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Alex jones podcast

I see. He meant the good kind of New World Order and globalization, he didn’t mention the bits about loss of national sovereignty. He meant the good bits like economic globalization. Hooray for ‘free trade’ and ‘open markets’. Indonesia and Argentina rejoice in your freedom!

Regarding John Yoos statements, and being 'off topic'. Well you had said that you couldn't be arsed to read my links. I was saying that this was an example of an important story that Mr.Jones had told me about. But you kept dismissing the story... now I've confused myself :)

The story speaks for itself, in so far as it is the public interest. So here it is again with some helpful context.

John Yoo is one of the main people that has brought about America's abandonment of the Geneva convention. The whole idea that things like Guantanomo Bay and greater ‘interrogation powers’ are needed, and that the President has extra ‘commander in Chief Powers powers because it is a time of war, these things are creations partly of John Yoo.

The remarks where made at a Council On Foreign Relations debate in Chicago in 2005. John Yoo was trying to defend America abandonment of the Geneva Covention.
He was questioned about a 2002 White House memo saying that the Pres. had powers as ‘comander in chief’ to order torture. This debate was in 2005, I hope this sets the context.

You can listen to his comments in contexts here

This article (original link) helps to explain what its all about.
EddyBlack said:
Ct'ers say Globalisation is an attempt to bring in a 'New World Order', Brown says it is precisely that! Don't worry Editor, the sovereignty of our country will be quite safe under Brown's leadership ;)
UK a sovereign nation given it's membership of the EU, Nato and G7? Mwah ha ha ha. Back to Real-Politik 101 for you young sir!
EddyBlack said:
Dark Secrets Inside Bohemian Grove was a great film. In it you see Jon Ronson completely bottle out of going in there at the last minute (perhaps I would have too).

Utter utter bollocks. Did you know Jon Ronson actually walked in and attended the ceremony while Jones was doing his shitty commando routine in the poison ivy?

Ronson goes into it in his book, adventures with extremists.

I wanted to attempt the impossible. I wanted to somehow get in, mingle, and witness the owl burning myself. After all I had heard about the global elite these past five years - the claims and the counter-claims - I believed this to be the only tangible way I could finally learn the truth. What were they doing in there?
I had no clear idea how to accomplish this. My original plan had been to enter the forest alone, perhaps climb up some hills, and basically just scout around until I found it. Recognising that this was an ill-conceived strategy, I telephoned some of the anti-New World Order radicals I had met during my travels to ask their advice.

I called Alex Jones, the radio and TV talk show host I had met while visiting Texas with Randy Weaver. He instantly invited himself along.
‘That place is sick,’ he yelled. ‘You’ve got presidents and governors and prime ministers and corporate chieftains running around naked. They have orgies. They worship their devil owl. I’ll smuggle a camera in and get right up in their faces.’
‘I think stealth might be a better approach if we want to witness the owl burning ceremony,’ I said.
‘You’re right,’ said Alex, thinking aloud. ‘Let’s liken it to Indiana Jones. Getting in their faces will be like going for the little emeralds along the way to the big ruby in the head of the idol, which would be to actually witness the owl burning itself.’
‘Exactly,’ I said.
I was glad Alex was joining me. He struck me as someone who would behave fearlessly in the face of danger. He also had five million listeners. He was a high profile person. He had personally organised the re-building of David Koresh’s Branch Davidian church at Mount Carmel in Waco. He had a can-do attitude. I could not imagine that, with Alex around, they would dare to do anything should we be caught.

