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I didn't lock the cat flap because I know him. Never spent more than 2 minutes outside to do his business in the corner of the garden. He's always hated the wind.
Jakey wasn't bothered by the wind but he was making his usual clamour to get on my lap earlier.
He rarely leaves my lap these days.
I miss Sonic and am feeling tearful.
They used to interact a lot and were best mates, Jakey's only source of comfort would not have been me.
Poor Lil’ Bob’s got something up with his left ear so that it’s drooping almost flat to his head and doesn’t want anyone poking it. Apart from that, he’s fine (I.e. normal appetite, wants cuddles, playing with, etc.) but we’re still concerned about him. If still the same tomorrow then I’ll take him to the vet to see if he’s got an infection or some foreign body lodged in it. Anyone have any similar experience they can share? 🙂😾
Think maybe Caspar was like that when he had his ear split by Tutti over the road. Vet cleaned it, gave him painkillers and he was back to normal in a couple of days.

E2a seeformiles
Think maybe Caspar was like that when he had his ear split by Tutti over the road. Vet cleaned it, gave him painkillers and he was back to normal in a couple of days.

E2a seeformiles

Yep - I think it’ll need an expert hand to do what’s required. It’ll be worth it just to see him back to his old curious, playful and loving self. He really is a wee darling with so much personality that it’s ridiculous 😼
Yep - I think it’ll need an expert hand to do what’s required. It’ll be worth it just to see him back to his old curious, playful and loving self. He really is a wee darling with so much personality that it’s ridiculous 😼
And if memory serves, he's NOT the one that humps the chair while staring at y'missis 😊
You’re correct. That’s Vic the sexual deviant - but no less loveable (in a certain light anyway 😼)
Darling idiot cat hates having his head kissed for some reason, and doesn't even give headbumps.

I really miss this about Sonic, he was always mashing his little head into my face (sometimes so hard I feared for my front teeth) and I was so used to rubbing my cheek on his sweet little head or giving him a little kiss. He'd also rub around my ankles, I referred to this as "polishing my legs"

If I try to do it with Jakey (since Sonic is gone I sometimes absent-mindedly just loom in for face to face contact with him, because I was so used to doing that with Sonic) he goes "hold on what the fuck are you doing" and backs off - he doesn't do headbumps or headrubs at all which is really odd for a cat that is very friendly in all other regards.

EDIT: He has spent the last 30 minutes kneading on my stomach and purring and he talks to me (he is an OSH) all the time, I don't feel unloved by him even though he doesn't headbut me.
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Lil’ Bob is off to the vets this morning to get his swollen ear seen to (if I can catch him that is). Mrs SFM has lured him on to the windowsill where he’ll hopefully doze off and I can ambush him in about 20 mins time. Wish me luck…
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