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He's a lovely boy and I know you're doing your best for him. Hope things aren't too bad for you all.

He is an incredibly sweet cat :)

It is a difficult time for both me and Jakey (OH loved Sonic and misses him being around, but they didn't have a close bond so he is less affected - Radar who died a couple of years ago was OH's special one).

We're getting by but grieving. Jakey is very clingy and a bit anxious now, he still searches for Sonic most days. We're looking after one another as best we can.

Jakey has his annual checkup in the morning. I think he is in good physical health but it will be good to be able to talk to the vet. I would like to get Jakey showing a bit more interest in the world around him but it may be a bit soon. He doesn't have his daily "funny five minutes" or terrorise mice now. I do hope he gets back to doing that, and that this isn't the point where he becomes "old" iykwim - he is 15.
He is an incredibly sweet cat :)

It is a difficult time for both me and Jakey (OH loved Sonic and misses him being around, but they didn't have a close bond so he is less affected - Radar who died a couple of years ago was OH's special one).

We're getting by but grieving. Jakey is very clingy and a bit anxious now, he still searches for Sonic most days. We're looking after one another as best we can.

Jakey has his annual checkup in the morning. I think he is in good physical health but it will be good to be able to talk to the vet. I would like to get Jakey showing a bit more interest in the world around him but it may be a bit soon. He doesn't have his daily "funny five minutes" or terrorise mice now. I do hope he gets back to doing that, and that this isn't the point where he becomes "old" iykwim - he is 15.
Talking to the vet is a good idea. They're not just there for the cats' physical health - they can give you advice on any concerns you have, including cats' mental health. I hope you're getting support with your grief too.
Talking to the vet is a good idea. They're not just there for the cats' physical health - they can give you advice on any concerns you have, including cats' mental health. I hope you're getting support with your grief too.

Honestly, the thing that helps me most is being able to talk about it here - I hope anyone who gets bored with it is able to be kind and just skim over any posts of mine where I harp on about it, but it is really useful for me - I don't see anyone much IRL to talk to, I can be quite unsociable in the first place but since COVID I don't see anyone really. So just being able to talk about it here is a massive help and provides a lot of support.

I'm going to be grieving for a while, he was my bestest buddy (and kind of my baby too) for 15 years, you don't get over that sort of loss easily. But I think my grief for him is straightforward and uncomplicated, unlike when Radar died when I was a bit traumatised and had more complex emotions surrounding it. I could have probably done with some professional help dealing with my feelings about what happened with Radar and the additional emotional trauma. My grief for Sonic is more straightforward sadness and loss - although it is deep, it is somehow uncomplicated by other factors and I just need to let it flow over me when it needs to, I think about him a lot and cry a lot and I'll always always miss him, but I'll be OK going through it.

I don't know if that makes any sense.
I hope anyone who gets bored with it is able to be kind and just skim over any posts of mine where I harp on about it, but it is really useful for me - I don't see anyone much IRL to talk to, I can be quite unsociable in the first place but since COVID I don't see anyone really. So just being able to talk about it here is a massive help and provides a lot of support.
Oh God, I just read my post back and hope I didn't give that impression! I just meant maybe the vet can help/signpost you to resources regarding Jakey's grief. I don't get bored with your posts at all and I'm sure no one else does either.

And yes, I definitely get what you mean about straightforward grief versus the complicated kind with issues involved.
Oh God, I just read my post back and hope I didn't give that impression! I don't get bored with your posts at all and I'm sure no one else does either.

And yes, I definitely get what you mean about straightforward grief versus the complicated kind with issues involved.

Oh no, not at all, that wasn't aimed at you in the slightest and I have never once felt that from you, you've always been massively understanding and supportive.

