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my Speedy had no reaction to catnip.
( i still miss him 😭)

like hoomans with booze (and other substances) it varies

the two mogs i used to live with, the tabby + white one who was usually laid back and friendly could get a bit aggressive on the nip. the black + white one who was usually a bit nervous about everything turned in to spaced out hippy cat...
Aye I don't think my Jakey reacts to catnip either. It's been a long time, Sonic used to get a bit hyper on it and was a bit of a bully at the best of times, so I haven't got any for years because he tended to get a bit aggressive towards the others on it.

I wonder if Jakey might like some valerian or honeysuckle (dust/chips of the woody part, some parts of the plant are toxic but you can buy safe preparations for cats).
So Randy's got a limp. Knowing what he's like its probably a strain, jumping walls and chasing/being chased shit. I breaks out the litter tray and locks him in to give his leg a rest. 24 hours of mewling ensue.

He finally breaks and shits in the litter tray and I go to bed. I'm woken with all sorts of thrashing and banging in the night, but manage to go back to sleep.

He's particularly chopsy this morning and is stomping all over me, nibbling my ears and yowling like fuck to get me up for breakfast.

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Turns out he thinks he's big and hard now and the limp has gone.

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No regrets.
I love pictures of cats happy in each other’s company. My current two (females aged 5 and 10) absolutely hate each other and can’t be in the same room!
This morning started with Casper curled up in the crook of my left arm. Clive was settled, how shall we say, in my upper lap, yunno, where it's warmest

Then FiFi decided to sprawl between the two boys, lying across my lower chest almost being spooned by Casper, he was as happy as anything, he's been playing the long game waiting for some Fifi action and it's starting to play off
Hello. I haven't posted on Urban for ages but logged in looking for something unrelated and noticed there's a cat thread! Well, we recently adopted 2 kitten brothers from the RSPCA.

Here are Lazlo (black) and Chewie (tabby):

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A timely update on these 2. They're now fast approaching 2 years old (21 months I think) and could not be more different.

Chewie the tabby (aka chew chew, chewbot, chewbular bells etc) regularly disappears for up to 24hrs at a time (3 days is his current record) then comes in announcing loudly his arrival and demanding food. Lazslow hangs out sulking in a corner of the kitchen or perched on the garden wall scoping out birds (which he seldom catches), the neighborhood squirrel (no chance) and mice (which he does catch, he kindly gifted us 2 rodents today 😩).

Much to my surprise I've become a cat person in middle age and I'm happy with that 😺


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