Here's how he got in

‘Where are the Texans?’ asked Rick.
It was two hours later. Violet had gone back to the Occidental motel. Rick and I were steeling ourselves for our impending penetration with cocktails at the Village Inn, a lovely riverside bar on the edge of the Grove.
‘I last saw them diving into the bushes,’ I said.
‘Boy scouts,’ tutted Rick. ‘So predictable. You know there’s poison oak all over these forests.’
‘Will they die?’ I asked Rick.
‘I don’t know,’ he said. ‘Depends how many times they get stung. Anyway. Are you ready?’
‘As I’ll ever be,’ I said.
I took a last big swig, we paid up, walked the hundred yards to the entrance, up past the sign that read ‘No Through Road’, and were immediately approached by a security guard.
‘Hey there,’ said Rick.
‘You guys should have driven up here,’ smiled the guard.
‘Oh, we wanted to walk,’ said Rick. ‘You know. Enjoy the air.’
‘Hey!’ said the guard. ‘No problem. Have a good time at Care.’
He gave us a little salute. We walked on.
‘That was easy,’ I whispered.
‘Told you,’ whispered Rick.
Nobody seemed to notice us as we walked past.
And then we were in Bohemian Grove.

This is what he saw.

9pm. There was no formal announcement. No bell was rung. But the Bohemians instinctively knew that the time had come for them down at the lagoon. The ceremony was about to begin. Rick and I found a prime spot, directly opposite the giant stone owl. We sat on the grass and we rested our backs against a tree. Soon the grassy bank was packed. A thousand men had drifted down, in groups of 20 or 30, and were crowded together, sitting cross-legged on the grass. Many lit cigars. A few scrutinised me. I was probably the youngest person there.
I glanced behind me and spotted Alex and Mike. They spotted me. We looked away.
‘First timer?’ asked a big man wearing glasses.
‘Yes,’ I said.
‘You’re going to love the ceremony,’ he said. ‘FOOLS! FOOLS! Ha ha!’
‘Sorry?’ I said.
‘You’ll see,’ he laughed. ‘Here. Have this.’
He handed me a colour programme. The cover read ‘Cremation Of Care. July 15th 2000. 121st Performance. Bohemian Grove.’ I thanked him and flicked through it. It was a cast list.
High Priest - Jay Jacobus.
Voice of the Owl - John MacAllister.
Funeral Cortege - The Gentlemen of Lost Angels Camp.
And so on.
From across the lagoon, a single violin began to play. A hush descended. A figure appeared before the owl. He wore lederhosen. His lederhosen was covered in leaves. He resembled some kind of elfin Germanic Tarzan. He was, I learnt from my programme, Eden’s Garden Soloist.
He stretched out his arms and began to sing, with operatic grandeur: ‘Glorious! Glorious! Oh twigs! Oh Boughs! Oh trees...!’
For the next ten minutes or so, Eden’s Garden Soloist eulogised nature’s splendour, his voice ringing through loudspeakers concealed in the trees. Spotlights picked out individual redwoods. They glowed green.
Then we were plunged suddenly into darkness. The drums thundered. Boom! Boom! At each boom a robed man carrying a flaming torch appeared amid the trees. There were perhaps 30 of them. It was, without question, a berobed torchlight procession. Their hoods were red, their robes black. They resembled posh Klansmen, or the cast of a Broadway musical, should Broadway ever decide to do the Moloch Pagan Cult of Sacrifice story.
They lit a pyre at the foot of the owl.
‘Hail, Bohemians!’ said the High Priest, and it was clear he was the highest of all the priests because his robes were silver and gold and made of silk. The High Priest reprised Eden’s Garden Soloist’s eulogy of the great outdoors. ‘The ripple of waters, the song of birds, such music as inspires the soul...’
To summarise, he informed the crowd, these men of wealth and power, that dull care, arch-enemy of Beauty, must be slain, right here and right now!
‘Bring fire!’ he roared.
I wondered what Alex and Mike were making of this. I, personally, took dull care to mean the burdens and responsibilities of business, but I imagined that Alex was interpreting the scene differently. A naysayer could easily presume that dull care meant the world beyond the Grove, the average Joes, and that the High Priest was suggesting the world leaders in the crowd should not give a damn about ordinary people.
As I pondered this, a startling thundercrack rang out through the trees, followed by a scary, cackly voice. It was the voice of Dull Care.
‘FOOLS!’ he roared. ‘FOOLS! Ha ha ha! When will ye learn that me ye cannot slay?’
Dull Care suggested to the High Priest that he was invincible.
‘When ye turn your feet to the marketplace,’ he mocked cacklingly, ‘am I not waiting for you as of old? FOOLS! To dream ye conquer care.’
At this, and in a breathtaking display of pyrotechnic wizardry, the spirit of Dull Care spat fire onto the High Priest. From the tree tops, a gob of fire rained down upon the High Priest’s hat. This infuriated the High Priest.
‘Nay, thou mocking spirit,’ he spluttered. ‘We know thou waitest for us when this our sylvan holiday shall end. But this too we know: year after year, within this happy Grove, our fellowship has banned thee for a space. So shall we burn thee once again and in the flames that eat thine effigy, we’ll read the sign. MIDSUMMER SET US FREE!’
And the crowd roared and cheered and yelled the last line back at the priest.
At this moment, Death appeared on a gondola on the lagoon, carrying a papier-mâché effigy towards the giant owl. Dry ice floated upon the lagoon’s surface. It was a beautiful sight. The effigy was retrived from the boat by (my programme informed me) the Brazier Bearers, held out to the owl’s midriff, and then thrown - by the Mourning Revelry Dancers - into the fire.
‘AAAARGH,’ said Dull Care, his grotesque death rattle filling the forest.
‘Hooray!’ said the crowd.
Then fireworks erupted. Then everybody sang And When The Saints Go Marching In. Then it was over. We clapped. The Grove descended once again into silence, broken only by the sound of many elderly men murmuring to their neighbours: ‘Could you possibly help me up? Thank you so much.’
‘Well, well, well,’ I said.
‘Pretty spectacular,’ said Rick.
‘I guess we should go,’ I said.
We wandered back towards the exit. A ragtime band was playing near a bonfire. All along the path, men unzipped their khakis and urinated up against the trees and straight onto the road. This did not strike me as mere convenience. There were public toilets everywhere. It was a statement. I needed the toilet myself, so I urinated too, my urine joining theirs, forming a little golden stream down the path and into the mud.

