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Lil’ Bob lying on the windowsill. He got a bit too relaxed earlier, rolled over and fell off. The hole in the voile curtain is where he vainly tried to save himself. Nothing damaged apart from his dignity.

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Here is what Rogue did to the bedroom curtain 7 years ago as a kitten. Annihilation.

Don't want to play kitten devastation top trumps but I wish I'd taken a photo of the devastation when Zoe pulled the mantelpiece off the wall (aged about three months).

Broken vases, shattered ornaments...luckily it just missed the bottle of red wine I had open.

Devil kitten:

Zoe 001.jpg
And yes, his theme song (cats should have theme songs, all of mine have had theme songs) is the Pink Panther cartoon theme :)
When I get to the line "And it's as plain as your nose" he lifts his face up for me to gently boop him on the nose with my finger :D
Another one of my sleek (pink) panther:

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(yes I am going to clean my windows when I feel better, I now have a steam cleaner but haven't got round to doing it yet and I currently have Covid)
Get well soon Epona! I don't think anyone in their right mind would notice something as trivial as a steamy window when there's a sweet kitty in the foreground.
It feels so wrong to just have one cat, I still keep wanting to say "I have cats", or "My boys" - we were a multi-cat household from 2007-2022 - but he's an old boy and I am not going to cause him possible stress by getting another at this time.

He seems to be settling in to solo life OK and is starting to perk up a bit and show more of an interest in things for the first time since Sonic's death, he was quite down but now seems to be starting to adjust and move out of that initial depression. They were inseparable for 14 years, it was going to be difficult for the remaining one whichever one of them went first. (Probably a bit harder on Jakey to be the one still here, as Sonic was mostly fixated on me).
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He seems to be settling in to solo life OK and is starting to perk up a bit and show more of an interest in things since Sonic's death, he was quite down but now seems to be starting to adjust and move out of that initial depression.


but he's an old boy and I am not going to cause him possible stress by getting another at this time.

probably for the best - it can work, but (as with introducing two or more random hoomans) it will depend on the individuals, and if you adopt another kitteh, it can be too late by the time you realise it's not working.

probably for the best - it can work, but (as with introducing two or more random hoomans) it will depend on the individuals, and if you adopt another kitteh, it can be too late by the time you realise it's not working.

Aye, I mean I've always hated introducing cats, the only smooth one was Sonic and Jakey - they bonded instantly, I think a lot of that was probably due to the fact they came from the same place so when Jakey arrived (as an adult) he probably smelled familiar and comforting from Sonic's early weeks! Radar never got on with either of them particularly well (Sonic a bit better than Jakey).

I do think Jakey is lonely when he is by himself because he is not used to it (came to me from a multi-cat household and has never been without feline company until Sonic died), but getting another cat would not be the right answer. He was good with kittens when he was younger, but that was a long time ago and not worth putting him through the stress. I need to make sure I give him plenty of attention. He is fast asleep on my lap right now, he doesn't sleep in the places he used to with Sonic, it is either my lap or a new spot on the other sofa now.
Aye, I mean I've always hated introducing cats, the only smooth one was Sonic and Jakey - they bonded instantly, I think a lot of that was probably due to the fact they came from the same place so when Jakey arrived (as an adult) he probably smelled familiar and comforting from Sonic's early weeks! Radar never got on with either of them particularly well (Sonic a bit better than Jakey).

I do think Jakey is lonely when he is by himself because he is not used to it (came to me from a multi-cat household and has never been without feline company until Sonic died), but getting another cat would not be the right answer. He was good with kittens when he was younger, but that was a long time ago and not worth putting him through the stress. I need to make sure I give him plenty of attention. He is fast asleep on my lap right now, he doesn't sleep in the places he used to with Sonic, it is either my lap or a new spot on the other sofa now.

Dunno. Obviously you know him, and your domestic circumstances more than i do, but might fostering and see what happens be an option?

Some older kittehs enjoy company

Dunno. Obviously you know him, and your domestic circumstances more than i do, but might fostering and see what happens be an option?

Some older kittehs enjoy company


I'm not emotionally equipped to foster. It's a wonderful thing that some people are able to do, I am not one of them. :)

And charities/shelters are very restrictive (still!) about upstairs flats/lack of outdoor access for adoptions, so if I fostered they would always be taking them back off me - that wouldn't be good for any of us.
I'm not emotionally equipped to foster. It's a wonderful thing that some people are able to do, I am not one of them. :)

:) and :(

the 'foster fail' (as in kitteh that stays put) is a well known thing...

And charities/shelters are very restrictive (still!) about upstairs flats/lack of outdoor access for adoptions, so if I fostered they would always be taking them back off me - that wouldn't be good for any of us.

depends on the organisation and the kitty. i've thought about it now and then (i live in a flat - i do have access to communal garden, but it belongs to other cats already, and i'd have to change the front door to fit a cat flap) and have seen homes sought for cats who can't go outside for one reason or another.

not that i'm trying to pressure you, and quite probably stating the obvious, but some of the cat rescue places seek 'long term foster' (sometimes with contribution towards vet fees etc) e.g. for elderly or infirm kitties. (although aware that would take quite a lot of emotional energy as well)
:) and :(

the 'foster fail' (as in kitteh that stays put) is a well known thing...

depends on the organisation and the kitty. i've thought about it now and then (i live in a flat - i do have access to communal garden, but it belongs to other cats already, and i'd have to change the front door to fit a cat flap) and have seen homes sought for cats who can't go outside for one reason or another.

not that i'm trying to pressure you, and quite probably stating the obvious, but some of the cat rescue places seek 'long term foster' (sometimes with contribution towards vet fees etc) e.g. for elderly or infirm kitties. (although aware that would take quite a lot of emotional energy as well)

I know some people think I am an absolute shitbag for it (but please bear in mind I have never let an animal breed, never abandoned an animal etc.) but I like OSH and when I want to get kittens in future I will probably go to an ethical breeder of OSH to get them, keeping them indoors will be something that is expected of me as a condition of adoption rather than an obstacle to be overcome in order to adopt from a charity. I tried getting cats from charity/shelter before and it wasn't happening due to lack of garden and catflap.

The person who I got Sonic and Jakey from no longer breeds but I would ask her for recommendations (we are still in regular contact) - I went through a 2 hour interview process before she let me reserve Sonic, and she later gave me Jakey when he needed rehoming because she knew I would look after him and love him for the rest of his life - she was at no point interested in whether I had a cat flap and I don't think anyone doubts that I give my cats a great life.
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