I was banned from the Prisonplanet forum without warning.
I was arguing that the so called 'evidence' for an inside job does not stand up to scrutiny. I kept my comments to one thread only, and was careful to be polite and take a proper approach to presenting my opinions and answering any questions.
However according to them, this proved that I was a troll and a 'paid disinfo agent'.
I was told frequently to go and watch the film Loose Change (which I had anyway). I had argued throughout that there was a possible case for gross negligence (although I have since changed my mind, there being nothing of substance to point to this), but that the 'evidence' they site, and the beliefs they hold can be shown quite easily to be erroneous if they would only consider evidence contrary to their beliefs. I went to the Loose Change website and it says there:
‘The central premise of Loose Change is that the United States Government was, at the very least, criminally negligent in allowing the attacks of September 11th, 2001 to occur.
However, when one looks deeper into the evidence, one might come to the startling conclusion that our own government might have been directly responsible for the attacks themselves.’
This is nearly exactly what I said on my thread before I was banned.
I was arguing that the former was the case, and the latter was not the case by examining the evidence.
I was frequently told to just ‘go and watch Loose Change’. The 911 ‘truth’ movement really don’t know their arses from their elbows.
The irony is that they see their mission as bringing out the 'truth'. They believe the media has supressed this 'truth' but they will happily silence anybody that argues differently.