Them= Adventures with Extremists

Gives you an non Alex Jones account of the trip, and show's how far from reality he is.

Jones is a fat delusional obnoxious liar and bully.
So Jones' whole commando infiltration was made to look a bit silly by John Ronson walking in and chatting with the guard. :D

I stand corrected, Mr. Ronson is not a bottler, Jones just made him look that way. I also think Ronson's interpretation of the ceremony is slightly more realistic. Still ... the whole Bohemian Grove thing is a bit weird and creepy.

I found it interesting that Ronson reaches a similar conclusion to me and Gordon Brown here, about the 'New World Order.'

SJE : Did Jon ever find what he might consider 'irrefutable proof' of the conspiracy during the making of the documentary, or just a lot of wish-fulfillment?
Jon Ronson : Conspiracy? It is in the eye of the beholder, I think... There is a New World Order, I'm sure of that, but another word for it is globalisation.

Mat : Great series; from everything you've seen and all the people you've met , what do you believe? and if the New World Order exists, why did they let your programmes go to air?
Jon Ronson : Ah ha! Maybe C4 isn't part of the conspiracy... As I say, the New World Order is just an eerie phrase to describe something very real; that politicians have allowed international CEOs to dictate the way the world turns.

mrhappyscotland : Jon, why didn't you go into the Grove with Alex and film it for yourself?
Jon Ronson : I did go into the grove. I went in later, after the crew had gone to bed. I took off my C4 hat and put on my author hat. In my book - Them - I describe my own experiences in the grove.

The 'New World Order' doesn't really mean anything of definitive substance except perhaps that corporations, and the western elite who control them are taking over, in a transnational way.
If you add in things like the Bilderburg group, where 'pro-European' types, world government types (in the form of the UN world Bank etc) western elites and the Corporations get togeather... this is another side to it.

