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Ozzie is the hunter in our family (moths and mice) but Orson seems to be hunting dead leaves today. He found one on the mat by the back door this morning and was playing with it and during the day I have found four more on the kitchen floor, once with him sitting on it. I think he's going out and bringing them in.
I absolutely love seeing photos of her, I just adore her grumpy little face ❤️
My brother's ex has always had cats. Apparently when my niece was about five she told him "But I don't like the black ones Dad, they've got cross faces!" It's true, most cats appear to be smiling when you look at them sideways but the curve of the mouth isn't as obvious with our gothic beauties. Mind you, I've had the opportunity to observe Lilith when she's sleeping and I now know her face well enough to see the mouth line. Also she's still too wide eyed and kittenish to have that stern look yet.

Sonic was put to sleep this afternoon.

He had declined over the last couple of days and was barely eating and very frail. He wasn't in pain and up until the end was still incredibly loving (we had lovely cuddles this morning, I think he was tired and instinctively knew he was nearing the end and just like he has always been he wanted to be near me).

We were able to be with him at the end.


Sonic Boom: 1st Nov 2006 - 8th Jan 2022.
Love you always.
Sonic was put to sleep this afternoon.

He had declined over the last couple of days and was barely eating and very frail. He wasn't in pain and up until the end was still incredibly loving (we had lovely cuddles this morning, I think he was tired and instinctively knew he was nearing the end and just like he has always been he wanted to be near me).

We were able to be with him at the end.

View attachment 305100

Sonic Boom: 1st Nov 2006 - 8th Jan 2022.
Love you always.
I'm so sorry. My heart breaks for you. It's the painful downside of loving these beautiful creatures.
Big hugs! 💕
Sonic was put to sleep this afternoon.

He had declined over the last couple of days and was barely eating and very frail. He wasn't in pain and up until the end was still incredibly loving (we had lovely cuddles this morning, I think he was tired and instinctively knew he was nearing the end and just like he has always been he wanted to be near me).

We were able to be with him at the end.

View attachment 305100

Sonic Boom: 1st Nov 2006 - 8th Jan 2022.
Love you always.
So sorry to hear this :( but glad you could be with him xx
So sorry for your loss Epona. Glad you were able to be with him at the end. He was clearly a very loved cat who had a great life with you. RIP lovely boy.
I know it is going to hit me like a truck later, but this was so much better than the way Radar went (2 years ago yesterday - this week sucks!!) - I had time to say goodbye and although seeing his gradual decline was difficult, I knew when it was the right time without it being a sudden tragedy and had already done some pre-grieving if that makes sense.

My immediate feeling when he was gone was deep sadness but tinged with slight relief if that makes sense. He was just on the verge of starting to suffer, and I was able to judge that over a period of days while giving him all the love and attention possible, rather than everything being a shock.

I will miss him forever and will no doubt grieve deeply once it sinks in, and I do wish that tests had picked it up in time to manage it - but I do feel content about his end of life and the way it was handled (by us and the vet) and that it was the right thing at the right time - I think that is the best we can ask for really.
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