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A timely update on these 2. They're now fast approaching 2 years old (21 months I think) and could not be more different.

Chewie the tabby (aka chew chew, chewbot, chewbular bells etc) regularly disappears for up to 24hrs at a time (3 days is his current record) then comes in announcing loudly his arrival and demanding food. Lazslow hangs out sulking in a corner of the kitchen or perched on the garden wall scoping out birds (which he seldom catches), the neighborhood squirrel (no chance) and mice (which he does catch, he kindly gifted us 2 rodents today 😩).

Much to my surprise I've become a cat person in middle age and I'm happy with that 😺

I am very pleased to see that you have gone full cat person and come up with lots of alternative comedy names for them too, I approve :D
A timely update on these 2. They're now fast approaching 2 years old (21 months I think) and could not be more different.


Chewie the tabby (aka chew chew, chewbot, chewbular bells etc) regularly disappears for up to 24hrs at a time (3 days is his current record) then comes in announcing loudly his arrival and demanding food.

one of the mogs i used to live with used to bugger off for the weekend now and then (because of my work, we'd never got in to regular feeding times) and would usually come back either sunday or monday night, have a big feed, then sleep for a day or two.

one time it got to about thursday before i started leafletting and so on - he was home within an hour or so, so maybe whoever was hosting the party turfed him out...

was odd, because he tended to be fairly nervous about everything.
I am very pleased to see that you have gone full cat person and come up with lots of alternative comedy names for them too, I approve :D
It's difficult not to! Laz has lost out in the comedy name stakes but I don't think he minds too much tbh 🙄

one of the mogs i used to live with used to bugger off for the weekend now and then (because of my work, we'd never got in to regular feeding times) and would usually come back either sunday or monday night, have a big feed, then sleep for a day or two.

one time it got to about thursday before i started leafletting and so on - he was home within an hour or so, so maybe whoever was hosting the party turfed him out...

was odd, because he tended to be fairly nervous about everything.
Yeah when Chewie was gone more than 36hrs I was out flyering and walking the streets as was one of my lovely neighbours who is known locally as 'The cat lady'! She takes care of all the street's cats when people are away whxih of course I didn't know until I joined the club!
Jakey is most put out, I went out this afternoon so he got his wet "dindins" early, was concerned he might eat the sofa or something if it wasn't in his bowl at 4pm.

Since I got back though he's been trying it on like he hasn't had his "dindins" at all and keeps yelling at me about it. He's got a bowl of dry down so it's not like he hasn't got food, but he really loves his wet meal.

Not sure whether cheeky-fucker or just thick.
I didn't see any clipped ears though. That's a worrying sign - do they not neuter and vaccinate ferals in Turkey?
I remember cats everywhere in Croatia, but most had been clipped.

I think so, one very friendly small kitteh, appeared to have green spreyed around the area - suspect recent operation. He had a tiny clip in the ear, didn't know that's what it meant, so its good to know. They all seem to be quite liked though by the locals.
Big Chloe a fan of red hot chili peppers

Jakey has been wailing A LOT recently, and sometimes running around the flat yelling his head off.

He's also been seeming anxious/fearful sometimes - he's always been the most nervous of our cats. Sometimes I walk into the room and he wakes up and starts wailing as if he is afraid. :(

He just woke up and is currently sitting on the desk chair wailing for no apparent reason.

I hope he isn't going into some sort of major cognitive decline. It could still be unease and upset at the loss of Sonic (they were pretty much glued together their entire lives) but I am starting to be a little concerned that it seems to be getting worse rather than better. Jakey was never the sharpest knife in the drawer in the first place bless him, I hope adjusting to life without his best mate isn't proving too much.

(I'm still utterly bereft and heartbroken).
I have tried to search this thread but am not very good at that. Someone on here once mentioned a spray to deter cats from peeing in places indoors; it wasn't Feliway. I think it might have been our resident Cat Meister Epona

Can anyone remember the name of that spray, please?

Today was the second time an electrician had to come out due to a sizzling and crackling socket, leading to a tripped fuse, which 'may' have been caused by one of my three Stinkies......
I have tried to search this thread but am not very good at that. Someone on here once mentioned a spray to deter cats from peeing in places indoors; it wasn't Feliway. I think it might have been our resident Cat Meister Epona

Can anyone remember the name of that spray, please?

Today was the second time an electrician had to come out due to a sizzling and crackling socket, leading to a tripped fuse, which 'may' have been caused by one of my three Stinkies......

The only thing that immediately springs to mind for that is Feliway.

Other things I've recommended over the years have different uses than that (UrineOff enzyme cleaner for completely removing proteins in urine from carpets etc. so no scent markers left, bitter apple spray to deter chewing cables etc) can't think of anything else off the top of my head specifically to deter weeing/spraying.

Might some of those socket protectors (the sort to stop toddlers sticking their fingers in the holes?) help? Won't stop spraying but might stop the sockets getting damaged/shorting.
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