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A Manchester thread for all things Manc


on reddit or something
I thought I'd give this a shot - a long-running Manchester thread for all kinds of news, events, offers, trivia, chat, organising the first threads of meetups etc.

To start it off, I've become a bit of a fan of Manchester Confidential. It's a mostly food and restaurant oriented site. Amongst other things, you can buy restaurant vouchers where you get double your money - i.e. £25 gives you £50 to spend. Be warned that they do send you a very high volume of email though.

From there, on a civic & social topic, this is a decent long read piece, a bit incoherent in its quotes at times but I liked it.

The State Of The City - Manchester In 2017

Stand high anywhere in Manchester city centre and there are cranes everywhere, the hum and buzz of development is constant. Linger in one of the empty units in the city centre or in golden Chorlton, Didsbury, Hale (et al) and hold out your hand and a bar forms around you and a glass fills your palm. The chatter of conversation follows. Aside from shabby Piccadilly Gardens many of the main areas of city centre are becoming shiny. This is all very good. But then walk the streets and look more closely and the abandoned blankets of beggars pepper doorways waiting for the return of their owners, soup kitchens are busy. Linger in one of the empty units in Middleton, Openshaw, Gorton and wait and wait and wait, nothing forms around you, investment seems halted.
The snippet doesn't really do it justice so have a read.

On a different note, Skyliner is a blog I like reading about Manchester history & architecture, updated only infrequently: Home

I'll pop back in whenever I see some decent info - in 2016 we got a few things by keeping an eye on the papers, like free Halle Orchestra tickets, guided walks, steaks, festival gigs etc so hopefully 2017 turns out a few freebies.
Read in the online version of Manchester Evening News that some poor soul was a victim of a hit and run in Cheadle High Street , dragged 60 ft under a car , and has serious head injuries :(
A far cry from when it was under the watchful gaze of the Workers Defence Squads .
Read in the online version of Manchester Evening News that some poor soul was a victim of a hit and run in Cheadle High Street , dragged 60 ft under a car , and has serious head injuries :(
A far cry from when it was under the watchful gaze of the Workers Defence Squads .
In other news on the same site, someone had an apple thrown at them on Oxford Road. I admit that I laughed - although being smacked on the head with a bramley would probably hurt.
Read in the online version of Manchester Evening News that some poor soul was a victim of a hit and run in Cheadle High Street , dragged 60 ft under a car , and has serious head injuries :(
A far cry from when it was under the watchful gaze of the Workers Defence Squads .
Near us, some pisshead taxi driver (!) managed to punt a streetlight pole off a bridge and on to lane 1 of the M60 this morning. Amazingly noone was hit or hurt.

I've no idea about the Cheadle incident but driving standards in Manchester are shit. We live next to a mini roundabout and it's constant horns & confusion. Car insurance is about 3x what I used to pay and with good reason I think.
Read in the online version of Manchester Evening News that some poor soul was a victim of a hit and run in Cheadle High Street , dragged 60 ft under a car , and has serious head injuries :(
A far cry from when it was under the watchful gaze of the Workers Defence Squads .

Report yesterday was saying he is likely to recover, albeit taking some months to do so. Drive arrested for attempted murder it seems.

Family say man in Boxing Day car collision in Cheadle 'on mend'
Ta - yet to visit PHM but we have a couple of mates over at end of Jan so will try and take that in :cool:
We went round a couple of other galleries over the weekend – the Deana Petherbridge show at the Whitworth is spectacular. They also have a Warhol thing on as well – I can take or leave most of his stuff, but there’s a series of electric chair screen prints which are fab.

Deanna Petherbridge | Whitworth Art Gallery

Manchester Art Gallery has a fantastic exhibition of photographs curated by Martin Parr – it’s in a gallery up at the top that I’ve never come across before, and definitely worth a visit. They also have a nice show of modern Japanese design (fashion, ceramics and furniture) which we loved.

Strange and Familiar: Britain as Revealed by International Photographers | Manchester Art Gallery
I've not been to Manchester for a few years now. Fond memories of University days in the 90s, living in Whalley Range, then Fallowfield then Burnage.

Are there many clubs left? Sankeys has closed recently though I suspect it was long past it's best
I've not been to Manchester for a few years now. Fond memories of University days in the 90s, living in Whalley Range, then Fallowfield then Burnage.

Are there many clubs left? Sankeys has closed recently though I suspect it was long past it's best
Plenty of decent club action in Manchester these days. Sankey's closure was sad for nostalgic reasons only. It's been shite for years.
I'm a bit out of the loop with nighclubs atm (I don't really ever want to be out past midnight) but there's still plenty going on.

The most interesting nights seem to be happening at Soup Kitchen, Islington Mill and Hidden, as far as I can tell. The Warehouse Project dominates the city when it's running, but TBH on the occasions I've been I hated it.

There's a new 'Fac' brand club where the dance factory was which has some good looking nights on sometimes too.
I follow the Manchester Evening News on facebook. If you want :eek::eek::eek::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::eek::eek::eek::D:D:D:D
I suggest you also follow it.
I lived there a long time ago but didn't stay long :)
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