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"49 up" on tonight at 9pm

nuffsaid said:
Yeah but when you see how he was in Scotland, how did he (why did he?) find a room to rent in London (I mean how did he travel, money, where did he spend his first night back in London), how did he maintain rent and bills. What is the selection process for councillors, what would his cv look like, etc, etc, etc, etc, seems a massive leap.... :confused:

Bruce (the big-eared kid who taught maths in Bangladesh, then the East End & now at a private school in the home counties) contacted him after 35up & gave him a place to stay in London for a bit.
Ms Ordinary said:
Bruce (the big-eared kid who taught maths in Bangladesh, then the East End & now at a private school in the home counties) contacted him after 35up & gave him a place to stay in London for a bit.
That's right, I'd forgotten that. It touched on that tonight.
Ms Ordinary said:
Bruce (the big-eared kid who taught maths in Bangladesh, then the East End & now at a private school in the home counties) contacted him after 35up & gave him a place to stay in London for a bit.

Oh yeah they did say that..............just shows you how much difference a small gesture of kindness can make to a persons life.

Excellent programme, so full of insights into life. Shows up all the other reality TV stuff as complete and utter tosh!
i was quite moved by the woman who worked in the library in bethnal green, and her rant against the council there....
marty21 said:
i was quite moved by the woman who worked in the library in bethnal green, and her rant against the council there....
Me too. Though she had not aged well, had she. Ouch.

What this always makes me wonder is how much the participants are still judged on what they were like at 7. After all, these were the most inconic moments and they must stick when someone finds out you were 'the posh annoying one' or the 'spacey scouser' or 'the sad boarding school boy'. Wonder if this kind of thing and Neil's on screen problems could count against rather than for him in a council election.
nuffsaid said:
How on earth do you go from homeless bloke in Scotland to being a Councillor :confused: I wish they'd explained such a dramatic transition for Neil. I was very glad for him, but seemed a bit glossed over.

I really wanted to punch that kid who ended up as a QC and wanted to go into politics, I was thinking how on earth can your background have any idea of hardship in society and therefore be allowed anywhere near power.....then I saw what he does in Bulgaria and felt a bit awful :oops:

In all in did make it look like life is a lot about merely finding peace with yourself and those around you. I find that depressing, as the dreams seem lost.

I have to say I found the programme quite uplifting and intriguing.

Neil certainly won me over simply in the way he has managed to overcome what was clearly deep depression and on the cusp of severe mental health issues, he seeemed so much more confident.

The posh kids particularly the guy with the Bulgarian links mirrored Neils Journey in some way but from a completely different persepctive. From coming out as the worse kind of greed monger to that of working and providing for those much less fortunate in a foreign land earned my respect in the end. I think what this shows is how people can change and redeem themselves at different stages of their lives.

Both of these characters showed huge compassion and a caring side - that was uplifting to watch.

This is a real reality show..unlike BB of course which is utter crap..
Gridarmy said:
Me too. Though she had not aged well, had she. Ouch.

What this always makes me wonder is how much the participants are still judged on what they were like at 7. After all, these were the most inconic moments and they must stick when someone finds out you were 'the posh annoying one' or the 'spacey scouser' or 'the sad boarding school boy'. Wonder if this kind of thing and Neil's on screen problems could count against rather than for him in a council election.

i do wonder how their lifes are influenced by the fact that they are in the programme, whether they would have done certain things, made certian decisions, if they hadn't be part of a long-running tv social experiment...has being part of a programme which monitors their lives, actually changed their lives and amde them act in away that would look better for the tv audience, or look worse, or look more interesting, etc
marty21 said:
i do wonder how their lifes are influenced by the fact that they are in the programme, whether they would have done certain things, made certian decisions, if they hadn't be part of a long-running tv social experiment...has being part of a programme which monitors their lives, actually changed their lives and amde them act in away that would look better for the tv audience, or look worse, or look more interesting, etc

i considered that and there probably is some diluted influence but not in the way of say BB where they all paly up to their 15 minutes of virtual fame.

The years in between I would have thought place them enough out of the spotlight to steer their way through life as the rest of us do.

Of course the posh priveleged kids may well of been influenced by watching the programme and having their consciences pricked...
I'm gutted that I missed the first part. I dont think there was enough publicity that it was next installment time.
Oh well. I've got vague recollections of watching the earlier ones with my parents and then seeing the whole thing up to whereever they were in 98 in sociology GCSE and psychology A level.
Does anyone know if the previous episodes can be found anywhere online? I'd quite like to see it from the beginning.
it's called 56 up now isn't it - the return of the show always makes me feel old, I think I watched it from 28 up onwards :D
I'm same age as that lot... have watched it from the beginning cos of that and then wondered where I'd fit in... thank goodness there's no video evidence of me over the years.. still pictures are depressing enough.

Does society value "achievers" more than "mere plodders" like me?
The person who uploaded this, seems to have uploaded a lot more (not checked fully)
The comments under that youtube video made me chuckle.
can i have 2 hours of my life back. Jesus christ the only thing i hate more than british people is being forced to watch them talk about their boring fucking lives

apar351 3 weeks ago
and the response from the guy who uploaded it
Getting your 2 hours back wont help you. You need to have the willpower to either a) not watch a documentary about people you find abhorrent in the first place, or b) if you start watching and feel nauseous,you need the strength in character to switch off and maybe go outside. As you fail at both, I would say that you would only use the 2 hours to further inflict punishment on yourself, through your apparent self loathing.So, no, you may not have your 2 hours back, now go away, you cretin

paulshaw27 in reply to apar351
it's called 56 up now isn't it - the return of the show always makes me feel old, I think I watched it from 28 up onwards :D

I foresee a problem if it carries on until 98 up. Won't they want to do a special programme two years later on everybody who reaches 100 years of age? This will necessarily spoil the whole premise of the series as a snapshot of life every seven years. Gutting.
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