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A thread for asking help in deciphering stuff on the internet (UK politico division).

I think that one's relatively self-explanatory? As the thread alludes to, the issue is with weird conspiracist liberal internet people taking "clean" circle-As in graffiti as being evidence of a false flag because they imagine real anarchists only use messy ones, which is a mad idea with no basis in reality. What part is confusing?
Gotcha. I think I struggled with people even bothering to have that conversation and the idea that their might be some sort of hierachy of credibilty of the circled A.

Also I suppose I was momentarily confused about the suggestion that anarchists could not have done graffiti that seems to say exactly what an anarchist would say. But then I remembered the furore about the "kill cops" banner at that kill the bill protest and how the guy that was farcically tried for it "must be" an undercover cop based on some rank amateur twitter sleuthing.

So basically I hadn't thought about it enough. Which is to my credit, on reflection. (now ruined it :thumbs:)
Yeah, I hadn't actually seen the "clean" circle-A argument in relation to this particular bit of graffiti until now, but I had seen exactly the same baffling claim being made about a similar bit of graffiti last year, and had also seen people suggesting that this must be a false flag on the grounds that the graffiti writer's handwriting in general was too neat(???), so not entirely surprised to see it coming up here. The graffiti writer's views on Dr Who remain unknown at this time.

On a related note, I did once have a platformist take the piss out of me because my circle-As were too messy (not even intentionally, I just have crap hand-eye coordination). This must've been well over a decade ago, but as with the London Wildcat dalek-basher, some things just stay with you.
Is this just the sort of historical revisionism you'd expect from the sort of anarchists who claim their post-war paper is the same as a defunct one started in 1886 ?

Fwiw while there's a long gap between pre and post-war issues, there is a direct continuity between the collectives as Tom Keell, who never gave up the title of editor when he moved to Whiteway, and his partner Lilian Wolfe, became part of the Spain and The World collective and accepted it as the revived Freedom Group. Wolfe continued membership into the late 60s. So it's probably better described as a stretch rather than a revision (unless you're George Cores during the 1920s split, or on the wrong side of the 1940s split, or Albert and Co. after the '60s split). Depending on how unkind you wish to be of course.
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