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A Manchester thread for all things Manc

Oh, while I remember, here's a Manc thing happening soon:
Can't fund much other public info about it so far but sure there should be more soon.
The combos at Bundobust are nice - had the vegan combo for two last time I was there and it was probably too much food for two people. The okra fries were particularly good.

Bundobust are at the beer festival I'm at in Leeds tonight. Selling their beer and food and they have a DJ 🕺I'm definitely having some okra fries
Well on Monday 30th I was considering going to see Crack Cloud at Gorilla, can try to be around before that though.
Anyway, unrelated to the above, bit of Manchester news, the long-running campaign by Hulme residents over the Gamecock site is now fundraising for a legal challenge:

Private developers, Curlew Alternatives Eighth Property LP, have been pushing for permission to build student accommodation on the site of the former Gamecock pub in Hulme for years.

Not only do these plans ignore the needs of the existing community in Hulme, but building a 9-storey block on this relatively tiny piece of land would completely overshadow the surrounding area. Development work would also create gridlock at this key public transport artery for the city.

These are just some of the reasons that the planning committee had previously refused the plans on four separate occasions.

But Manchester City Council allowed the developers to come back again and again. The planning office exploited the use of the Council’s own written constitution, telling the committee that they could only make a ‘minded to refuse’ verdict, effectively permanently deferring final refusal. This gave the developers an advantage.

Now, on the fifth attempt, the development has been given the green light.

We believe that this decision was made unlawfully, and we need your help to stop this development going ahead!

We need £10,000 to protect the campaign from adverse legal costs. Donate now and share our appeal with friends, family and colleagues.

“We were astonished when the Planning Committee went back on its previous view on this proposal. It feels like somebody bent the rules to get this through.”

What’s the issue?​

Councils must follow rules and policies when they grant planning permission for new developments. This decision will send a signal to other developers that our communities are fair game.

We want to take the council to the High Court, challenging the decision on the following grounds:

  • Planning officers told the committee that there was no lawful reason for them to refuse the application, and that if they did want to refuse, they would have to be ‘minded to’ refuse again. This was wrong. Planning committees always have the power to refuse
  • Planning officers seriously misled the committee - they said they could not refuse the application again.
  • Planning officers failed to give reasons for deviating from a decision to refuse planning permission for a similar project on the same site in 2012. Planning law states that a local planning authority must show consistency in their decision-making
This is not the first time that the council has allowed developers to make their case several times.

How can we trust that planning decisions will follow any due process if they can continue to apply to the planning committee until they get the answer they want?

What are we doing about it?​

We’ve been fighting to stop profit-hungry developers from encroaching on our community for many years. We already have a plan that includes a social centre and social housing to serve the existing community.

We need the decision to build student accommodation here to be quashed, so that the community plan can be re-platformed as an alternative for the site.

“I have nothing against students - but we are losing our sense of community as students are transient and leave when their studies finish.”

Why do we need your support?​

Public Interest Law Centre with the assistance of Greater Manchester Law Centre are supporting us with our legal case.

Our legal team is working on this challenge on a ‘conditional fee agreement’, meaning that the resident bringing the case will not be liable for legal costs.

We need to raise money to protect the resident from legal cost liability should the judicial review be unsuccessful.

We believe the council has granted permission unlawfully, and that we have a strong chance of success. However, this resident simply cannot afford to take the risk without your support.

For updates on the campaign, follow @blocktheblock1 and @gmtenantsunion.

Where will my money go?​

All the money raised will go towards protecting this resident from adverse legal costs in the event that the challenge is unsuccessful.

As the PILC legal team are working pro bono on this case. Any remaining funds after all costs and disbursements will be used to cover some of their actual working time.

Should the challenge be successful, the donations made will be shared between PILC, Greater Manchester Tenants Union and Block the Block campaign, and put towards developing the alternative plan.

If you’d like further information about the case or have any questions, please do not hesitate to get in touch at office@pilc.org.uk.
Oh, while I remember, here's a Manc thing happening soon:
View attachment 441195
Can't fund much other public info about it so far but sure there should be more soon.
Thinking about it, I imagine there must well be some urbs who might be able to contribute something to a documentary about the history of resistance to deportations in Hulme and Moss Side - would it be of any interest to The39thStep or Serge Forward, maybe? Again, there's still a bit of a frustrating lack of contact details for anyone actually involved in the project, but I think it's being made by Northern Light Films, who apparently have the email address bysshe.harkavy@northernlightfilm.org.
Not too much I can say about it really. My main experience of Hulme was visits to the Russell club (the Factory) on Royce Rd in the late 70s and once getting chased by a bunch of bone heads through the flats at 2am. I moved out of Manchester in 1980 and was only ever back to visit my family.

When I was there, on Saturday mornings I would swing round to the South African Airways shop in town and meet up with friends from DAM (now Solfed) for the regular protests. These protests were run by the RCG, who I thought had terrible politics but all seemed like very nice people. Viraj Mendis was always there with the RCG and he came across as a nice fella too.

I was living in Stafford at the time, so I organised accommodation for that leg of the Viraj Mendis anti-deportation campaign march from Manchester to London. I put up the two or three anarchists on the march and two or three of the RCGs including Viraj at my gaff while everyone else stayed at various mates of mine. I met them at a roundabout a few miles north of Stafford, near Stone I think, and when they left town the next day, I marched down to their next stop in Wolverhampton and stuck around for the veggie food and chat at a gurdwara that was putting them up near Molineux. Like I say, they were all very nice people.

Can't remember much else. I didn't have much to do with them after that as I moved down to London shortly after and wasn't around for the whole Viraj holding out in the church business.

Bugger. I've just looked him up on the internet and found that Viraj died last month :( Viraj Mendis - Wikipedia
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I moved to Manchester around 1986/7 our union branch supported the Mendis campaign and some other anti deportation campaigns . I went on a Mendis demo but that was about it, I'm afraid I tended to give RCG people a very wide birth tbh .
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