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Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished

Apparently news reports are stating that Turkey and Pakistan are working together to help stabilise the situation regarding the coming refugee influx from Afghanistan.
Our friends the Qataris are apparently refusing to allow USAF refugee flights from Afghanistan perm to land at Al Udeid AFB, told them to go to Kuwait instead.

A USAF C-17 left Kabul with 800 - eight zero zero - pax on board. Normal total is 188, RAF pilot got a DFC for getting 350 out of some hellhole in (I think) Chad...
I don't understand what is happening.
The US right now still controls the airport right? I mean they have been allowed to do so.
The taliban have not attempted to stop any flights from coming or going.
So why are there not a whole load of evacuation flights going in now in this small window of a chance to save some lives i don't get it. 'It wouldn't be fair to save anyone cos we cant save them all' is nonsense.
I don't understand what is happening.
The US right now still controls the airport right? I mean they have been allowed to do so.
The taliban have not attempted to stop any flights from coming or going.
So why are there not a whole load of evacuation flights going in now in this small window of a chance to save some lives i don't get it.

According to someone on Sky, apparently the Taliban has taken control of the civilian part of the airport, so most commercial flights are cancelled, leaving the allied forces in control of just the military part of it.
I don't understand what is happening.
The US right now still controls the airport right? I mean they have been allowed to do so.
The taliban have not attempted to stop any flights from coming or going.
So why are there not a whole load of evacuation flights going in now in this small window of a chance to save some lives i don't get it.
1) for logistical reasons, no doubt, as i don't suppose you can whistle up a load of planes and pilots sufficient to evacuate all who want to go and countries prepared to accept a load of people of whom they know nothing
2) for security reasons, as it's perfectly possible some of the people at the airport are aq or daesh and looking to infiltrate in preparation for a terrorist attack
3) for more immediate security reasons, as you wouldn't want a bomb smuggled aboard

sure there's loads more reasons but those were the first three possibilities which occurred to me
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When canada says this
how are they planning to actually do it if not immediately today?
Quite cute, really...accept the credit for saying so without the bother of having to actually accept them.
When canada says this
how are they planning to actually do it if not immediately today?
from your link
so it doesn't all have to be done immediately today, as some of the people they wish to assist are in other countries

plus the article says canadian special forces are in afghanistan working on the project
How does that fit with this though? (80% of internally displaced people recently fled from their homes are women)

People at the airport are in a different category, they - presumably - have somewhere to go. Families abroad and in Afghanistan will commit money to getting people out via brokers or to third countries where they imagine they'll have a chance of asylum or being able to work. More likely to be young men who can work and send more money back. The average person fleeing their home is deeply unlikely to be going by plane because they can't afford it, have no guaranteed safe place to go and, now, very little chance of being welcomed anywhere. They're just going away from the fighting.
Recalling parliament.

1. When kids are hungry during a plague
2. When a racist home secretary prompts riots during which police lie and assault protesters.
3. When universal credit is temporarily uplifted, but not legacy benefits leaving disabled bereft, giving people false hope and financial security
4. When brexit collapses the supply chain
5. When Northern Ireland starts burning again.
6. When the entire world actually starts burning.
7. When Britain faces catastrophic floods.

8. When the armed forces want more money.
Spoke to an Afghan mate I know through palestine stuff, she is absolutely devastated and terrified although her family back home are safe for now :(

Recalling parliament.

1. When kids are hungry during a plague
2. When a racist home secretary prompts riots during which police lie and assault protesters.
3. When universal credit is temporarily uplifted, but not legacy benefits leaving disabled bereft, giving people false hope and financial security
4. When brexit collapses the supply chain
5. When Northern Ireland starts burning again.
6. When the entire world actually starts burning.
7. When Britain faces catastrophic floods.

8. When the armed forces want more money.

Fucking hell. People are dying you knob. Their country is being taken over by actual fascists. Take your weird inverted nationalism elsewhere.
The coalition claim to being in control of the military side of airport is starting to look not exactly true.
Recalling parliament.

1. When kids are hungry during a plague
2. When a racist home secretary prompts riots during which police lie and assault protesters.
3. When universal credit is temporarily uplifted, but not legacy benefits leaving disabled bereft, giving people false hope and financial security
4. When brexit collapses the supply chain
5. When Northern Ireland starts burning again.
6. When the entire world actually starts burning.
7. When Britain faces catastrophic floods.

8. When the armed forces want more money.

Well done for making the most dickhead simplistic post on this subject so far.
People are hanging off planes taking off and falling to their death. Women are erasing their identity as they prepare for the middle ages to return - ‘We see silence filled with fear’: female Afghan journalists plead for help The disappearing of people has begun. People on here report about their friends and the terror they feel.

And what do we get? Some twat harping on about Brexit. The widespread tendency of the British left/liberals too see every development in the global south as ballast in their own disputes over recent British political history, and/or their hollow claims to some kind of moral/ideological superiority/correctness, is a grotesque form of imperialism itself.
People are hanging off planes taking off and falling to their death. Women are erasing their identity as they prepare for the middle ages to return - ‘We see silence filled with fear’: female Afghan journalists plead for help The disappearing of people has begun. People on here report about their friends and the terror they feel.

And what do we get? Some twat harping on about Brexit. The widespread tendency of the British left/liberals too see every development in the global south as ballast in their own disputes over recent British political history, and/or their hollow claims to some kind of moral/ideological superiority/correctness, is a grotesque form of imperialism itself.

At least one C-17 has had to abort landing, and due to its fuel situation return to the gulf, because the runway is blocked.

Theres a finite time gap, each aircraft that can't land is 800 people left to the tender mercies of the Taliban. Desperate times, etc...

Tbh I know stories like the airport are easier to focus on but it's a tiny fraction of people who are in danger who're trying to leave that way. Might be emblematic but good chance it'll just turn into another of those self contained media/Twitter narratives where people stop paying attention once the crowds clear.
Break ups are better done swiftly ime. Scrapping with the Taliban now would be destructive and pointless. The Afghan army clearly are worthless and the state the US funded completely corrupt and packed up and left already with their money in the bank.
In 20 years hopefully the Taliban have learned something about running a country.
We should never have been there so criticising pulling out presents difficulties. But they could have given more than no notice before leaving Bagram - along with some guns, ammunition and armoured vehicles "for the Afghans".

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