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7/7 Home Office 'narrative' leaked: Iraq led to July 7

Jazzz said:
No bodily trace of Khan or Hussain.
And the official source of this information? (i.e. a POSITIVE statement that there was no trace of them rather than simply the absence of any statement at all on the point)
Jazzz said:
You made a statement of fact I am simply asking you to verify it.

Go on then, conclusivly prove that the alleged bombers weren't there... :rolleyes: I think my kamikazee Tube mice theory will have more evidence than your "it wasn't the four people who disappaered that day after being see on cctv, having left houseful of explosives in Leeds and a bmb-laden car in a carpark"... Conspiratroll Prat... :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
detective-boy said:
And the official source of this information? (i.e. a POSITIVE statement that there was no trace of them rather than simply the absence of any statement at all on the point)
Good point.

He's made an emphatic claim. Source please, Jazzz.
So this:

Hussain's remains were buried in a Muslim cemetery in Leeds on November 2.

wikipedia - there's more gore

is a wicked fabrication put together to conceal The Truth That Only Jazz knows?

E2A: and this:

The family of Mohammad Sidique Khan, 30, were told earlier this week that they could collect the body parts...

Telegraph - also more gore available

deleted as hadn't seen laptop's post above

edited to add: thanks laptop I hadn't seen that one. I suppose we can assume that they identified the remains somehow though it would be nice to have statement that they did so.

detective-boy - I said 'it seems...' as the opening part of my post. I wasn't making a definitive statement.

Anything on the last chap?
edited to add.. oh I see there's wikipedia on that too. jolly good.
So can we look forward to a post from jazz saying "I was talking shit because I will believe any garbage that makes it look as though I have special knowledge"?
I am quite willing to admit when I have made a mistake or when others have helped me out but you are really extremely obnoxious laptop.
* Peeks at jazzz message *

Nope. Not an apology.

Not an acknowledgement of talking shit.

Not an acknowledgement that making shit up to bolster delusions is, well, quite obnoxious.

* Taps fingers on desk *
Jazzz said:
I am quite willing to admit when I have made a mistake or when others have helped me out but you are really extremely obnoxious laptop.
Once again, your total lack of research and desperate need to find a conspiracy has resulted in you making an absolute arse of yourself.

Your latest wild claim has been proved to be 100% bullshit.

The sad thing is that if people didn't bother doing your research for you, you'd just go on believing the mindless drivel you keep regurgitating from clueless fruito'o'theloop websites.

And, even worse, you'd do your best to spread the evidence-free yarn far and wide - just like a dodgy disinformation agent.
Now there's a surprise, editor coming in for afters.

It was something I wasn't sure about, hence why I asked in the first place. Then, I couldn't find identifications on two of the guys and it seemed no-one else could either, so I posted what I did.

Hardly any big deal, this is what we are here for and I welcomed the further information.

Do I get any apology from you about accusing me of being 'a complete joke' for my dismissal of the Khan video due to tampering? Of course that was 'conspiraloonery', until the Home Office said it just now, where you forget all about it.
* Peeks *

* Peeks *

* Peeks *

* Feels unclean *

Nope, jazzz asked, then he asserted.

And it was shite.

Say it, jazzz.

* Taps fingers on desk *
editor said:
He's talking about the last conversation he had with his wife who was about to die, not discussing the business of politics.

World of difference,

If you want to debate this issue further, please produce some credible solid proof to support your assertion that he was lying or kindly shut the fuck up with your desperate conspiraloonery.

So, your proof. Where is it? Got any? YES/NO?

who are you to badger him for proof of anything?

I don`t give a monkeys what you guys are arguing about but I`ve provided mainstream media articles or documents on threads before and you`ve ignored them completely...or you close the thread.....

I`m also trying to remember the last time you ever posted links/studies/documents in your opposition of say 9/11 being an inside job.
Three vile posts from you laptop demanding I crawl at your feet because I made a short post beginning with the words 'it seems' that was incorrect, and even thanked you when you produced information I hadn't found?

Take a hike. :rolleyes:
* Sigh *

That jazzz doesn't understand appears to be a given.

It's not about me versus you, you delusional fool. It's about you versus reality. I merely provide an occasional research service.

And the required apology is to the whole of urban75.
Azrael23 said:
who are you to badger him for proof of anything?
When someone's make an emphatic claim, it's entirely reasonable to ask them for credible evidence and research to support that assertion.

