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Alex Jones arrested in New York

taffboy gwyrdd

Embrace the confusion!

The link shows Faux-news coverage. The demo was a 911 "truth" demo (I dont know anyone who knows the truth myself)

Although Jones is a conservative (paeleo, not the more repulsive neo-cons) the Faux propagandist describes the crowd as "anarchists and communists".

Mr Jones heinous crime? Well he was prominant in a demonstration that had not got a permit. In the land of the free you now need permission to protest, which costs a fair bit and often isnt given anyway. Remind you of anywhere?

Only a huge wage of protest from libertarians left and right has forced Mayor Bloomberg to consider turning back the ban on video cameras in NYC, a breach of the constitution.

On that subject, this is a great little action where someone from "We are change" challenged the Mayor on a subway (tube) http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=dSVfIyj-4u4
Mainly posting to let you know, and I know lots of people here think AJ is a jerk. I certainly disagree with him on a lot of things, but he also does highlight quasi fascist authortarianism in the US and brings that message to beyond the usual liberal / left crowd.
I'm sure Mr. Jones, considers this the best of publicity and thinks of bail money as a sound business investment.
He was arrested because he was fucking with Fox News and making a politically incorrect scene in public and on TV, not because he's some sort of truth merchant.
knowing Jones, a stunt for marketing purposes--if there were any Leftists associating with this red-neck, more fool them. He is a posturing bull-horn bull-shitting fake. End of.
Isnt it a good thing he fucks with Fox? Isnt it a good thing he challenges the way the constitution has been shat on, how the global elite conspire against us and despise us?

I could argue the toss with Jones about a host of his right wing views. It doesnt mean he's wrong on everything and it doesnt mean we should make excuses for the regeime which has arrested him.

Personally, I dont ask someone to fill out a detailed political questionaire each time there's a prospect of me being in a campaign with them. One time at a No2ID meeting there was a guy who was quite likely BNP, he never showed up again. That's where I draw the line of course. But in the assault on our liberties I dont think we have the luxury of not allying with libertarians and some conservatives - that's puritanical bullshit and quite elitist in itself of course. "oooohhh - you're not left wing enough to be in our gang" - schoolyard stuff. States are getting more tyrannical and authoritarian. Conservatives for small government are just as aware of that as we are.

What is truly embarassing is that the US right seem to be doing as good a job of standing up to Bush as the left is. Ron Paul has attracted way more grass roots activist support than any equivalent dumbocratic candidate.

If we are to defeat ID cards and the NIR we will need a section of the right on board. But I worry that too many "progressives" are too politically immature to accept that.
FridgeMagnet said:
He was arrested because he was fucking with Fox News and making a politically incorrect scene in public and on TV, not because he's some sort of truth merchant.

Shurley they oughta give medals for fucking with Fox News and being policitallcy incorrect?
taffboy gwyrdd said:
People arrested for expressing an opinion.
You see, now this is the classic dishonest spin that gives conspiraloons a bad name.

If you look at his charge sheet, I can guarantee that it won't read, "Arrested for expressing an opinion," so why make out that it does?
taffboy gwyrdd said:
Isnt it a good thing he fucks with Fox? Isnt it a good thing he challenges the way the constitution has been shat on, how the global elite conspire against us and despise us?
You'd be better off challenging the way he constantly twists and distorts the truth to his own ends.

He got pwned good and proper by Jon Ronson.
editor said:
You see, now this is the classic dishonest spin that gives conspiraloons a bad name.

If you look at his charge sheet, I can guarantee that it won't read, "Arrested for expressing an opinion," so why make out that it does?
Dear god listen to yourself. I thought even you were up on the general assault on the rights of protestors both in the US and UK.

Are you saying that it's okay to arrest peaceful protestors if the police can write something that sounds good on the charge sheet? Because that seems to be your take on it.

Or - perhaps - do you think it's okay to arrest the protestors who you personally don't agree with? :rolleyes:
But he wasn't arrested because of his "opinions". He was arrested because he was fucking with Fox. He will clearly now no doubt try to paint this as omg government suppression of 911 TROOF, rather than What Really Happened which was that he and his loons fucked with one of the favoured sons of the administration, in a city with some pretty aggressive politically-motivated cops. In other words any real message about suppression of protest will yet again be defused.
Jazzz said:
Are you saying that it's okay to arrest peaceful protestors if the police can write something that sounds good on the charge sheet? Because that seems to be your take on it.

