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I'm worried about Jakey too, I got Jakey when he was a year old, he's Sonic's nephew and only 3 months younger so they are really more like brothers - they have been pretty much welded together since the day I brought Jakey home (no lengthy introduction process, they were immediate best friends and have spent pretty much every minute of the last 14 years together, aside from vet visits/hospital stays), what is he going to go through when Sonic is gone? It's not something I can explain to him, he's going to lose his best friend with even less understanding of why than I am going through.
Horrible horrible news Epona ... your care and concern for all of your cats shines through always and Sonic could not possibly in any universe have had a more loved or well-tended existence. I wish you all the strength in the world through this wrenching time.
Oh god I just realised they've stopped letting people into the consultation room again due to COVID, does this mean when I have to have him put down that I won't be able to be with him????

OK that is preying on my mind now, would it be too weird of me to phone them and ask? Given that he hates anything medical it might actually do me some serious mental harm if I just have to hand him over at the door and not stay with him. I can't contemplate that, I might have to take him somewhere else if I can't be with him at the end. They'd let me be with him, wouldn't they?
Oh god I just realised they've stopped letting people into the consultation room again due to COVID, does this mean when I have to have him put down that I won't be able to be with him????

OK that is preying on my mind now, would it be too weird of me to phone them and ask? Given that he hates anything medical it might actually do me some serious mental harm if I just have to hand him over at the door and not stay with him. I can't contemplate that, I might have to take him somewhere else if I can't be with him at the end. They'd let me be with him, wouldn't they?

Please phone them and ask, do it now.
Oh god I just realised they've stopped letting people into the consultation room again due to COVID, does this mean when I have to have him put down that I won't be able to be with him????

OK that is preying on my mind now, would it be too weird of me to phone them and ask? Given that he hates anything medical it might actually do me some serious mental harm if I just have to hand him over at the door and not stay with him. I can't contemplate that, I might have to take him somewhere else if I can't be with him at the end. They'd let me be with him, wouldn't they?

I have to take our two in tomorrow morning and they’ve confirmed that one person from every household can accompany them (as long as masked, etc.). Of course they’re going to let you be with him.
I have to take our two in tomorrow morning and they’ve confirmed that one person from every household can accompany them (as long as masked, etc.). Of course they’re going to let you be with him.

Aye but I wasn't allowed in earlier when he had the appointment :(
If this vet surgery won't let me in then when the time comes I'll take him somewhere else if need be, I have to be with him, I can't just hand him over to strangers in a situation that he hates and fears.
Aye but I wasn't allowed in earlier when he had the appointment :(
If this vet surgery won't let me in then when the time comes I'll take him somewhere else if need be, I have to be with him, I can't just hand him over to strangers in a situation that he hates and fears.

Absolutely - it’s the reason our two fell behind on their jabs. I wasn’t prepared to have them prodded and poked without a reassuring presence in the room.
I was quoting the policy at my local vet (as I checked today) but, talking to other local cat owners, it seems standard for Leeds afaik. It would be a hard hearted bastard of a vet who prevented you being there at the end. I hope you find a compassionate practice. 🙂
Sonic is in acute renal failure and has days rather than weeks.
I am to take him to have him put down when he stops eating.
I feel like someone has emptied me out and binned my insides, like there's nothing inside me to feel anything right now.
Will probably collapse later when it sinks in.

So so sorry to hear this. :(
seeformiles what are yours going in for tomorrow? I hope routine stuff, nothing serious?

Nothing serious at all (touch wood) - Lil’ Bob is getting his 2nd vaccine jab and Vic his first since he managed to evade capture 3 weeks ago. I know I’ll be in their bad books for a bit but these things must be done.
Oh Epona I am so sorry to hear this, what a horrible shock :( Just to echo everyone else: not weird at all to phone the vet and ask. I was allowed in with Osh but that was at the beginning of November so things could have changed. I am happy to call for you if you like x
Oh god I just realised they've stopped letting people into the consultation room again due to COVID, does this mean when I have to have him put down that I won't be able to be with him????

OK that is preying on my mind now, would it be too weird of me to phone them and ask? Given that he hates anything medical it might actually do me some serious mental harm if I just have to hand him over at the door and not stay with him. I can't contemplate that, I might have to take him somewhere else if I can't be with him at the end. They'd let me be with him, wouldn't they?
In the last lock down two separate friends had to have pets put to sleep and in both cases the (different) vets let them go in for it. Hope that is the case for you,
So so sorry to hear that Epona :( how awful for you, OH and Jakey. Thinking of you, really hope they'll let you be there with him at the vets x
Lil’ Bob was a model of stoicism at the vet but Vic was a noisy diva who howled and protested every inch of the way - probably because of how I stuffed him into the basket. Neither talking to me now but good to get their jabs up to date. I still feel like a right bastard.
Lil’ Bob was a model of stoicism at the vet but Vic was a noisy diva who howled and protested every inch of the way - probably because of how I stuffed him into the basket. Neither talking to me now but good to get their jabs up to date. I still feel like a right bastard.
It's part of being a parent, whether your children are human or feline, to make them sometimes do things they don't want to do but is for their own good. They'll soon forget and be back to their loving selves with you!
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