Sorry if this concept seems alien to you.
I don't know who is more sick... The bombers, or the people who deny they were there to the faces of the survivors. :rolleyes: and :mad: x million at consiparaloons...
BK as you know I was there last night and I had read the book. I think it's shameful that you were able to have a 'good laugh' afterwards. 56 people died and 4 of those may well be innocent.

The questions that were posed to Milan Rai by J7 sceptics included:

Do you believe someone is innocent until proven guilty?
Do you support the call for a truly Independent Public Inquiry?
If the CCTV footage from London of the four were shown wouldn't that prove the case against them?

We were allowed just 3 minutes for a 'spokesperson' to make the case for questioning the official story and then it was made clear our questions would not be answered. In those 3 minutes, no mention was made of Mossad, Lizards, Illuminati or NWO.

No-one present had accused you of being either an actress a spook or anything else, yet you claimed (falsely) that they had.

Milan Rai's book contains no independent research, it also states that these 4 young men caught the 7.48 from Luton that morning. A train we know arrived at 8.42, too late to catch the underground trains that morning. Can there be justice without truth?

I would have asked (if I had been allowed) 'Milan, what do you think these 4 young men hoped to achieve by these actions?'

For truth and justice.
I merely said the '9/11 truth movement' - of which 16 representatives were there at the meeting - had claimed that I was an M15 disinformation agent on their website, and on other websites. Which is perfectly true. Look!
And look!

We had a good laugh at you, Prole, at the 'sceptics' and your pathetic attempts to gatecrash and take over the meeting. I and other survivors laughed at your silly theories, not at the atrocity. They used to make me angry, your lies, but now they make me laugh. You make me laugh. You are laughable. We all laughed at you. There you go, understand now? :)
Thats Mrs Conspiraloonbarkin-Troll...

Prole said:
BK as you know I was there last night and I had read the book. I think it's shameful that you were able to have a 'good laugh' afterwards. 56 people died and 4 of those may well be innocent.

Yep... Letting off bombs in Underground trains and busses is just soooo innocent. Out of interest Mrs Consiparloonintroll -- have you ever had got laid...? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
Jaed, Prole is a 50-something woman, with a son, she came up to me last night and said she wanted to introduce herself. I said I knew who she was; I guessed. Or my M15 handlers had briefed me, I forget which.
Badger Kitten said:
Jaed, Prole is a 50-something woman, with a son, she came up to me last night and said she wanted to introduce herself. I said I knew who she was; I guessed. Or my M15 handlers had briefed me, I forget which.

Oh... Bit sad that a 50 year old woman with a son seems to be writing posts I'd expect of a deluded teenager, innit...?
Let's humour her

Do you believe someone is innocent until proven guilty? Yes. However you cannot try the dead.

But if there has been a murder, you look at the forensic evidence, don't you? If the murderer is dead, he cannot be tried. Forensic examination of his body parts in relation to the explosive device, plus DNA identification and the return of his effects and body parts to their families and their acceptance of the bombers' complicity and death, and the police investigation into the background of the bombers, their histories and radicalisation all point to the fact that we are looking at an ongoing criminal investiagtion of mass murder and we have established whom the perpetrators are, and that the perpetrators, the 4 identified suicide bombers are dead.

Do you support the call for a truly Independent Public Inquiry? Yes, and I have said so in the Sunday Times repeatedly, on my blog for the last 6 months, on the petition for one which I started and on national & London TV several times. :rolleyes:

If the CCTV footage from London of the four were shown wouldn't that prove the case against them? Yes, but it has already been proved by forensic evidence. On past form, even if you were shown them actually exploding, you and your ilk would claim it was faked. When confronted by survivors you call them liars, when confronted with recently-charged peace activist authors who criticise the Government you call them stooges, and let's face it, love, you are completely obsessed with proving a conspiracy on JUly 7th and tying it to your existing conspiracy theory about 9/11 so you are neither 'independent' nor, I would argue, particularly well-balanced.
Bk & Jaed:

I have become used to the levels of abuse that are regularly dished out on this forum so it's just par for the course of venturing on here. Childish and pathetic given the seriousness of what is being discussed.

You had the opportunity to state the above BK when I introduced myself in an open and friendly manner to you, but that would have required you looking me in the eye and saying these things, which you didn't do.

The other points you didn't answer were:

Milan Rai's book contains no independent research, it also states that these 4 young men caught the 7.48 from Luton that morning. A train we know arrived at 8.42, too late to catch the underground trains that morning. Can there be justice without truth?

I would have asked (if I had been allowed) 'Milan, what do you think these 4 young men hoped to achieve by these actions?'
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