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7/7 Home Office 'narrative' leaked: Iraq led to July 7

laptop said:
And you believed it, because it made you feel... special.

In the original Greek, παράνοια (paranoia) means simply madness (para = outside; nous = mind).

Kraepelin developed a definition from this root involving delusional beliefs. Notably, in his definition, the belief does not have to be persecutory to be classified as paranoid, so any number of delusional beliefs can be classified as paranoia. For example, a person who has the sole delusional belief that he is an important religious figure would be classified by Kraepelin as having 'pure paranoia'


If i say "i read somewhere" before saying something, it usually means the point is purposefully ambiguous, in the sense that I`M TAKING THE PISS. Thankyou for quoting wikipedia at me, I don`t know where I`d be without you. :)
Milan Rai has written a new book called '7/7: the London bombings, Islam and the Iraq War'. I recommend it.

On 12th April ( next Wednesday) I will be speaking as part of a panel at the London launch of the book. It's at 7-9pm, Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, NW1 2BJ. Organised by JNV, Quaker Peace and Social Witness and Voices UK. Admission is free.

Sorry if this is an obvious plug, it is not my book but I have read it and think it is very sensible and it is highly pertinent to this thread as it is basically a narrative of the background of the bombers, their brand of Islam and influences and the part US/UK foreign policy seems to have played in their radicalisation. It also goes into detail as to how Blair misled the public and Parliament.

It would be lovely to see you there, especially as the fruitlooops are threatening to turn up and probably try to bully me.
Badger Kitten said:
It would be lovely to see you there, especially as the fruitlooops are threatening to turn up and probably try to bully me.
What - all of you?!

How many people did that site reckon you actually were in the end (I gave up reading their bonkers nonsense pretty quickly)

If people are going for a drink afterwards (I'm afraid I can't quite make it) I recommend that bar at Euston station, if anybody can remind me of the name.
editor said:
What - all of you?!

How many people did that site reckon you actually were in the end (I gave up reading their bonkers nonsense pretty quickly)


I am several men, who work as 'Team Rachel' I have 'handlers', I work for M15 or possibly M16 or Millbank, I am a criminal spook, a shill, a liar, a psy-ops device, I am a witless racist, a disinformation agent and a mouthpice for the New World Order.

I am very good at it: I have managed to fool urban 75, my friends, family, colleagues, doctor, University College Hospital, the Charlotte St Trauma Clinic psychologists, 102 fellow-survivors, the police, the UK and international media, Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary and Mrs Magpie, just now.

Cunning, hmmmm?

Only those fearless ''independent truth-seeking internet researchers'' of the ''British Nine Eleven Truth Movement'' have seen through my disguise.

I am arranging to have them all killed off, naturally, in a series of bizarre accidents. Shortly they will all start recieving warnings of their imminent demise through the radio and on TV via special frequency waves, and also through specially-coded advertising boards and supermarket item packaging. No-one fucks with me and my Lizard Masters! :mad:
Donna Ferentes said:
If people are going for a drink afterwards (I'm afraid I can't quite make it) I recommend that bar at Euston station, if anybody can remind me of the name.

Head of Steam? Full of railway signage. And ales.

From Friends' House, head straight across to the bus station, turn right, go nearly to the other (East) end and cross over the not-quite-a-Zebra thing; the entrance is an unpreposessing door to a staircase going up, straight ahead of you.
laptop said:
Head of Steam? Full of railway signage. And ales.

From Friends' House, head straight across to the bus station, turn right, go nearly to the other (East) end and cross over the not-quite-a-Zebra thing; the entrance is an unpreposessing door to a staircase going up, straight ahead of you.

Oh cool, thanks will go there. Anyone want to come along?
Badger Kitten said:
Milan Rai has written a new book called '7/7: the London bombings, Islam and the Iraq War'. I recommend it.

On 12th April ( next Wednesday) I will be speaking as part of a panel at the London launch of the book. It's at 7-9pm, Friends Meeting House, 173 Euston Road, NW1 2BJ. Organised by JNV, Quaker Peace and Social Witness and Voices UK. Admission is free.

Sorry if this is an obvious plug, it is not my book but I have read it and think it is very sensible and it is highly pertinent to this thread as it is basically a narrative of the background of the bombers, their brand of Islam and influences and the part US/UK foreign policy seems to have played in their radicalisation. It also goes into detail as to how Blair misled the public and Parliament.

It would be lovely to see you there, especially as the fruitlooops are threatening to turn up and probably try to bully me.

Does it point out how Haroon Aswat was an MI5 agent? Does it point out prior knowledge?
Does it point out that Tony Blair ordered the bombings to look hard and be popular? Is the world run by Lizards? You will have to buy a copy and find out.
Azrael23 said:
Does it point out how Haroon Aswat was an MI5 agent? Does it point out that the security services were behind the attacks? Does it point out prior knowledge?

Milan's a little bit strange, but he's not clinically insane.