I am just aware that I do talk about it a lot when I lose an animal friend, more than I see others do. It is something I need to talk about and find useful but am just aware that others may think it is a bit OTT for me to talk about such things so much. It is a help to me though.
I am just aware that I do talk about it a lot when I lose an animal friend, more than I see others do. It is something I need to talk about and find useful but am just aware that others may think it is a bit OTT for me to talk about such things so much. It is a help to me though.
Well you definitely don't need to worry about that here! Some non-cat or non-animal people might think that way, but if you can't talk about this stuff on a cat thread, then where can you.
i think i have mentioned it before, but just in case -

cats protection do a phone line that people can ring to talk about issues round the loss of a cat

They have a Memory Wall and I made an entry for Radar a couple of years ago when he died and more recently sadly added Sonic to it. I do find these little memorials help a bit.
Epona you have related your experience in an honest and helpful way. The community here, one of the few comfortable and safe spaces I have found on the internet, are all feeling for you and wishing you well.
I think learning about (and seeing) all the antics of rescued Kizzy and Misty, the custody battle of Lilith, the ever present Lil Bob and all the other cats and their humans (sorry for those not mentioned…in a rush) is great.
Not only that, but the information about experience and practical cat related matters is informative and helpful.
Nearly everybody here has a deep bond with these special creatures, you especially, and we all gain from the things you and others post.
Care for animals helps us stay grounded and teaches humility, as well as being a daily experience of decency and morality.
So Jakey's vet visit today:

He went utterly mental when I went to put him in the carrier - he's always been difficult to get in there but today was just in utter utter panic, he was screaming and struggling. I got him in eventually but stupidly forgot to put on a long-sleeved jacket first and my lower arms are covered in scratches and a couple of bruises where he dug his back claws in deep. He's been quite good the last few times so I wasn't really expecting such a fuss. He was then thrashing around in the carrier wailing trying to break out of it, we ended up getting a cab to the vet because I didn't want to risk him busting out of the carrier on the bus.

It is a different carrier than the one that Sonic used, but I do think he clocked that the last time he saw Sonic in a carrier he was taken away and didn't come back, I am not sure whether that is ridiculous to think a cat could make that connection, but I think he must have associated it with the last time he saw Sonic somehow.

He had calmed down by the time we got to the vet.

He's lost weight 😢

Vet said we could take bloods and a urine sample today or monitor him for the next 1 to 2 months and re-weigh him - I opted for the latter, he's still adjusting to losing his friend and is in a depressed state at the moment, it could be that. It could be that he is old and something is starting to go wrong. I'll keep an eye on him and take him back in soon for another check up.
So Jakey's vet visit today:

He went utterly mental when I went to put him in the carrier - he's always been difficult to get in there but today was just in utter utter panic, he was screaming and struggling. I got him in eventually but stupidly forgot to put on a long-sleeved jacket first and my lower arms are covered in scratches and a couple of bruises where he dug his back claws in deep. He's been quite good the last few times so I wasn't really expecting such a fuss. He was then thrashing around in the carrier wailing trying to break out of it, we ended up getting a cab to the vet because I didn't want to risk him busting out of the carrier on the bus.

It is a different carrier than the one that Sonic used, but I do think he clocked that the last time he saw Sonic in a carrier he was taken away and didn't come back, I am not sure whether that is ridiculous to think a cat could make that connection, but I think he must have associated it with the last time he saw Sonic somehow.

He had calmed down by the time we got to the vet.

He's lost weight 😢

Vet said we could take bloods and a urine sample today or monitor him for the next 1 to 2 months and re-weigh him - I opted for the latter, he's still adjusting to losing his friend and is in a depressed state at the moment, it could be that. It could be that he is old and something is starting to go wrong. I'll keep an eye on him and take him back in soon for another check up.
I don't think it's stupid at all, Epona. I believe cats understand more than even us cat lovers give them credit for.

Hopefully Jakey's weight loss is just due to grief and not anything physical, and will soon pass. Is he still eating and doing his business OK?
I don't think it's stupid at all, Epona. I believe cats understand more than even us cat lovers give them credit for.

Hopefully Jakey's weight loss is just due to grief and not anything physical, and will soon pass. Is he still eating and doing his business OK?

He loves his grub and is still eating and his litter tray habits are normal, his drinking is normal.