At heart I think the NWO concept is about elite forces working to become all powerful. If you lose your national sovereignty and devalue the voting franchise of nations, this would suit them.

I agree also that Jones is an obnoxious bully. He is often blind to his own self aggrandising hyperbole, yet he he is at least not part of the mainstream media, which is largely a timid or corrupt beast.
EddyBlack said:
I stand corrected, Mr. Ronson is not a bottler, Jones just made him look that way. I also think Ronson's interpretation of the ceremony is slightly more realistic. Still ... the whole Bohemian Grove thing is a bit weird and creepy.
Ronson's account just proves what an overblown conspiraloon hype merchant Jones is.
That was amusing :)

The thing is of course that rich people playing dress-up games and having a big bonfire somewhere is just another venue for them to meet up; they will also do it over golf, or at the G8, or over the phone (Tony calling Rupert repeatedly before the Iraq invasion and then the Sun coming out in favour was just in the Metro today iirc) and nobody thinks that's at all odd. Because it isn't. Of course they do. Everyone knows that.

"New World Order" has a specific meaning in Jones' circle though. It is a paranoid, parochial and quite frankly bigoted term; it refers to a takeover by un-American forces, the UN and the British Royal Family and so on, quite frequently the forcible suppression of Christianity, the invasion of immigrants under PC NWO regulations, taking jobs from honest Americans. Jones is certainly, from the occasions I've had the misfortune to listen to him, very concerned about Mexicans and border controls. That is the ideology that he comes from.

If you want to talk about global capital then do that, there is plenty of analysis already existing that has been around for decades. The fact that Jones has an RSS reader and can pick up on stories about the US government and so on means bog all. You can get those articles elsewhere, I do, without the pollution of his unjustified conclusions and invented shite.

I am quite serious when I say that the CIA must love this crap. I found it particularly amusing when Chomsky came out and said it was just a distraction from real issues, and then they went all out on him after previously lauding him, calling him "a controlled asset of the NWO" :D
FridgeMagnet said:
"New World Order" has a specific meaning in Jones' circle though. It is a paranoid, parochial and quite frankly bigoted term; it refers to a takeover by un-American forces, the UN and the British Royal Family and so on, quite frequently the forcible suppression of Christianity...

He's a Larouchie? :confused: :eek: :D
The Ultimate con -

This is a good 911 documentary. Its has a hefty conspiracy theory angle, but is of interest to those who recognize the USG has covered up their actions and have obstructed a full and independent investigation.

It consists largely of uninterupted mainstream media reports and interviews. Although it does include some interviews with Alex Jones, and a lot of the Charlie Sheen coverage, it has a lot of reports relevant to the secular ‘middle ground’.

This doc. should have been less than its two hour length. Much of it is irrelevant and plays to the conspiracy theorist choir, but there are a lot of highlights. There are quite a few good interviews and mainstream media pieces. The highlights are scattered throughout with more of them in the second half.
EddyBlack said:
The Ultimate con -

This is a good 911 documentary. Its has a hefty conspiracy theory angle, but is of interest to those who recognize the USG has covered up their actions and have obstructed a full and independent investigation.

It consists largely of uninterupted mainstream media reports and interviews. Although it does include some interviews with Alex Jones, and a lot of the Charlie Sheen coverage, it has a lot of reports relevant to the secular ‘middle ground’.

This doc. should have been less than its two hour length. Much of it is irrelevant and plays to the conspiracy theorist choir, but there are a lot of highlights. There are quite a few good interviews and mainstream media pieces. The highlights are scattered throughout with more of them in the second half.

Wow!! another documentary which takes things out of context, and presents conjecture and speculation as fact, I can't wait not to watch.
As I said 8den, there is quite a bit that won't interest you, but there is lots of good information, for example about how the government and intelligence services have misled in the investigations after the event.

