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And next, Syria?

Yerz. Clinton 2016!

We have to work with the world we have, and all it's messy unpleasant history, Assad has been president, and will probably be on the future ballot. Given that, and given whoever else gets to run... who will a majority of the Syrian people vote for? Put the purism aside and let's hope the war can be bought to an end. Henceforth... politics. A potential opposition slogan- "forget Daddy's boy, vote Mo, for a brighter tomorrow" etc, rather than just snipers, jihadis and suicide bombs.
That's a major sticking point at the moment. The opposition forces that met in Riyadh flatly reject the idea that Assad can ever stand in new elections. At the moment, they refuse even to start negotiations without a timetable for his removal from power.
And if Assad loses? Reckon he will just ride quietly off into the sunset?

Yes, actually. There's been no previous to indicate he wouldn't so theres no basis to think he would refuse to leave power after an internationally observed election where he loses. Doubt he'd expect the support of the Russians in that scenario, it would be a major embarrassment to them. You're basically speculating in accordance with a character created in your mind. None of the players here are cartoon villains capable of running off cliffs in defiance of gravity.
That's a major sticking point at the moment. The opposition forces that met in Riyadh flatly reject the idea that Assad can ever stand in new elections. At the moment, they refuse even to start negotiations without a timetable for his removal from power.

Red an white stripes all over that position.
Yes, actually. There's been no previous to indicate he wouldn't so theres no basis to think he would refuse to leave power after an internationally observed election where he loses. Doubt he'd expect the support of the Russians in that scenario, it would be a major embarrassment to them. You're basically speculating in accordance with a character created in your mind. None of the players here are cartoon villains capable of running off cliffs in defiance of gravity.

Not really, I suggested a scenario similar to what is now been considered a few pages back, but it was dismissed by CR as 'unreasonable'
Assad has openly rejected elections even if he allowed to stand. That's the sort of democrat he is. Did no one bother reading/watching his interviews after the vienna conference. As long as one single person in the country who opposes me is carrying a gun i will reject elctions. The painting of him as the peaceful democrat here is painful. What has the internet done to our kids?
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Assad has openly rejected elections even if he allowed to stand. That's the sort of democrat he is. Did no one bother reading/watching his interviews after the vienna conference. As long as one single person in the country who opposes me is carrying a gun i will reject elctions. The painting of him as the peaceful democrat here is painful. What has the internet done to our kids?
Who's painting him as a "peaceful democrat" ? The intention being ( I imagine) that if force is required to hold an election he will have no excuse to claim he was excluded from the process.
Oh dear. This reports out tomorrow . From Tony Blairs mob .

Syria war: Third of rebels share IS aims, report claims - BBC News

According to that about 30 percent of Syrian armed militants...about 100,000 share IS ideology , pretty much . Around 60 percent are themselves Islamic extremists . And most of the remainder who aren't have no problem working with Islamic extremists and wouldn't be too bothered if an Islamic state was the outcome . Only took about 5 bloody years to state the obvious mind .
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That's a major sticking point at the moment. The opposition forces that met in Riyadh flatly reject the idea that Assad can ever stand in new elections. At the moment, they refuse even to start negotiations without a timetable for his removal from power.

No matter. After they've been wiped out on the ground they'll be nothing more than an afterthought .
Oh dear. This reports out tomorrow . From Tony Blairs mob .

Syria war: Third of rebels share IS aims, report claims - BBC News

According to that about 30 percent of Syrian armed militants...about 100,000 share IS ideology , pretty much . Around 60 percent are themselves Islamic extremists . And most of the remainder who aren't have no problem working with Islamic extremists and wouldn't be too bothered if an Islamic state was the outcome . Only took about 5 bloody years to state the obvious mind .

Think critically about this for a sec. It's a report by the Tony Bliar Foundation for a start

Inside the Jihadi Mind

• The importance of tawhid (monotheism) is revealed in a number of themes throughout the propaganda, in different strands of the ideology: one God, one state, and one ummah (the global Islamic community). These themes appear in over 74 per cent of the propaganda.
• An emphasis on the nobility of jihad runs throughout the propaganda, often presenting it in chivalric terms, with pictures of fighters on horseback, or references to Saladin. Altogether, such references appear in 71 per cent of the propaganda.
• The importance of honour, and the solidarity of the ummah is also central, appearing in 68 per cent of the propaganda. The virtue of martyrdom – common to many religions, but here applied deliberately to death in battle – forms a significant part of the value of honour, appearing explicitly in 32 per cent of the propaganda, and implicitly in 68 per cent.
• Altogether, justifications from the Quran, Hadith or from scholarship appear in 87 per cent of the propaganda. One ISIS statement contained 24 references to the Quran, making up 26 percent of the entire statement. Of these 24 references, 13 different surahs (chapters) were referenced.
• While Quranic justifications are usually presented without context, reinforcing the accusation that the groups 'cherry pick' passages that support their case, the ideology makes extensive use of scripture: half of the propaganda references the Quran, with 63 out of the 114 surahs referenced.
• Hadith justifications are used much less than Quranic justifications, appearing in only 22 per cent of the sample. The accusation that Salafi- jihadi groups pick Hadith that suit their vision may be bolstered by the ways in which they use them: authoritative Hadith are cited with the full details of their origins; the referencing of those of more doubtful provenance is much more vague.
• When the groups are criticised for their actions by rival Salafi-jihadi groups or others, the Quran and the Hadith are the first reference points that are used for the rebuttal. Hadith in particular are used in bulk when groups are attacked by other followers of the ideology.
• Nevertheless, the vaunted Salafi rejection of much Islamic scholarship as 'innovation' (ISIS refers to established scholars as "donkeys of knowledge") is belied by references throughout the propaganda to 45 different scholars from all the major schools of jurisprudence apart from the Hanafi school

Some of the criteria here would suggest that every single Jew and Christian on the planet sympathises with ISIS, the solidarity with a religious community generally is hardly something that is exclusive to Muslims and nor are religious justifications for just war (I seem to remember a certain PM bragging about reading Aquinas before launching his crusade against Iraq).

