Not the air strikes on hospitals, that's kosher. I mean that leftists `shrug`.
Where are all these following words in quotes from?
"It claims to oppose Islamophobia, yet you can read a wide range of leftist writers invoking visceral appeals to Islamophobia and orientalsm by essentializing the Syrian rebels as “jihadis,” with deliberate obscurity. It claims to oppose the “war on terror,” yet the Manichean logic of the Bush era is reproduced in support of Russia’s intervention. It claims to be “anti-imperialist,” yet you have no less a figure as Noam Chomsky so absurdly and pathetically
claim that Russia’s intervention in Syria is not “imperialist” since “it’s supporting a government,” while he endorses the conservative “realism” of
Patrick Cockburn, whose writing has often come down on the side of the Assad regime.
The brutal array of crimes committed by the Assad regime, Iran and Russia against the Syrian people are swept aside in some imagined geopolitical game that leftists think is unfolding. The Assad regime is brutal, they often concede, but its opponents are worse—Islamofascist stooges of U.S. imperialism or, even more worryingly, “Zionism,” that are working towards various nefarious ends."
Let's pick one quote.
Chomsky says "it's supporting a government." In fact that isn't a quote. It is made up.
He said "Russia is supporting a brutal vicious government, it shouldn't" but as it's supporting a government then technically it is not 'imperialism' in his eyes.
Amazing the guy missed out those other words from the quote, or rather the stuff he made up. That in any decent journalistic outlet is a sackable offence. Not many of them about.