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American Airlines Ban Alcohol on Flights

I've taken a lot of flights down the years and I've never witnessed drunkenness causing a problem. I am aware it happens though as there are regular stories in the press and I'm glad it's never happened on one of my flights.

I am quite partial to a drink on board so would be a bit sad if it becomes the norm to ban booze on flights but it wouldn't be that big a deal. In large parts of the world there is already no booze served on short haul flights. Some legacy long haul airlines can be very stingy with dishing out the booze. Its no biggie.

The only flight I've had where there was some pretty crazy drunkenness was a brum to Ibiza flight on jet2. There had been a short delay and there was some large groups of late teens / early 20's who had used the time to get hammered. It was all good natured on the flight but it was very roudy / crazy. I'm not sure how much difference not serving booze on board would have made as they were all well oiled long before embarking.
It’s not so much the drinking on board it’s the drinking pre flight that’s the problem .That’s a more difficult issue to deal with but I’d start with a limit of two pints or two wines/ spirits at airport bars .
It’s not so much the drinking on board it’s the drinking pre flight that’s the problem .That’s a more difficult issue to deal with but I’d start with a limit of two pints or two wines/ spirits at airport bars .

Yeah its people being tanked up by the time they get on the plane that is usually the pre-cursor to problems on the plane itself. I'm sure it would be fairly easy to limit the purchase of booze in the airport through boarding passes but it would get a lot of pushback and not infallible as people will still find a way. I've seen people laying into their duty free purchases in departures before, pouring spirits into coke cans etc.
cheaper flight slots are often late at night or early in the morning- both offer the airport the capacity to provide a heart starter for the thirsty traveller given the check in window needed for air travel these days. ultimately wankers are to blame tho'
Nowt beats getting stoned beforehand, couple of the benzos. Then sip some poison all the way.

Mistake I usually make is filling my face so much in the air. I used to order the veggie option, wolf that down, hide the tray and then claim a 'normal' meal. Couldn't pass movement for days after.
Flying and drunkardness is a really horrible combination IME. Usually one drink is enough for me just to relax. After that I'd rather just eat and doze off - thats if its a late afternoon/evening flight. If its a morning flight I never drink booze. Even on the red eye I'd rather just have a sleeping pill than alcohol.

Waking up at Heathrow with a banging hangover is so not the one.
Flying and drunkardness is a really horrible combination IME. Usually one drink is enough for me just to relax. After that I'd rather just eat and doze off - thats if its a late afternoon/evening flight. If its a morning flight I never drink booze. Even on the red eye I'd rather just have a sleeping pill than alcohol.

Waking up at Heathrow with a banging hangover is so not the one.

in a pair of shorts and a sombrero

Was at Barcelona airport one time, can't remember which one. Prob the one down the coast cos easyjet.

i was in no rush to get home, was my first proper holiday for my 21st. Me and an old friend. Had a blast. October sun, swimming in the sea. Weed, Estralla for 0.50 euros. Great food and Barcelona

So they changed our gate from one part of the airport to the other. All the English couldn't wait to get home. For what? You tell me!

so they made the announcement and we were at the front, I said to me partner in crime 'watch this' and preceeded to start running. 150 other people started legging it behind me to get there first. Mate found it hilarious but I, being the morbid twat I am, found it extremely indicative of that weird culture we have.

Still, I guess it was one of those funny things you'll never forget. Plane didn't leave for another two hours but it took em half a minute to cover a kilometre through the airport.
Flying and drunkardness is a really horrible combination IME. Usually one drink is enough for me just to relax. After that I'd rather just eat and doze off - thats if its a late afternoon/evening flight. If its a morning flight I never drink booze. Even on the red eye I'd rather just have a sleeping pill than alcohol.

Waking up at Heathrow with a banging hangover is so not the one.
Going straight from the nightclub to the airport and into a flight still tripping balls was not as fun as I had anticipated either.
If they did a blanket ban there would certainly be a few years of people tucking into their airport acquired (I refuse to say duty free as airport shops are all crazy expensive) spirts on board, that's for sure. It happens now but not much I reckon.

Eventually though it would just fade away and it'll be one of those things like smoking on planes that we'd all look back on and say 'I can't believe that was the norm'.
If they did a blanket ban there would certainly be a few years of people tucking into their airport acquired (I refuse to say duty free as airport shops are all crazy expensive) spirts on board, that's for sure. It happens now but not much I reckon.

It'd probably won't take too many incidents before any alcohol bought in airport is sent straight to the aircraft for secure storage - I'm surprised there hasn't already been an incident to make security decide that there's not much point taking people's bottles of water or whatever when they're allowed to board planes with glass bottles of 100-proof liquor and a lighter.
It'd probably won't take too many incidents before any alcohol bought in airport is sent straight to the aircraft for secure storage - I'm surprised there hasn't already been an incident to make security decide that there's not much point taking people's bottles of water or whatever when they're allowed to board planes with glass bottles of 100-proof liquor and a lighter.

There was indeed a “report” about just that quite some years ago - IIRC the general consensus was that as passengers were in proximity to enough highly flammable stuff already, so it didn’t matter.
Ban flights end of. Death virus vectors of intercontinental transmission, the addiction of which has caused misery to billions.
Ban flights end of. Death virus vectors of intercontinental transmission, the addiction of which has caused misery to billions.
I would drop flying today if I could. Imagine a world where you could take your time and travel without the hell of airlines
I would drop flying today if I could. Imagine a world where you could take your time and travel without the hell of airlines
You mean retirement?

Most of us working slobs can’t afford the time off to to grand tours like the wealthy used to. Budget airlines has opened up travel to the poorer classes.

I’d like to say this has created a greater understanding and tolerance of other cultures but Brexit and the rise of nationalism seems to prove this untrue.
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