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Alex Callinicos/SWP vs Laurie Penny/New Statesman Facebook handbags

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The nostalgist in me makes me think back wistfully to my first twocking - by Dawn Purvis. What did I ever do wrong, Dawn, why did you leave me out in the cold? :(
Trying to catch up here. So we're not racist apart from spineynorman whose racism is growing exponentially but we're all still solidly misogynist. ?

Do I get to be a misogynist too though? I'll feel left out otherwise :(

I have a theory about how I am racist - it involves colonial consciousness and everything. My realtionships with black people haven't been anything to do with friendship or love - instead it's all down to me wanting to civilize them in a kind of culturally imperialist white man's burden kind of way.

She only unfollowed him :eek:
Do I get to be a misogynist too though? I'll feel left out otherwise :(

I have a theory about how I am racist - it involves colonial consciousness and everything. My realtionships with black people haven't been anything to do with friendship or love - instead it's all down to me wanting to civilize them in a kind of culturally imperialist white man's burden kind of way.
I always read your twitter in angry stalin voice because of that pic.
Aren't all ravens black? It is a bit superfluous, like calling a snowman a white snowman.

I'd be having words with Stalin.
To contribute a bit of criticism...after all, I only came across this thread on Sunday..and there's always a danger of being too close and involved to get a proper perspective, I'd like to say that despite the obvious "2 years and 250 pages on one topic!!" type criticisms that might be levelled, I feel that I should point out that...

A) Usually---outside the tiny bubble of "Oxbridge/ a good friend of daddy's / huge sense of entitlement/ mutual back-scratching"---delusional and mendacious fantasists generally tend to be dismissed from professions requiring any degree of objectivity and integrity. As long as she continues to be indulged by the msm, a thread like this is vital. The damage she does to the left requires that her bullshit is constantly called out. Admittedly, the damage she does is superficial in the sense that she merely fucks up the left's image. As far as I know she's not involved in any organisation as such; preferring as she does " non-hierarchical, non-traditional power structures" ie. gangs of clueless cunts in a state of perpetual adolescence playing at being radical and 'inclusive'. This thread is a vital resource.

B) I've read a lot of it now and it's genuinely entertaining and at times fuckin hilarious.

C) she's almost certainly still reading it and getting really pissed off. Her combination of monumental ego and massive insecurity will be forcing her to look in regularly. And on that basis it's more or less imperative that people continue to take the piss.

I must admit, Laurie Penny had never really registered with me other than another posh cow on the media conveyor belt with an unusually irritating style, a ridiculous little girl voice and a tendency toward precociouness and pouting. But I've actually read some of her stuff in depth and I've discovered just what a bullshitting self-promoter she is. However, I haven't seen anyone pick up on this in the letter to the potential suicide. She writes...

" I’m writing to you now not as a journalist, but as a human being, a former carer and a person who has experienced depression to say: please, please don’t do this."

So when was she a career exactly? Caring carries connotations of years of sacrifice and self denial as opportunities and dreams are surrendered for another's sake. When did she do this? How did it affect her career?
Does she mean she did some baby-sitting once...or some house-sitting which involved feeding a cat?

WTF is she on about...'carer'? Can you fucking imagine giving up decades, all of your twenties, say, putting any thoughts of a job, career, financial security or a family life aside only to see your 'tragedy' highlighted by a craven self-puffing gobshite like her...while she claims to be in he same boat? How long before she reveals herself as black or Muslim or a paraplegic?
She must be stopped. Don't be diverted people. This thread is a force for good in a fucked up useful-idiot interweb...and every so often it totally cracks me up.
To contribute a bit of criticism...after all, I only came across this thread on Sunday..and there's always a danger of being too close and involved to get a proper perspective, I'd like to say that despite the obvious "2 years and 250 pages on one topic!!" type criticisms that might be levelled, I feel that I should point out that...

A) Usually---outside the tiny bubble of "Oxbridge/ a good friend of daddy's / huge sense of entitlement/ mutual back-scratching"---delusional and mendacious fantasists generally tend to be dismissed from professions requiring any degree of objectivity and integrity. As long as she continues to be indulged by the msm, a thread like this is vital. The damage she does to the left requires that her bullshit is constantly called out. Admittedly, the damage she does is superficial in the sense that she merely fucks up the left's image. As far as I know she's not involved in any organisation as such; preferring as she does " non-hierarchical, non-traditional power structures" ie. gangs of clueless cunts in a state of perpetual adolescence playing at being radical and 'inclusive'. This thread is a vital resource.

B) I've read a lot of it now and it's genuinely entertaining and at times fuckin hilarious.

C) she's almost certainly still reading it and getting really pissed off. Her combination of monumental ego and massive insecurity will be forcing her to look in regularly. And on that basis it's more or less imperative that people continue to take the piss.

I must admit, Laurie Penny had never really registered with me other than another posh cow on the media conveyor belt with an unusually irritating style, a ridiculous little girl voice and a tendency toward precociouness and pouting. But I've actually read some of her stuff in depth and I've discovered just what a bullshitting self-promoter she is. However, I haven't seen anyone pick up on this in the letter to the potential suicide. She writes...

" I’m writing to you now not as a journalist, but as a human being, a former carer and a person who has experienced depression to say: please, please don’t do this."

So when was she a career exactly? Caring carries connotations of years of sacrifice and self denial as opportunities and dreams are surrendered for another's sake. When did she do this? How did it affect her career?
Does she mean she did some baby-sitting once...or some house-sitting which involved feeding a cat?

WTF is she on about...'carer'? Can you fucking imagine giving up decades, all of your twenties, say, putting any thoughts of a job, career, financial security or a family life aside only to see your 'tragedy' highlighted by a craven self-puffing gobshite like her...while she claims to be in he same boat? How long before she reveals herself as black or Muslim or a paraplegic?
She must be stopped. Don't be diverted people. This thread is a force for good in a fucked up useful-idiot interweb...and every so often it totally cracks me up.
Didn't she have a disabled friend that she looked after for a while? It may have been a boyfriend. There was some reference to this in one of her pieces. Where this friend has gone and who looks after him now I don't know. As for her voice she can hardly help that. She is young.
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