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9/11 a conspiracy?


a cause for concern
Lately i have become very interested in the 9/11 conspiracies since i saw a BBC documentary on it. My personal theory is that IF the American government were in on the attacks, they turned a blind eye to it, rather than actually help said terrorists. For example, take the "drone plains" theory. Basically the planes were empty all along, flown by remote instead, and the passengers are being kept in an undisclosed place. Why bother keeping the passengers alive in the first place? I mean, they are now witnesses to the biggest crime of the 21st century after all. "Aha, but what if they killed them soon after?" i hear you ask. Yeah, i suppose they could. But that would produce a real messy situation with lots of red tape.
Wouldn't it just be easier all around (From the Governments point of view) to let those passengers die in the crash? No read tape, no witnesses, no mess.

What's you'r view on the 9/11 conspiracies?
That it accords far more respect for the organisational capacities of the Bush administration than they deserve.

How many people would be involved in covering this up? How on earth, considering the frequency with which leaks occur in other areas, have they possibly been able to keep this from the press?

Unless of course the leaks in other areas are just to throw us off the scent. :D

(the Southpark episode about this is awesome)
The one thing (for me personally) that points to a cover up more than anything else was the collapse of building "WTC 7" which sustained very minor damage, but still managed to collapse. Several other surrounding buildings suffered far worse damage and still stood. I can't make sense of that one aspect, other than cover-up.
"For people who feel a need to believe in conspiracies, here’s one sitting there waiting for them. Just imagine the CIA deciding, how can we undermine and destroy all of these popular movements? Let’s send them off on some crazy wild goose chase which is going to involve them in extremely detailed microanalysis and discussion of things that don’t matter. That’ll shut them up."

- Chomsky
You're damn right. It's great speculating on the interweb isn't it - you don't need any evidence or expertise and you just spout off any old rubbish in the hope someone will read your words of wisdom

- I reckon the passengers were replaced before the flight taken off and swapped with breeds of seed potato, cunningly stitched in sacks mimicking the human form. The twin towers were then blown up by holographic missiles from a remote control plane piloted by Kelsey Grammar and Goose off Top Gun. Calls to the relatives were then faked, whilst those unlucky enough to be scheduled on the flights had their memories wiped and are now working in a the Standard Life call centre in Jaipur. Next time 'Anthony' calls offering you house insurance, please go easy on him

Yeah man, it's a bleeding conspiracy
Due to a worm shortage, cans of worms are not available to be opened. You'll have to make do with a box of frogs, which is more appropriate for the subject, I feel.
tarannau said:
You're damn right. It's great speculating on the interweb isn't it - you don't need any evidence or expertise and you just spout off any old rubbish in the hope someone will read your words of wisdom

- I reckon the passengers were replaced before the flight taken off and swapped with breeds of seed potato, cunningly stitched in sacks mimicking the human form. The twin towers were then blown up by holographic missiles from a remote control plane piloted by Kelsey Grammar and Goose off Top Gun. Calls to the relatives were then faked, whilst those unlucky enough to be scheduled on the flights had their memories wiped and are now working in a the Standard Life call centre in Jaipur. Next time 'Anthony' calls offering you house insurance, please go easy on him

Yeah man, it's a bleeding conspiracy
What you are missing is since the towers were symbolic syringes injecting capitalism into the world's air circulation (jet stream), pete doherty's highly connected father had them destroyed in an attempt to get his son off the drugs (do not forget the role of top level bankers and stockbrokers in the drugs trade...)

In fact, if you listen verry carefully to the the second tower collapsing you can hear tin^6y<<NO CARRIER!!
I have already pointed out that the Twin Towers never existed in the first place. America does not exist. It is all made up by Hollywood. I don't need to tell you again where 'Hollywood' is really now do I?

Last in
Crispy said:
Due to a worm shortage, cans of worms are not available to be opened. You'll have to make do with a box of frogs, which is more appropriate for the subject, I feel.

Aren't you getting them mixed up with iguanas?
Martin1 said:
The one thing (for me personally) that points to a cover up more than anything else was the collapse of building "WTC 7" which sustained very minor damage, but still managed to collapse. Several other surrounding buildings suffered far worse damage and still stood. I can't make sense of that one aspect, other than cover-up.
Indeed, WTC6 actually stood between the twin towers and WTC7 yet remained standing (although completely gutted by fire).
I have to admit that the collapse of WT 7 when no aircraft apparently hit it, is a bit of a mystery. If America really existed that would be a major problem, and would need a lot of explaining.

But then it would be necessary to believe in the existence of America, and not accept the reality that the whole concept of the existence of America is a film set created at Pinewood alias Hollywood

I am not trying to mess with your minds - honestly.

Perhaps ;)
Jazzz said:
Indeed, WTC6 actually stood between the twin towers and WTC7 yet remained standing (although completely gutted by fire).
Gosh. Something happened in the world that Jazz doesn't understand.

