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Horrible news Epona. You have loved him and made the best life for him.

If its any help, the vets round here are letting people in for this, even where they have to hand the pet over for more general examinations.
It would have to take a pretty hard-hearted person to not allow you in for a final goodbye, and that sort of person shouldn't be a vet in the first place. You don't deserve this extra worry on top of the sad news.
Sorry to hear about your little one Epona

I'm sure the vet will let you in, I know we use the same vet and I was/am always happy that it was Angel who helped our boys Hanson and Wolfie to sleep. I always think/remember they were taken by an Angel.

I think also the last time I seen you we were on the same bus on the way to the vet, when we were putting Wolfie to sleep.
Sorry to hear about your little one Epona

I'm sure the vet will let you in, I know we use the same vet and I was/am always happy that it was Angel who helped our boys Hanson and Wolfie to sleep. I always think/remember they were taken by an Angel.

I think also the last time I seen you we were on the same bus on the way to the vet, when we were putting Wolfie to sleep.

Thank you. I think Angel is off this week, we saw a locum on Monday, apparently most of the regular staff have coronavirus at the moment - I don't know whether that includes him, I hope he's OK though.

And yes that was the last time I saw you both, on that bus journey with Wolfie - I think I had Sonic with me then who was having his vaccinations that day.

I'm absolutely devastated and struggling a bit tbh, mind you having a few days with him to lavish him with affection is better than a sudden traumatic end. He's not left my side all week, thank goodness I have nowhere else I have to be right now and can spend every minute with him. He's a very affectionate cat.
I remember the day Wolfie was put to sleep. His back legs had dropped a few days before and he stopped eating. We set up camp in the front room so he could sleep on the bed with us (he couldn't get up the stairs) and had water/litter close by etc.

The morning before taking him he suddenly had a bit of life and wanted to go out the garden, he did but was really rickety, he took a drink from his fav' spot (an old bowl we had out with water), had a shit in his fav' spot but didn't cover it, but the other cat Ti covered it for him, it was really weird to see but beautiful too, then Wolfie had a bite to eat and went and lay down in his fav' spot under the table before we headed off to the vet a few hours later.

It was very bitter sweet to see him do some of his fav' things, us knowing he was soon leaving us. I loved that cat.

FWIW this was he :cool: - he was 17 in this photo, how he made it to the age he did is beyond me cos he was through the absolute wars.

As usual, Jakey is rarely far from Sonic's side - he has been grooming Sonic and helping to keep him warm by cuddling up close (they are best friends) although since I switched them to renal food back in November Jakey has gained a lot of weight while Sonic has lost weight recently due to his poor health and Jakey is very clumsy and tends to sit on top of him, so I sometimes have to rearrange them so that Sonic doesn't get squished.

I also found a nice red fleece blankie for Sonic to help keep him warm but Jakey keeps nicking it, so I now have an assortment of warm fleecy things on the sofa for the both of them.

Sonic is the blue (darker) one (I think the face recognition on my phone is a bit dodgy though, it only recognises Jakey's paler furred face and won't recognise Sonic's face to focus on).

We've got a team chat at work, and our new manager was saying we can use it for anything work related and share personal stuff as long as it's work appropriate. In her words "Like if you've got a new kitten, for example, but I will demand pics!" So I posted a pic of Lilith, and everyone agreed she's beautiful. I was able to tell her that my colleagues all love her.
We've got a team chat at work, and our new manager was saying we can use it for anything work related and share personal stuff as long as it's work appropriate. In her words "Like if you've got a new kitten, for example, but I will demand pics!" So I posted a pic of Lilith, and everyone agreed she's beautiful. I was able to tell her that my colleagues all love her.

Tbf she is a gorgeous girl 😺
Sonic is an indoor cat, due to him being ill we have been keeping him in the sitting room which is a lot warmer than the rest of the flat with nearby food, water, litter tray, me, Jakey, and loads of fleeces for snuggly warmth.

A while ago he decided he still needed to give the rest of his territory (ie the rest of the flat) a tour just to make sure it was still his, he was at the sitting room door yelling to be let out so I obliged and accompanied him on his route into every corner of every room just to make sure he was OK while he made his way around rubbing his head on stuff. He has eaten some food within the last hour and groomed himself and leaped up onto stuff and sat in the sun when it was shining through the windows yesterday afternoon and seems very happy and relaxed, there is no pain or distress. He seems normal in himself iykwim, although thin and frail, he is still with it in cognitive terms.

At our appointment on Saturday I am going to absolutely check, for my own peace of mind, that there is absolutely nothing that can be done - I think this is probably correct, but he is clearly still a happy cat and if there is some treatment that could give him a bit longer without pain or distress I would absolutely go for it. I don't think that is likely, but it is something I need to talk through again with the vet. I wish our regular vet was back, these life or death conversations about my cats only seem to happen with vets that I've never seen before, either locums or a hospital vet in Radar's case :( I just recall that I once had to remind a locum vet that we had insurance, then they were happy to recommend a different course of action and that sort of thing always preys on my mind a bit.

