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I am absolutely appalled and ashamed of our murderers. I don't know what to do apart from keep them in, which won't go well, given how destructive they were before we let them out. They have killed and mutilated 3 pigeons, a rat and a frog that I know of, probably plenty more, and I'm quite depressed about the whole thing.

It's really hard mate, but it's in their nature. No idea why some are worse than others but they just are. I had to finish a pigeon off once, it was really distressing. I feel for you.

Is any sort of catio a possibility?

Mate of mine has constructed a walkway along the entire length of her fence using plastic mesh with brackets. The actual design is supposed to just stop them jumping over the fence, but she's then run it to ground level as well.


This stuff and then cos the fence posts are on her side we nailed board between them as a walkway. Then fixed hard mesh from the brackets to the deck.

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I am absolutely appalled and ashamed of our murderers. I don't know what to do apart from keep them in, which won't go well, given how destructive they were before we let them out. They have killed and mutilated 3 pigeons, a rat and a frog that I know of, probably plenty more, and I'm quite depressed about the whole thing.
Apparently bells and bright collars help, but also significant is feeding them a high protein diet.
Their food is 40% protein, which I always understood was the max you should go to to prevent kidney problems, but I will ask the vet when they go for their MOT in a month to see if guidance has changed. We had a disastrous time last time we tried collars but maybe we should try again.

fucthest8 we don't really have the space to do that, alas. We toyed with the idea when they arrived, but it would have to be so small.

Let's hope it's a teenage phase. :rolleyes:
Sympathies moose, it's grim. My two hunted quite indiscriminately as teens but (as far as I can tell from the discarded remains/prizes brought in for display) seem to have lazily settled down to just rodents now they're grown. I don't have a problem with them killing rats tbh, there are thousands of the fuckers and I'd rather they weren't trying to move into my house.
In other cat news, mine must have been kept awake by the massive storm we had last night as they are both absolutely zonko today :D like, properly asleep rather than regulation snoozing. Very cute.
I was woken up by that storm, the thunder was so loud I thought the windows were going to break. First thing I did was check on Lilith, she was safely snuggled up in her fluffy blanket.
Couldn't get a good photo of it, but we just had a hilarious 3-way cat stare situation. Vastra was sat on the back of next door's wall, staring down at the little black and white wh o came by yesterday in their garden, while nextdoor-but-one's maine coon sat on top of his garden's BBQ staring at Vastra staring at the other cat :D
Lil’ Bob has fallen asleep with his head in my hand 😍

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My One-eyed cat always wanted to sleep with his head in the palm of my hand. Every night. He’d wake me up if my hand wasn’t palm up.

He also wanted to go to bed at 10:30 every night. He’d hang around giving me the accusings and if I wasn’t ready to go up, he’d humph off in high dudgeon. And he’d wake me up at dawn with a single claw up the nostril.

I miss him, but not that bit,
Current Cat is a lazy lay about and sleeps in later than I do. I’m so fucking glad I had the sense to separate “getting out of bed” and “time for food”.
My two door down neighbours are half way through their third package holiday this year.
So once again I have had the duty of feeding feral Harry twice a day.
Getting up is the worst bit. Here he is yesterday afternoon finishing his second evening course. His first course is a Felix soup which he loves.

My two door down neighbours are half way through their third package holiday this year.
So once again I have had the duty of feeding feral Harry twice a day.
Getting up is the worst bit. Here he is yesterday afternoon finishing his second evening course. His first course is a Felix soup which he loves.

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I've got a white and ginger cat called Harry too.
Here he is with Harry Junior.
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