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Today Trillian:

a) refused to eat any dried biscuits yesterday evening/overnight and ate her breakfast so quickly she vomited the whole thing up
b) just smacked her head on my phone whilst getting up from my lap

Photos for tax

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She is so gorgeous! And wonderfully grumpy looking in that second picture.

I may be being a little overcautious and I certainly don't want to cause alarm, but having had 2 cats go off their food (due to illness, and both eventually towards end of life), I would say keep a close eye on things - in the incidents that I have experienced, it started with going off one particular food and getting a little fussy and gradually expanded to more foodstuffs - so just make sure you're aware of what she is refusing/eating/bringing up so you can spot a gradual change in dietary habits, in case it signifies the start of an underlying illness or condition.

She is such a pretty thing, I love her markings. :)
She is so gorgeous! And wonderfully grumpy looking in that second picture.

I may be being a little overcautious and I certainly don't want to cause alarm, but having had 2 cats go off their food (due to illness, and both eventually towards end of life), I would say keep a close eye on things - in the incidents that I have experienced, it started with going off one particular food and getting a little fussy and gradually expanded to more foodstuffs - so just make sure you're aware of what she is refusing/eating/bringing up so you can spot a gradual change in dietary habits, in case it signifies the start of an underlying illness or condition.

She is such a pretty thing, I love her markings. :)
No worries, it’s a useful warning. :) But she’s not got great teeth (surprised she’s got any left tbh!) plus has always been fussy with the dry food, so I suspect it’s one of those two things. If she goes off her dry food for more than three days I get the vet to have her look in her mouth, but the odd day isn’t uncommon. And she’s definitely eaten some today. :)
Also this cat! Look at the size of it! The size!

View attachment 308785

I mean there’s obviously some forced perspective there, but I’m not sure how much… :eek:

(Worked out as just under the mass of 3 Trillians)

No they really are massive, I saw a male MC at a cat show once and it was bulging out of the show cage - was probably over 15kg.

Big red boy he was, looked like a lion with his massive mane!
Also this cat! Look at the size of it! The size!

View attachment 308785

I mean there’s obviously some forced perspective there, but I’m not sure how much… :eek:

(Worked out as just under the mass of 3 Trillians)
Our last two rescue cats (RIP Psippsy and Bett) were half MC. (The rescue place think the mum was a breeding pedigree that escaped for some non mandated loving. - they were found in a literal sack, along with their brother- some bastards out there). They were huge almost half again as big as our current cats, who aren't small. And they loved to be around water, were obsessed with the bath.
Our last two rescue cats (RIP Psippsy and Bett) were half MC. (The rescue place think the mum was a breeding pedigree that escaped for some non mandated loving. - they were found in a literal sack, along with their brother- some bastards out there). They were huge almost half again as big as our current cats, who aren't small. And they loved to be around water, were obsessed with the bath.
I quite fancy a Maine Coon, iirc there’s a rescue place for them in the north of England (I would travel!). Part of what would be great is taking them on walks/away with us. But that would probably make family gatherings on my husband’s side tricky as his brother has a significant cat allergy :(
My sweet Jakey snoozing in a sunbeam recently


He doesn't do much since Sonic died, just sleeps (mostly on my lap but if I am not around he sleeps on my pyjamas or the dirty laundry pile) and eats really. I understand how he feels. Poor love.

As he is eating well I am trying not to worry too much just yet, it's still early days and he needs time to adjust.
My sweet Jakey snoozing in a sunbeam recently

View attachment 309052

He doesn't do much since Sonic died, just sleeps (mostly on my lap but if I am not around he sleeps on my pyjamas or the dirty laundry pile) and eats really. I understand how he feels. Poor love.

As he is eating well I am trying not to worry too much just yet, it's still early days and he needs time to adjust.
He's a lovely boy and I know you're doing your best for him. Hope things aren't too bad for you all.
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