Or - perhaps - do you think it's okay to arrest the protestors who you personally don't agree with? :rolleyes:
Thank you for providing yet more examples of the classic dishonest spin that gives conspiraloons such a bad name.

I said none of the above. All of that came from your little head.
Barking_Mad said:
Shurley they oughta give medals for fucking with Fox News and being policitallcy incorrect?
I'm all for fucking with Fox, and clearly I'm hardly going to side with the cops here. But that having been said, if you ask me whether there'll be any positive outcome to this I'd say that Jones and the squad will try their hardest to make sure there won't be, painting it as "the NWO are scared of our message!!!" and turning serious issues into absurd ones.

Like they always do.
Jazzz said:
Dear god listen to yourself. I thought even you were up on the general assault on the rights of protestors both in the US and UK.

Are you saying that it's okay to arrest peaceful protestors if the police can write something that sounds good on the charge sheet? Because that seems to be your take on it.

Or - perhaps - do you think it's okay to arrest the protestors who you personally don't agree with? :rolleyes:

I'd be slower to criticise editor than many because at least he actually works consistently and hard to facilitate truth bringing and discussion. And Jones works very hard too, though the "truth" aspect can be more suspect.

Truth is, I think that some people would concur with your last paragraph. They dont believe much in free speech at all - just free speech for those who agree with them. You have to pass some mysterious anarchist / socialist thought analysis test before you are deemed worthy of an opinion worth expressing.
FridgeMagnet said:
In other words any real message about suppression of protest will yet again be defused.
Yup. By the time Jones has finished capitalising on his 'heroic' arrest and spinning out some ludicrous 9/11 angle, I imagine he'll end up making things even harder for peaceful protesters in NYC.

Just like those fucking clowns at the Urban Fair yesterday, their quest for their version of THE TROOF does nothing but serve their own, self-centred and weirdly obsessed interests and alienate ordinary folks.
taffboy gwyrdd said:
Truth is, I think that some people would concur with your last paragraph. .
Well, I clearly don't agree with it - as I would have thought obvious by the content on this site.

Still, it was good of Jazzz to bring such a timely example of how 'truthers' like to spin, twist and distort things to their own ends.
editor said:
Well, I clearly don't agree with it - as I would have thought obvious by the content on this site.

Still, it was good of Jazzz to bring such a timely example of how 'truthers' like to spin, twist and distort things to their own ends.
I am not twisting here at all. What you are blissfully unaware of is your own hypocrisy.
taffboy gwyrdd said:
People arrested for expressing an opinion. Really dull news.

Like it hasn't happened thousands of times before, to people

a) saner

b) with better points

c) with some sort of serious political agenda
Jazzz said:
I am not twisting here at all. What you are blissfully unaware of is your own hypocrisy.
Tell you what: you stick to your Pentawater, your disgusting claims that Ian Huntley was an innocent victim of a 9/11 conspiracy, your holographic invisible planes, invisible bombs, Holocaust denying sites, Icke fanboy tributes and all the other barking lunatic shit that you regularly smear around this site, and keep the personal insults to yourself.

editor said:
Well, I clearly don't agree with it - as I would have thought obvious by the content on this site.

Obviously. But it still stands that an alarming bunch of people are only really interested in freedom of speech for those who they agree with, and that many people also pracitice exclusivity towards those who didnt swallow das kapital or something by Proudhon for breakfast.

It is just as alarming that opposition to the global elite seems to be stronger and more cohesive on the right than it is on the left, especially in the US.

I'm off to youtube "ronson alex jones". Sounds fun.
taffboy gwyrdd said:
Obviously. But it still stands that an alarming bunch of people are only really interested in freedom of speech for those who they agree with, and that many people also pracitice exclusivity towards those who didnt swallow das kapital or something by Proudhon for breakfast.
You think that's any different on any side of the far political spectrum?
nino_savatte said:
LOL! Get out of here! Jones isn't a dissident, he's a self-publicist. :D

Spot on! He's a paleoconservative self-publicist whose 'work' creates sensationalist diversions and negative publicity.

In other words, he's a w***er of the highest order.
editor said:
Tell you what: you stick to your Pentawater, your disgusting claims that Ian Huntley was an innocent victim of a 9/11 conspiracy, your holographic invisible planes, invisible bombs, Holocaust denying sites, Icke fanboy tributes and all the other barking lunatic shit that you regularly smear around this site, and keep the personal insults to yourself.


Awww, you forgot to mention rense!
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