Its not a full blown 'heres how it happened', its a mixed bag, and worth a watch. Though a fair bit of it is, like I warned 'speculation', the documentary itself has no commentary, but consits of mainstream media discussions, interviews and reports, that cover the incompetence side, the speculation side etc.
If your worried about wasting your time fair enough, but you must watch it to reach any conclusion.
Again, after the first few minutes, the first half has few highlights with too much time given to speculating Conspiracy theorists., the second half is much more interesting. I hope you would watch the entire thing, if at all.

If you really cant stomach it though, watch the first fifteen minutes or so and then skip forward to about the 59 minute mark.
EddyBlack said:
Again, after the first few minutes, the first half has few highlights with too much time given to speculating Conspiracy theorists., the second half is much more interesting. I hope you would watch the entire thing, if at all.

If you really cant stomach it though, watch the first fifteen minutes or so and then skip forward to about the 59 minute mark.

Bollocks see in the grown up world of actual filmakers and proper documentaries, you don't get to say "if you skip the first hour of bullshit, it starts to get honest and credible"

If a film or a filmaker starts with lies and deception then their credibility is shot and I see no reason to carry on in the vain hope that eventually they say something honest or plausible.
As I have said, it consists almost entirely of news reports. It doesn't have a commentary on it, merely an intermitant soundtrack (which is generally not too obnoxious). Its mainly stuff from CNN, MSNBC, and a few Fox bits. Its not a 'proper documentary', but a collection of TV news reports, strung togeather by somebody. I suppose documentary was the wrong description.

After the first few minutes and up to the hour mark, these mainstream media interviews and reports are mostly with speculating conspiracy theorists. The rest of it has more interesting interviews with congressmen, 911 commision comittee members and various people, talking about incompetence, and coverups, and reports by the likes of Keith Olbermann.
There are still quite a few bits that are less good even in here which you know you can watch and think about why they are wrong or something, but I thought overall it might be of interest.

The film gives a conspiracy theory slant and sympathy by including mainstream news items with conspiracy theorists. But the other worthwhile reports stand alone and speak for themselves, and there are quite a few. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. By watching the sections I told you, you can avoid quite a lot of it but not all.

You can say that this is just taking things out of context, but I don't see it that way, because when you watch the news, it will have say 5 stories, each unrelated. This film takes a report about some aspect of 911 off the news and sticks in here.
EddyBlack said:
As I have said, it consists almost entirely of news reports. It doesn't have a commentary on it, merely an intermitant soundtrack (which is generally not too obnoxious). Its mainly stuff from CNN, MSNBC, and a few Fox bits. Its not a 'proper documentary', but a collection of TV news reports, strung togeather by somebody. I suppose documentary was the wrong description.

After the first few minutes and up to the hour mark, these mainstream media interviews and reports are mostly with speculating conspiracy theorists. The rest of it has more interesting interviews with congressmen, 911 commision comittee members and various people, talking about incompetence, and coverups, and reports by the likes of Keith Olbermann.
There are still quite a few bits that are less good even in here which you know you can watch and think about why they are wrong or something, but I thought overall it might be of interest.

The film gives a conspiracy theory slant and sympathy by including mainstream news items with conspiracy theorists. But the other worthwhile reports stand alone and speak for themselves, and there are quite a few. Don't throw out the baby with the bathwater. By watching the sections I told you, you can avoid quite a lot of it but not all.

You can say that this is just taking things out of context, but I don't see it that way, because when you watch the news, it will have say 5 stories, each unrelated. This film takes a report about some aspect of 911 off the news and sticks in here.

Eddy I work as an editor freelance in TV news. I'm telling you how easy it. Its why I don't believe it.
The following news reports are the most interesting and credible. Most of them could stand alone as a news item. You can skip to these highlights out and ignore the rest.
The Ultimate Con

00:02:15 CBS News - the scale of missing defence spending.
Followed by CNN discussing the cover-ups by USG of its responses on 911. Revelations in a book by the 911 Comission Co– Chairman, Lee Hamilton, are discussed.