The weight loss was 200g since he was last weighed which would have been... whenever he hurt his leg, I took both him and Sonic in at the same time - it would have been 17th July, because it was Sonic's second visit to check about his ear infection and perforated eardrum after 7 days treatment, and I have a Metacam prescription for Sonic dated the 10th July, I remember the vet said use that same bottle for Jakey because of his hurt leg rather than pay for a new bottle, and he weighed Jakey so I knew the correct Metacam dose to use.

Sorry, rambling a bit - 200g lost since he was last weighed 7 months ago, and he has had a change of diet since then when I put them on early renal dry food in November, and he is now grieving and depressed, he's also not skinny and is still a good healthy weight for his size - so yeah I think opting to go back for another weigh-in in around 2 months (unless he becomes unwell or visibly loses weight quickly in the meantime ofc) so we have a more recent comparison is the rational "I'm not going to panic" course of action.

I'm not going to panic. I'm not going to panic.
He's gorgeous Reno - does he let you touch the belly, or is that a bit risky?
Despite flaunting his belly invitingly and shamelessly, he's not keen on belly rubs. He's never bitten or scratched me, he just gives me a "Why would you even do that ?" look and turns around. As I know he doesn't like it, I don't do it anyway. The lower back is where it's at for him.
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Yaaaahhh! Alfington😍😍

How's the stickin' going Reno - he's looking good on it
No problems with injecting him and since I've upped the insulin, he's been doing very well. The vet said his kidneys are the real problem. A month ago he was not doing well at all, but now he's pretty much back to normal. I'm going to see a different vet this week, for a second opinion.
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He's not keen on belly rubs. He's never bitten or scratched me, he just gives me a "Why would you even do that ?" look and turns around. As know he doesn't like it, I don't do that anyway. The lower back is what it's at for him.

Aye, I wouldn't do it to a cat that didn't like it, even if they didn't retaliate, it's not fair to them.

Jakey loves it and will roll over onto his back and make purry trilling noises while I rub his tummy. He's never been quite normal that cat :D I'd never have done it to the others because they weren't keen, although Sonic enjoyed me stroking his tummy when he was on me having cuddles as part of the cuddle session, but not when he was on his back minding his own business - so on his terms when he chose to have cuddles. If I'd tried it with Radar, I'd have lost a hand. :D
No problems with injecting him and since I've upped the insulin, he's been doing very well. The vet said his kidneya are the real problem. A month ago he was not doing well at all, but now he's pretty much back to normal. I'm going to see a different vet this week, for a second opinion.
Pretty similar situation with FiFi - we've got the insulin / diabetes perfectly under control in fact her dosage was reduced slightly, but as with Alfie, it's her kidney's which are going to be the cause for concern . . . still, she's 19 next month (as near as we can tell) and from speaking to the vet at her last check up, I asked if this was going to be her last summer, to be told that, whilst not a guarantee, there no reason to think that she wouldn't be around for longer than that . . . so we might have our third 20 year old cat
No problems with injecting him and since I've upped the insulin, he's been doing very well. The vet said his kidneya are the real problem. A month ago he was not doing well at all, but now he's pretty much back to normal. I'm going to see a different vet this week, for a second opinion.

Good luck with the vet visit, hopefully it is all manageable and you will have a good while longer with him yet.

Similar good wishes to you and your FiFi, High Voltage
This is the state of part of my arm after carrying Jakey to his carrier this morning, he went ballistic the minute he saw it - there is more damage higher up but this is the worst bit. Yes I have washed it with anti-bac handwash.

Not cross with him in the slightest, he was afraid and completely panicking, I should have put on a sleeved thick sweatshirt or fleece but by the time I had hold of him and realised that it was going to be a struggle it was too late - if I'd put him back on the floor so I could put on a thick top he'd have disappeared under the sofa. Vet appointments at our local vet have a long waiting list atm, once I had picked him up it was all or nothing.


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Esteé making it absolutely clear that my presence bores her:



I've had her just over two weeks now, and in general she's settled in well. Weekend was a bit traumatic: my partner stayed over, and this unsettled her a bit, and I vacuumed the bedroom - this caused her to retreat under the bed for most of the day. She has some knots in her coat, which I've tried to brush out, but she hates being brushed, so I'm taking that one slowly too. Otherwise, all good.
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