the Sudetenland or Checesovolakia but we didn't, did we?

That would be the Sudetenland and Czech republic NATO have swallowed up ? After invading Yugoslavia ...first time the luftwaffe bombed belgrade for almost 60 years...and later Libya ..like someone with a funny moustache did . And tried heading for Crimea ..like someone with a funny moustache did . But we're ultimately fucked off out of it by the Russians . Like someone with a funny moustache was . That juggernaut .
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