00:16:10 A sequence of short reports. The inadequacies of the 911 Commission Report, culminating in a testimony by Condoleeza Rice to the Commission.

00:32:29 A CNN report. How the 911 Commission claimed it was being lied to.

59:10 Lou Dobbs interviews Congressman Kurt Weldon on CNN.
Clear revelations of gross incompetence. These have been covered up or not answered for. The distinguished person who made the revelations has been attacked.

1:21:40 Ray Mcgovern speaking about 911 theories.
He rasies the question of Cheney’s actions at NORAD Command and revelations by a Norman Mineta. The following segment is Norman Mineta’s testimony. Norman Mineta’s account is ambiguous and needs clarifying.

!:28:50 Statements on the subject by
Senator Mark Dayton, Congressman Ron Paul, Congressman Kurt Weldon, Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Ex-Director of the FBI Louis Freeh, Vice Chairman of the 911 Comission Lee Hamilton

1:32 Keith Olbermann Piece
10 examples of how the gov. has used the terrorism threat to manipulate the media to prevent failiures being investigated when they have come to light.

1:43.50 Lou Dobbs on CNN
How the elite are bringing in a New World Order against the popular consent of the the people.

Followed by another Keith Olberman piece looking at the legislative growth towards dictatorship.
EddyBlack said:
1:08 A segment with people at the scene talking about explosions (which have been discussed). However amidst these there are several people who vindicate William Rodriguez’ account of large explosions in the basement levels, this may be of interest to some people..
Really. And the names of these people who heard the invisibly installed invisible explosives going off before the planes hit are?

And what about the tens of thousands of people working in the building who miraculously failed to notice hear these invisible, trace-less explosives ripping through the building?

You'd think that such an incredible and bizarre occurrence on such a day would have been the talk of the town and thoroughly documented by tons of eye witness testimony and masses of seismograph readings, but no, not a peep!

Stop watching those fucktard loon movies and do some thinking for yourself.
As I said some people may be interested who have been in the Rodgriguez discussion, I am not particularly. A few of the other bits I listed are good though.
EddyBlack said:
As I said some people may be interested who have been in the Rodgriguez discussion, I am not particularly. A few of the other bits I listed are good though.
Then why the fuck are you posting it up?
EddyBlack said:
The following news reports are the most interesting and credible. Most of them could stand alone as a news item. You can skip to these highlights out and ignore the rest.

Okay Eddy I did a little digging.

The video is bullshit paranoia by one of Dylan Avery's fan boys, he uses the name LUCAS on the loose change forum.

Here's a typical post of his.

with Bush's exec order and a new terrorist attack on the horizon, you need to think of these points.

1. Each and every one of us is on a list. Name, address, phone, IP address, and everything else.

2. When there is an attack, they will come after us in the first days of Martial law while everything is crazy and hectic. This will be their best time to eliminate us and be able to keep under the radar. While everyone is running around frantic like chickens with their heads cut off, they will move on dissenters.

3. I would really consider getting AWAY from the place that you have been using to go to blogs, forums, ect...The IP address that you are using is tied to that street address and they can find you in a second.

4. DO NOT go to family, friends, or people who you have emailed on this subject. They will search ALL of those places. You are going to have to rely on perfect strangers for help. Get ready to use your charm and good will to find places to shack up until we can regroup at a later date.

5. Take with you means to start a fire, dip match STICKS in wax to make waterproof matches.

6. Find a destination and find it NOW. Don't worry about how you are getting there and disclose this destination to NOBODY.

7. If you HAVE NOT ever been fingerprinted before then come up with a fake name. Practice it often and have an alternative birthdate. PRACTICE so you can say both like they are your real name/birthdate. Have a story handy how you lost your ID in the rush of things. A solid story is imperative.

