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Afghanistan: Mission Accomplished

tbf, maybe someone should inform the chairman of the Commons Defence Committee that it would be pointless to send it up there rather than engaging in war games in the south china sea. No idea why he's on Boris' back to do so then.
tbf, maybe someone should inform the chairman of the Commons Defence Committee that it would be pointless to send it up there rather than engaging in war games in the south china sea. No idea why he's on Boris' back to do so then.
Perhaps they could send some submarines instead
Two unrelated images.

1. If Xi really wanted to show that China has taken on the mantel of the US and rub the West’s noses in our mess. What would Kabul Tower do if a flight of PLA Airforce Y8s or their IL76s turned up to airlift refugees into Pakistan or Turkey? What message would that send to the rest of the world...

2, Have we sent that Voyager that BoJo had painted white with a big Union Flag on the tail? Dreading a picture of the thing burnt out with just the tail sitting on the apron.
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Because, well, everyone needs a bit of light relief...

Hang on in there laydeez of Afghanistan, Yanis the leather-clad love God stands with you - don't worry about being stoned for being raped, or being sold as an actual slave, we've beaten the neo-liberals - yay us!
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Two unrelated images.

1. If Xi really wanted to show that China has taken on the mantel of the US and rub the Wests noses in our mess. What would Kabul Tower do if a flight of PLA Airforce Y*s or their IL76s turned up to airlift refugees into Pakistan or Turkey? What message would that send to the rest of the world...

2, Have we sent that Voyager that BoJo had painted white with a big Union Flag on the tail? Dreading a picture of the thing burnt out with just the tail sitting on the apron.
the best thing that could happen to it
Fuck me what a bellend.

Germany saying no flights now able to leave.

BERLIN, Aug 16 (Reuters) - No evacuation flights are leaving Kabul airport at the moment because desperate people trying to flee the country are blocking the tarmac, a spokesperson for the German foreign ministry said on Monday.

"I understand there is no air traffic at the moment because a large number of desperate people are crowding the tarmac," the spokesperson told journalists in Berlin.
What is happening right now, at the airport, this was not at all inevitable was it.

"Germany may need to evacuate as many as 10,000 people from Afghanistan, Chancellor Angela Merkel tells party colleagues.."
Did they only realise yesterday that the taliban were definitely going to be the winners of the war? Like last week was everyone thinking no rush, we'll evacuate people in a leisurely fashion later on if/when he caliphate has been declared? Am just kind of baffled.
Wow, I didn't know there was an American journalist who gets it, and has always got it. Thanks for posting it.

Well done for making the most dickhead simplistic post on this subject so far.
What's wrong with what I posted? Why does every post need to be complex? I wasn't trying to make a complex point, I'm simply highlighting the government's utter hypocisy and the falsehood that they actually care about Afghanistan
Fucking hell. People are dying you knob. Their country is being taken over by actual fascists. Take your weird inverted nationalism elsewhere.
What on earth is this rubbish? I'm well aware that people are dying, and I'm pointing out that the British Military doesn't care about them. It never has and it never will. Your post is just incoherent abuse so fuck you
What is happening right now, at the airport, this was not at all inevitable was it.

"Germany may need to evacuate as many as 10,000 people from Afghanistan, Chancellor Angela Merkel tells party colleagues.."
Did they only realise yesterday that the taliban were definitely going to be the winners of the war? Like last week was everyone thinking no rush, we'll evacuate people in a leisurely fashion later on if/when he caliphate has been declared? Am just kind of baffled.

The crude answer is that its probably taken the German Air Force this long to find a serviceable aircraft to do some airlift.

German defence spending has fallen so low that it's not unusual for 80+% of any type of vehicle or aircraft in service to be on bricks for want of parts or people to fix them.
Did they only realise yesterday that the taliban were definitely going to be the winners of the war?

The (presumably American) intelligence agencies has asserted that it would take months for the government to fall and that the country would be divided up between various groups. A simple assessment that has proven to be wrong on every point. Germany and other governments have presumably accepted the intelligence briefings as fact and planned their evacuation strategies accordingly. Hence the arse covering and desperate scrambling now
What on earth is this rubbish? I'm well aware that people are dying, and I'm pointing out that the British Military doesn't care about them. It never has and it never will. Your post is just incoherent abuse so fuck you

Except your post did nothing of the sort…it mentioned Brexit related food shortages, loyalist violence in the north of Ireland, a demo, Universal Credit and various other domestic issues. That, put bluntly as you don’t like complexity, is a prime example of someone using the human tragedy unfolding in Afghanistan to grind their own political axe about domestic issues that concern them. A wholly western centric viewpoint. The global south as a mere proxy or cipher for your views and your issues. Inverted nationalism/imperialism of the most blatant kind.
It's really dreadful watching this unfold. Gut-wrenching. The "West" shown up for the hollow, substance-free cocktail of double-dealing, hypocrisy and naked self-interest that it is. Pious language on womens' rights and development whilst at the same time haggling and nitpicking over the number of refugees we will accept and the conditions under which we accept them. Patel taking a hardline because of "the message it would send to refugees" if we accept Afghan people who have helped British forces throughout the last twenty years. 🤮

Meanwhile in Kabul the Chinese, and to a lesser extent the Russians, are pointing and laughing at the chaotic impotence of NATO & the "West" and adopting a pragmatic position to ensure they can benefit.

It's a colossal humanitarian and social disaster and as always it will be poor Afghans who pay the heaviest price. I think this Afghan womens' leader has said it best. I hope these words ring in the ears of Western "democracies" as they marinade in the contempt and pity they deserve in the months ahead.

Twitter is also full of #FBPE knobs posting shit like the below. I didn't vote for Brexit but ffs I can see why some waverers did. Monomaniac obsession in a crisis which makes every "Western" power party to this humiliating shambles look deceitful, spineless and lacking in any empathy, humanity or self-respect.

Screenshot 2021-08-16 at 13.45.57.png
What is happening right now, at the airport, this was not at all inevitable was it.

"Germany may need to evacuate as many as 10,000 people from Afghanistan, Chancellor Angela Merkel tells party colleagues.."
Did they only realise yesterday that the taliban were definitely going to be the winners of the war? Like last week was everyone thinking no rush, we'll evacuate people in a leisurely fashion later on if/when he caliphate has been declared? Am just kind of baffled.

Only last week the BBC were still diligently reporting that the Taliban had previously only held one state capital and that that had only lasted a matter of days. There was a complete blindness to any of this as an end result. Choose your own reasons why.
Internet is crawling with cunts of every flavour using this to grind their own shitty little axes, seen some horrific stuff since yesterday, including from people i thought were more or less ok.

What like the predictable cheering on a US 'defeat'? Or something else?
Just spoke with a friend who has a lot of family left over there, not my story to tell tbh but between those lucky enough to be getting out and the mental trauma this is laying on whole generations Afghanistan is screwed for decades to come. Even if the old militias and warlords kick off again and the Taliban magically disappear a year down the road nobody who's left is going back, nobody who's still there is going to be in a position to properly rebuild. If ever a place was devoid of hope Afghanistan would be it.
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