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Practising to audition for a choir concert solo which is a setting by Britten of parts of Christopher Smart's poem 'For I will consider my cat, Jeoffry' . This has interested Vastra immensely, to the point she came running in, stood with her front paws up on the sofa, actually climbed over my lap, sat on the edge of the sofa 'Mrrp'ing at me, came over, nuzzled my hands and very gently nipped at my wrist. She sometimes does it when I sing - I don't know if she's worried, happy or offended at the noises I am emitting. Or maybe jealous I'm praising another cat?!
Practising to audition for a choir concert solo which is a setting by Britten of parts of Christopher Smart's poem 'For I will consider my cat, Jeoffry' . This has interested Vastra immensely, to the point she came running in, stood with her front paws up on the sofa, actually climbed over my lap, sat on the edge of the sofa 'Mrrp'ing at me, came over, nuzzled my hands and very gently nipped at my wrist. She sometimes does it when I sing - I don't know if she's worried, happy or offended at the noises I am emitting. Or maybe jealous I'm praising another cat?!
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My old cat used to run over and slap me in the mouth if I started to sing. She particularly hated ' loving you is easy cause you're beautiful' . Same cat liked to be vacuumed with the turbo brush.
Are hoomans here locking their cat flaps tonight before the storm? Thinking about it...

I do anyway, cos one of them always gets into trouble at night, but I'd consider it for sure.

Forecast this side of the Bristol Channel is for 60mph gusts tomorrow morning, but it's a red warning on the coast. So I'd want them in before that. Looks like it'll be okay-ish overnight, wet but. So yeah, maybe lock it for a bit after breakfast?

Dunno about anyone else, but wind makes all mine a bit mental anyway and with the possibility of stuff flying through the air, better safe than sorry
Is anyone elses cats' acting up? Nola is very unsettled, Ginge as he's a fat lump couldn't be less concerned. I wondering if she can sense the storm coming. Or more likely my confirmation bias or she's sensing my nervousness.
Full moon tends to send ours loopy, think they're indifferent to storms unless there's thunder. Have you access to Feliway or equivalent ?
Vic and Lil’ Bob are unconcerned about the storm. If anything, they’re going out a bit more than usual since the temperature has risen a bit. No talking to them…
Imagined up by you. Really not welcome on this thread.

Yeah sorry. I'll get my coat in a minute. When I was a kid we had this cat, a stray, that adopted us. We decided it was right to keep it after it lived in the back garden for weeks. It would randomly attack us though. :eek: She would go into cat stalking mode and if you weren't quick enough to avoid it you'd end up with claw marks on your arms and legs. For all that she was much loved and fondly remembered.

This would happen regularly although she mellowed somewhat as she got older. My nan once suggested that what she needed 'was a good kick up the arse'. Which I guess still tickles me.

Anyway, as you were sorry for the random nonsense retrieves coat
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