I can't believe that people are getting paid to come up with this shit.
Think critically about this for a sec. It's a report by the Tony Bliar Foundation for a start

Inside the Jihadi Mind

Some of the criteria here would suggest that every single Jew and Christian on the planet sympathises with ISIS, the solidarity with a religious community generally is hardly something that is exclusive to Muslims and nor are religious justifications for just war (I seem to remember a certain PM bragging about reading Aquinas before launching his crusade against Iraq).

I can't believe that people are getting paid to come up with this shit.

I'm fully aware of who compiled the report , which i pointed out, and what they're agendas are . What I'm laughing about isn't the content but the fact it took so long for them to admit it . The fact is even their moderate , moderate moderates at the very top were engaging in joint military operations with IS from the outset, praying alongside them for the cameras, handing over surrendered prisoners to them for mass decapitation and telling the media their "brothers " we're good people and good Muslims. The same process has and is been going on with Ahrar Al Sham, Al nusra and a host of others of the same stripe. For years . And even when the west finally acknowledged there was a " problem ", the warlord they tried to promote as the solution turned round and admitted Al Qaeda wasn't his problem .
They aren't saying anything new or startling . It's stating the obvious , providing the necessary political cover for another policy shift .


As can be seen from the Assad interview were he points out the west call him a reformer one day, a butcher and murderer the next , then maybe he's not so bad...ooer..he must go...oh hold on stay .

I think you've misinterpreted my posting of the Blair mobs report as me having any confidence in it , him or the wankers who work for him . FFs I've been posting here long enough . It's not what they've said but why and when which is the issue.
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According to this report, as a Christian, you're an ISIS sympathiser.

I suggest you look at my edit above . I'm certainly not relying on the likes of tony Blair to back any of my points up . Apologies if that was unclear . What I'm saying " oh dear " about is the agenda shift. How the establishment are plainly now giving up on the moderate hokum now that regime change has utterly failed.
If Tony speaks it is shit.

It's shit that he's still capable of speech . But long before his mob got around to admitting it the evidence was already there . One of the invited participants to the Riyadh conference , Ahrar Al Sham, is a close ally of Al nusra. And virtually all current opponents of IS at the conference have previously worked with them and praised them.
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Interesting article here on the seemingly never ending stream of Chechen salafis who keep getting bumped off in turkey .

Assassinations of Rebel-Connected Chechens Continue in Turkey

There's another article from Bild on the same issue which reckons the Russian unit alleged to be responsible is itself based in Berlin, which would make sense to a degree given berlins large Turkish and Kurdish community . Not linking to the translation because it's hosted on a dodge site but if I find it anywhere else I'll post it .


There we go

On the Hit List: Russia Hunts Down Chechen Terrorists Abroad - SPIEGEL ONLINE
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Here we seem to have the so called FSA denouncing Al Qaeda in one breath while co operating with them on the ground the next . It seems to be an upgraded variation on the previous FSA public denials Al Qaeda were islamic extremists .

Al Nusrah Front, Free Syrian Army battle Assad regime for UN Hill in southern Syria | The Long War Journal

And a year earlier in the very same place

One U.S.-Backed Rebel Group Cooperates With Al-Qaeda in Syria

I'm sure all the left wing secular rebels :D:D:D will come along and put a stop to such shenanigans . It'll be getting " the revolution " a bad name at this rate .
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And here we have from years back, 4 out of 5 of the so called FSAs top military commanders announcing they'd be working closely with the nutter groups. And instances of them plainly doing so, including IS.

The fragmenting FSA

Btw , their senior leader Zahran Alloush went on the record as welcoming IS into Syria during one particularly memorable sectarian rant against Syrias minorities . The Daily Beast did a big interview with him last week as a puff piece about his current " moderation " . The military leader of the Army of Islam went so far as to tell the western audience that the Army of Islam ...wasn't Islamist .

I'm sure there's some wankers on here who'd just lap that up . Tailored for them .
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Russia/Syria: Extensive Recent Use of Cluster Munitions

The military offensive that the Russian and Syrian government forces opened against armed groups opposed to the government on September 30, 2015, has included extensive use of cluster munitions – inherently indiscriminate and internationally banned weapons.

The use violates United Nations resolution 2139 of February 22, 2014, which demanded that all parties involved in Syria end “indiscriminate employment of weapons in populated areas,” Human Rights Watch said. It also contradicts a statement issued by the Syrian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates on November 9, 2015, in which it insisted that the Syrian Arab Armed Forces do not and will not use indiscriminate weapons....
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