E2A: interesting edit. "Interesting" is relative, of course...
Badger Kitten said:
Is the world run by Lizards?
One recalls the dialogue in The Ballad of Halo Jones:

"I just realised I have to trust a bunch of rats."

"You been a woman for seventeen years and you only just realised that?"
Why is it so hard for people like Azrael to get to grips with the fact that 4 people suicide bombed London? Why does it have to be the security services, FFS?

I know David Shayler is bitter but for heaven's sake, my last boss was a bastard but I didn't go round thinking he bumped people off. :rolleyes:
Badger Kitten said:
I am very good at it: I have managed to fool urban 75, my friends, family, colleagues, doctor, University College Hospital, the Charlotte St Trauma Clinic psychologists, 102 fellow-survivors, the police, the UK and international media, Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary and Mrs Magpie, just now.
Well, you haven't fooled me of course, because - as more than one poster has observed in the past - as head of urban75 I'm clearly in the pay of the MI5 and am privy to these things.

Now, where shall we go this year for out government-paid holidays?
Yeah shayler is just bitter.... I`m sure its in his interest to be arrested for breaking the official secrets act, i`m sure he`s completely unaware of the fact its slightly dangerous to cross the security services.

Which is probably why he went public, supticious advantage?

You can`t just brand people as liars but offer no evidence nor even a reason.
Azrael23 said:
You can`t just brand people as liars but offer no evidence nor even a reason.
Well said Azrael23.

You would agree with that wouldn't you editor? ;)
Jazzz said:
You would agree with that wouldn't you editor?
I know that some of the conspiraloon bullshit that you've posted up has come straight from the pen of a liar.

And you swallowed it wholesale.

PS Where's your proof that all the people you've claimed to be complicit in the 9/11 'cover up' are liars?
editor said:
I know that some of the conspiraloon bullshit that you've posted up has come straight from the pen of a liar.

And you swallowed it wholesale.

PS Where's your proof that all the people you've claimed to be complicit in the 9/11 'cover up' are liars?
Nice wriggle. I think the point is made.

I don't go around accusing people of being liars.

Let's leave it at that.
Jazzz said:
I don't go around accusing people of being liars.
Yes, you do. Regularly.

You've accused countless thousands of people of being complicit in your ludicrous 9/11 conspiracies.

And I'm still waiting for the proof.
ZWord said:
Where's your proof that they aren't. (liars)???
I know that's Jazzz's number uno source Joe Vialls was a liar.

Either that or 'poor old' Huntley is an innocent as the driven snow.

Which do you think it is?
editor said:
Yes, you do. Regularly.

You've accused countless thousands of people of being complicit in your ludicrous 9/11 conspiracies.

And I'm still waiting for the proof.
I don't accuse specific people of being liars unless I am prepared to give evidence and reasoning. To lie means knowingly making statements that are untrue. Not 'to be mistaken'. It's a very strong accusation editor and not one to bandy about.

Nor have I suggested 'thousands of people' of being complicit in 9/11 or anything else. Quite the reverse. Quit trying to put some pretty shabby words in my mouth.

As Azrael says, you just can't go around publicly accusing people of lying without evidence or reason. Hence this is obviously a silly thing for people on nineeleven.co.uk to suggest Badger Kitten may be doing. I understand she has threatened to sue them, and I don't blame her one bit.
Jazzz said:
I don't accuse specific people of being liars unless I am prepared to give evidence and reasoning. To lie means knowingly making statements that are untrue. Not 'to be mistaken'. It's a very strong accusation editor and not one to bandy about.
You've accused endless people of lying by virtue of them supposedly being involved in the bonkers conspiracy theories you regularly parade as 'the truth' here.

I can distinctly recall you regurgitating a load of offensive codswallop from that odious twat Vialls saying that Ted Olson was lying about the phone call he had from the his wife on Flight 77.

In fact, I've lost count of the amount of times you've trotted out theories which could only be 'the truth' if hundreds of people were complicit in the deception and, by definition, liars.
Badger Kitten said:
I am several men, who work as 'Team Rachel' I have 'handlers', I work for M15 or possibly M16 or Millbank, I am a criminal spook, a shill, a liar, a psy-ops device, I am a witless racist, a disinformation agent and a mouthpice for the New World Order.

I am very good at it: I have managed to fool urban 75, my friends, family, colleagues, doctor, University College Hospital, the Charlotte St Trauma Clinic psychologists, 102 fellow-survivors, the police, the UK and international media, Charles Clarke, the Home Secretary and Mrs Magpie, just now.

Cunning, hmmmm?

Only those fearless ''independent truth-seeking internet researchers'' of the ''British Nine Eleven Truth Movement'' have seen through my disguise.

I am arranging to have them all killed off, naturally, in a series of bizarre accidents. Shortly they will all start recieving warnings of their imminent demise through the radio and on TV via special frequency waves, and also through specially-coded advertising boards and supermarket item packaging. No-one fucks with me and my Lizard Masters! :mad:

What can I say, but "Welcome to The Club, Badger Kitten!" (Have you met Larry O'Hara, yet? *gg*)
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