I know I am just clutching at straws, but I have to be certain and want to have a proper discussion about it. Hopefully OH will be allowed in to translate/advocate for me and Sonic, I do wonder whether I missed something on Monday due to my auditory processing and comprehension issues and the vet wearing a face mask.

(EDIT: And he has just now gone to the food bowls to go scoffage of his own accord, and then headed to scratch the shit out of some furniture)
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The sun is shining again this morning and he is sunning himself. I love seeing him enjoy such a simple thing as a bit of sunshine coming in through the window. I was hoping we'd have some sun this week and we've been lucky with that at least, he is loving it. I love him with all my heart.

Epona I’m so sorry you and Sonic are going through this.

When my dear marmalade boy Ollie was diagnosed a few years ago, after staying at the vet’s for blood tests, urine tests, x-rays and scans, I agreed to tablets that should keep him more comfortable for the time he had left. He wasn’t tricky about taking tablets, he was on a normal wet diet anyway and in a multi-cat household and an open-plan house it wasn’t practical anyway to give him an individual diet. He had three good months after starting medication. He told me very clearly when he had had enough, he just stopped engaging. No more greeting, no desire to be touched or spoken to, no acknowledgement that I or the other cats or dog were in the room, just a brief glance up and a clear “just leave me alone” vibe, total disengagement. I’m thankful that he made it easy for me to be sure it was the right time. The vet came out, so Ollie could spend his final afternoon on his chosen chair.

Was it right to keep him going for those few months on medication? I didn’t have insurance and my family thought it was madness. But I’d do the same again.

The responsibility to decide when an adored pet dies is huge, and when they decline very slowly then every extra month, week, day is precious. We’ve had this with so many cats and dogs, ponies and poultry, rabbits and guinea pigs… they don’t usually just die peacefully in their sleep one night, and better make that call a week too soon than a day too late.

Hugs to you and your gorgeous boy.
Sonic is an indoor cat, due to him being ill we have been keeping him in the sitting room which is a lot warmer than the rest of the flat with nearby food, water, litter tray, me, Jakey, and loads of fleeces for snuggly warmth.

A while ago he decided he still needed to give the rest of his territory (ie the rest of the flat) a tour just to make sure it was still his, he was at the sitting room door yelling to be let out so I obliged and accompanied him on his route into every corner of every room just to make sure he was OK while he made his way around rubbing his head on stuff. He has eaten some food within the last hour and groomed himself and leaped up onto stuff and sat in the sun when it was shining through the windows yesterday afternoon and seems very happy and relaxed, there is no pain or distress. He seems normal in himself iykwim, although thin and frail, he is still with it in cognitive terms.

At our appointment on Saturday I am going to absolutely check, for my own peace of mind, that there is absolutely nothing that can be done - I think this is probably correct, but he is clearly still a happy cat and if there is some treatment that could give him a bit longer without pain or distress I would absolutely go for it. I don't think that is likely, but it is something I need to talk through again with the vet. I wish our regular vet was back, these life or death conversations about my cats only seem to happen with vets that I've never seen before, either locums or a hospital vet in Radar's case :( I just recall that I once had to remind a locum vet that we had insurance, then they were happy to recommend a different course of action and that sort of thing always preys on my mind a bit.

I know I am just clutching at straws, but I have to be certain and want to have a proper discussion about it. Hopefully OH will be allowed in to translate/advocate for me and Sonic, I do wonder whether I missed something on Monday due to my auditory processing and comprehension issues and the vet wearing a face mask.

(EDIT: And he has just now gone to the food bowls to go scoffage of his own accord, and then headed to scratch the shit out of some furniture)

Fwiw, our experience with Buttons was that we got the terminal diagnosis on the Monday with another follow up appointment 5 days later. Reading between the lines (& with the benefit of hindsight) she was preparing us for the inevitable and was letting us say goodbye and spoil her for one last time. Buttons seemed to know what was going on as she, uncharacteristically, sat on a cushion on the sofa like a Queen while we fed her tuna, sausages and all manner of forbidden foodstuffs. On the morning in question, she said goodbye to Mrs SFM, went uncomplainingly into the cat basket and I took her to the vet - making sure she was cosseted, hugged, whispered to and reassured throughout what had to happen (still makes me cry now writing this…) but I can say hand on heart she had a good and dignified end in my arms. I really hope there may be some unobtrusive way to keep Sonic going but, if not, I hope you summon the necessary strength to do the best for him - as I’m sure you will. xx

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