Yuwipi Woman
Whack-A-Mole Queen
Yeah but YW, forgive me for this, but i feel it is a mistake for any reasonable person to follow this line of logic. Of course you wouldn't use them, and the consequences wouldn't be worth it, but you are not a president, you are not a member of a cabal that wants power and wealth and empire.
You and I wouldn't use them because we are moral people. We figure the "cost" in moral terms. The PTB (the powers that be) wouldn't use them because it would cost too much financially. The moral cost doesn't enter into it, except as the cost of bad press. The PTB want Irans oil wells intact. It wouldn't be profitable to destroy that infrastructure. The PTB figure that those oil wells are theirs because they built them before they were nationalized.
Was the death and destruction that has been wrought in iraq worth the consequences??
No. Not even to the PTB, but they make calculated decisions. They thought it would be profitable, but miscalculated. They had a bunch of pet theories that didn't work in the real world.
Do bush cheney rumsfeld perle and the rest of them allow reason and sanity to prevail in their thinking?
Was such thinking behind the bombs they used in japan?
Yes. They arn't crazy. They are amoral.