8. If you HAVE BEEN fingerprinted, you must completely duck under the radar. If they catch you you WILL BE ID'd.

9. DO NOT TAKE THIS WITH A GRAIN OF SALT!!! Notice how the report on the summer spectacular IS NOT being used as a scare tactic to scare the American people. This would NORMALLY be front page CNN and all over the place. When they want to scare us, they pump it in the news....when they want to really attack us, it gets little to no coverage.

10. Take an emergency rain poncho. It will keep you dry and can be used as a temp shelter if need be.

11. Take a ball of string. String can be used in so many ways to rig up a shelter, catch food, and so many other things.

12. If you are caught with a gun in a martial law situation, you may very well be shot on the spot. Avoid carrying weapons. Use your head to get out of most situations, not force. Only use force as a last result.

13. DO NOT RUN AWAY FROM A GROUP OF ARMED MEN UNLESS YOU ARE 100% SURE YOU CAN GET AWAY. Running away from soldiers in a martial law situation will get you shot in the back. It is better to let them take you away and plan an escape when their gaurd is down then it is to do it on the spur of the moment.

14. Large tall pine trees are the best method for hiding from infared.

15. The area of the Northwest USA is the safest place to go. Oregon, Idaho, Washington, Montana is the most heavily wooded and hardest to track anyone. Be careful as there are mountain lions and black bears. When attacked by ANY animal, claw/scratch at the eyes. A mountain lion will almost always go for your neck, where a bear will go for your belly.

16. Go create an alternetive email address ASAP. Never use this email address from the same place twice. Keep messages short and sweet to people you trust.

17. You have very limited time after they declare a martial law situation. You must decide either to stay and take your chances or take flight. They could come at 4pm or 4 am, you will not know the time.

18. If you decide to stay, keep in mind that you are now including everyone in the household as possible suspects.

19. This may be NOTHING, but it's ALWAYS better to be prepared and think these things out in advance so you are not caught completely with your pants down

I think this :eek: smiley is in order.

This guy is a paranoid fruitloop spewing forth bullshit at an almighty speed.

Eddy he's thrown together a bunch of unrelated crap and shoving it next to each other suggesting there's a connecting. Doesn't or isn't capable of proving said connection exists. You've just swallowed the bullshit of a delusional fantasist.
Its a fair cop 8den, the guy is a loon no doubt.

However I think that the majority of those remaining reports I singled out, have a very compelling suggestion that there has been a coverup by the USG.

We had agreed I think, that they had very likely covered up and misled the commision and the public about their mistakes. There are clearly still questions to be addressed, which have been raised by congressmen, 911 comission members, and a former directors of the FBI etc.

These reports suggest that they have misled about their actions before, and on the day itself. A new investigation is needed, because it seems in the very least there is a case to answer for incompetence and failiure of duty. To then knowingly lie after the fact whilst gaining approval for acting as protectors, and also seemingly using terror as a cynical ploy to distract people as the questions are raised as the Olbermann report suggests...

Have I been taken in? the individual reports seem to raise different points and stand alone.
Also, although the guy is clearly a paranoid fantasist, it does bring me to points made by Keith Olbermann in the final report.

This one deals with Bush’s destruction of Habeas Corpus for anyone he personaly deems to be an ‘Enemy Combatant’, and his power to have them tortured. I highly recommend anyone who isn’t familiar with them to have a look at Olbermann’s speeches on You Tube.

Here is the full report entitled,. Notice he seems to suggest a similar serious fear of tyranny.
EddyBlack said:
Its a fair cop 8den, the guy is a loon no doubt.

However I think that the majority of those remaining reports I singled out, have a very compelling suggestion that there has been a coverup by the USG.

We had agreed I think, that they had very likely covered up and misled the commision and the public about their mistakes. There are clearly still questions to be addressed, which have been raised by congressmen, 911 comission members, and a former directors of the FBI etc.

