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American Airlines Ban Alcohol on Flights

A Southwest have joined them.

About time too. Unfortunately it looks like this is temporary but with any luck it'll be extended and become the norm.

Who hasn't been on a filght where some pissed-up arse has ruined the trip?

More of this, I say.

A second airline bans alcohol after customer altercations as Memorial Day weekend travel surges

The Independent should have spent an extra 30 seconds researching this story - American Airlines suspended alcohol service back in March 2020, they've just temporarily delayed the restart of service because too many idiots are assaulting their workers.

They've pushed the restart date back to the day when the mask mandate is lifted - I guess cabin crew will be expected to deal with drunks, or anti-maskers, but not drunk anti-maskers.
I spent years flying London to San Jose every three/four weeks. It was surprising how many people were very rude to the people working on the planes.

Yep - in my experience as ground staff, most passengers are perfectly nice, but there is a sizable minority who feel that because their ticket cost a lot of money, they are entitled to treat any workers they encounter as servants.

If I was running an American airline, I'd be tempted to hire only military veterans as cabin crew, if it wasn't for the worry that they might get carried away and start waterboarding unruly passengers.
I spent years flying London to San Jose every three/four weeks. It was surprising how many people were very rude to the people working on the planes.
Airlines should be required to have at least 2 massive martial arts experts on each flight whose job would be to beat these people up.
Airlines should be required to have at least 2 massive martial arts experts on each flight whose job would be to beat these people up.
Every plane should have a security guard and a cage in the cargo hold, just in case. And anybody who acts in a manner that necessitates the use of the cage should get a minimum of 5 years in prison, including anybody that plays music really loud on crappy headphones.
Planes should be like libraries, where no fucker talks. Talking above whisper volume on planes should be punishable by public flogging.
Who hasn't been on a filght where some pissed-up arse has ruined the trip?

Not me, but then I'm usually too pissed to notice what other cunts are up to.

Airlines should be required to have at least 2 massive martial arts experts on each flight whose job would be to beat these people up.

I'll be up for that, after a few sherberts I'm a kung fu fucking master
Every plane should have a security guard and a cage in the cargo hold, just in case. And anybody who acts in a manner that necessitates the use of the cage should get a minimum of 5 years in prison, including anybody that plays music really loud on crappy headphones.
Planes should be like libraries, where no fucker talks. Talking above whisper volume on planes should be punishable by public flogging.

Maybe there should be something in the fine print on tickets stating that every seat is an ejector seat which can be activated at the cabin crew's discretion.

Airlines should be required to have at least 2 massive martial arts experts on each flight whose job would be to beat these people up.

Too much commotion, may disturb other passengers. Better to have crew armed with dart guns to energetically administer tranquilisors.
Spymaster wants booze banned cos he’s a fucking tightarse who flies Ryanair. He should take a crowbar to that wallet of his and spend proper dough for his flights, he’ll soon stop moaning when he has this...E53C7F30-69F3-4FE6-8C7A-B70374F50AD6.jpeg

That actually looks vile. What's the purple stuff, is it beetroot? And what's that dollop of Hellman's all about? What else is on the plate?
I remember that as it was soon after departure. Frau Bahn wanted to walk a lap of the plane, she got as far as premium economy and lurched in to a seat spilling the bloke’s drink in to his lap, apologised in a manner which must have appeared insincere and wafted back behind the curtain to business and a glass of champers.
Maybe it was Spymaster that took the soaking that day, hence the ire at boozers on planes?
Are you sure you weren't pissed then too? :D
Strange looking pork balls.

I was actually smashed from the day before and the breakfast beers in the lounge, but vividly remember the pork, but they weren’t balls, just pork.

I then watched a film;

A pound to the charity of your choice for guess which one...0C6DBC84-5C32-48A6-8647-06ECF51F82BD.jpeg
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