And even though he has zero qualifications in the relevent area of expertise and chooses to ignore all considered analysis from people who do have the relevent experience/qualifications, that means that it can only be down to a massive, expert foolin', specialist bedazzlin' evil conspiracy, eh Jazzz?
Jazzz said:
Does anyone really still believe the official fairytale?

wow! :)
The more you talk the more convinced i am that it is true. You've managed to stir up enough people who know enough about the topic over the years to disprove all of your loopery, its now a matter of finding the material that you decided not to read at the time and reposting it for you.

But what am i saying, the towers were demolished using a mininuke!
Jazzz said:
Does anyone really still believe the official fairytale?
This coming from the reality-untroubled clown who actually believed in the existence of holographic planes, despite them only existing in a sci-fi fantasy book set in the year 2012!!!
editor said:
This coming from the reality-untroubled clown who actually believed in the existence of holographic planes, despite them only existing in a sci-fi fantasy book set in the year 2012!!!

i thought all along the hologram thing was made up by the mods to take the piss out of Jazz... i thought the same about the lizards until i discovered david icke was a real person... hahahah!!!!! that's hilarious!!! :D:D:D
Flavour said:
i thought all along the hologram thing was made up by the mods to take the piss out of Jazz... i thought the same about the lizards until i discovered david icke was a real person... hahahah!!!!! that's hilarious!!! :D:D:D
Jazzz has made a load of totally daft holographic claims.

I mean, real hatstand stuff.
Monkeygrinder's Organ said:
That makes it sound like you think you've convinced anyone.:D

yeh, it's a false polarity. I don't believe the official version is entirely true, but that doesn't mean i'm simpleminded enough to accept Jazz's bollocks either
Dubversion said:
yeh, it's a false polarity. I don't believe the official version is entirely true, but that doesn't mean i'm simpleminded enough to accept Jazz's bollocks either
I'm sure there's been a ton of arse-covering, blame-shifting and truth-warping after the event, but the idiotic stuff Jazzz trawls off lunatic sites has as much connection with reality as Enid Blyton's finest.
Jazzz said:
Does anyone really still believe the official fairytale?

wow! :)

Wow! You must be such a radical visionary to be able to see through the official line, where as the rest of us logical-thinking fools have swallowed the bait hook, line and sinker like the stupid saps that we are.

I wish I was as cool and as intelligent as you Jazz. :(
This is one of the reasons why I think that Islamic terrorists (which may or may not have been associated with Osama Bin Laden) is a more plausable theory than the hologrammatic planes remote controlled by pink lizards crap that I hear too much of (a similar comment I made on one of the many 9/11 "Truth" articles on Indymedia got hidden BTW):

Whether the towers fell down or not, it didn't matter. The fact that four planes were hijacked and went kamakaze into the WTC and Pentagon would have been justification enough for the Bush adminstration to go ahead with the "War on Terror". No need for any controlled demolitions at all, the plane crashes in themselves were horrifying enough, the fact that the steel girders were subesquently weakend as the result of the fuel laden jets crashing into them at top speed resulting in the collapse of the Twin Towers just added to the tragedy, but IMO even if they survived the planes ramming into them it the US would still have gone to war. As for WTC 7, I recall at the time that it collapsed about two hours or so after the other towers, and I don't recall any fatalities specifically from there, so what would the point be of demolishing an empty building?

As for who was behind the plane hijackings, it may never really be known who was behind it, or whether or not the US "intellgence" knew of it but "let it happen", but there seems to be this obsession that the US mainland could not be attacked, so therefore it must be an inside job, which is a pretty arrogant stance. I somehow don't think that even the US government would directly sanction the murder of 3000 of its own citizens, it may be naive thinking considering they are happy to murder tens of thousands elsewhere in the world, but there you go.

As an afterthought, I personally think that what happened on 9/11 is academic, it's what is happening now that is the main issue at hand, Al-Queda or no Al-Queda, what the US and it's coalition "partners" are doing in Iraq, Afghanistan, and possibly soon Iran as well is totally wrong, it is making the chance of a terrorist attack more likely rather than less.

Also think of this chain of events: US pisses off people in Middle East though its imperalist foreign policy -> Islamic terrorists conduct terror campaign -> War on Terror -> Terrorism threat increases rather than decrases due to reactions against US imperalism.

Now think of this: US does what it likes in the Middle East regardless of the suffering of the people -> US govt conducts 9/11 in order to justify grabbing the Iraqi and Iranian oil -> There were no terrorists to begin with, so we are immune to whatever goes on in the Middle East -> US can do whatever the fuck it pleases without anyone able to do anything about it (at home at least).
The official story is a load of codswallop. It throws up too many questions that remain unanswered. Haven't been following these threads to know what Jazzz has been on about but I wouldn't use Icke as a credible source.
editor said:
I'm sure there's been a ton of arse-covering, blame-shifting and truth-warping after the event, but the idiotic stuff Jazzz trawls off lunatic sites has as much connection with reality as Enid Blyton's finest.

I thought the Secret Seven were real.

Now you've shattered the one remaining illusion of my childhood. :(
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