So do you believe this administration wasn't behind the Sept 11th attacks? That Osama planned it and 19 hijackers carried it out?

These reports suggest that they have misled about their actions before, and on the day itself. A new investigation is needed, because it seems in the very least there is a case to answer for incompetence and failiure of duty. To then knowingly lie after the fact whilst gaining approval for acting as protectors, and also seemingly using terror as a cynical ploy to distract people as the questions are raised as the Olbermann report suggests...

May I ask you, who do you think should carry out this investigation?

Have I been taken in? the individual reports seem to raise different points and stand alone.

The individual reports suggest specific instances of possible corruption, imcompetence, and arse covering by individuals and organisations. Are you suggesting that it's part of a unified plot by the Bush administration, or business as usual when you have some of the largest federal organisations on the planet working hand in hand with a state system whereby even District Attorney's are directly elected.?
A unified plot of arse covering? Or an every man for himself scenario?
There could be a bit of both..

Some of Olbermann’s reports, for example the last one on the main list, suggest that the Bush administration has used terrorism, as he describes it, to frighten or distract the media each time there has been some revelation of incompetence or deception regarding 911 or the Iraq war. So this would suggest co-ordinated ‘arse covering’. I couldn’t find it on you Tube so you would have to skip to it (1:32 The Ultimate Con)
Every time a US govt. or intelligence failiure or controvery is revealed, it is followed by a frightening terror warning from Homeland security, the Govt or the intelligence services. E.g.

2. June 2002. FBI agent testifies to congress. She tried to warn her superiors of flight training being taken and could have helped break up the plot. 4 days later, John Ashcroft says they have broken up the ‘Dirty Bomb Plot’, the plotter had already been detained for a month.

4. July 2003. A series of negative headlines.
23rd. White House admits CIA had expressed strong doubts about the Yellowcake story, which was subsequently used by Bush.
Next day. Congessional Report on 911 attacks issued. Criticises govt at all levels, reveals an FBI informant had been living with two of the hi jackers. 28 pages of the report are ‘redacted’.
26th. Iraqi prisoner abuses revealed.
29th. Homeland Security gets the headlines with warnings of further possible attempts by Al Quaeda to use planes in suicide attacks.

And so on, there are some amazing revelations in here, made even more so by the fact they are always followed by dire, but baseless terror threats. They use these threats at strategic times, and are later revealed to be baseless, or months, even years old. What we know already is damning enough, added to the fact we have much still being concealed it seems, and 911 commision members saying they have been misled, or not co-operated with.

I’m no expert but it seems a new and full investigation would have a lot to reveal. As to who would have the skill and authority to do such a task…

This reviews the Bush admininistrations actions in its first 8 months in office regarding the terror threat. Important warnings and recommendations where repeatedly ignored, the terror threat was actively given less priority. This has already been revealed by the 911 commission.
EddyBlack said:
This reviews the Bush admininistrations actions in its first 8 months in office regarding the terror threat. Important warnings and recommendations where repeatedly ignored, the terror threat was actively given less priority. This has already been revealed by the 911 commission.

You think a guy who calls out the american football scores on ESPN should review the entirety of 911 and the US administrations reaction to it.

I didn't say Olbermann should do it, I was just talking about some of his reports.

I meant that '...' as 'I haven't the foggiest who would have the skill and authority'
EddyBlack said:
I didn't say Olbermann should do it, I was just talking about some of his reports.

I meant that '...' as 'I haven't the foggiest who would have the skill and authority'

Eddy this is why gibberish like the ultimate con infuriate me. These people bang on and on about "We need a new investigation" yet when you ask them who should carry it out they go "er not the government" you go "okay who then?" They do "duuhhheeer dunno" Then you ask questions about who should fund it, organise it, etc, and you get a blank stare.

This is bullshit Eddy a load of separate incidents spliced together with ominous music by a paranoid lunatic who keeps a ball of string by his bedside inside the NWO kick in his door at 4am.
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