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That's a great photo... they always look like they really get on well together.

Yes, they do. Got them months apart when they were kittens. Only took them three days to get along with each other. If there is a dispute its usually between the younger two, Rogue and Bella, as each tries to show the other than they are the dominant cat of the flat.
Any more news on the Lilith custody battle saga? 🙂
Not as of yet, thanks for asking. I blocked ex-housemate as he sent me a couple of passive aggressive messages implying an accusation of things I hadn't done. But I asked the other HMs to let me know if he gets in touch again or says he'll come round. I'm going to my mum's in Birmingham for Christmas and considered taking Lilith but don't want to put her through the long train journey. So my HMs will feed her while I'm away and have made them promise not to let this guy in if I'm not there. The landlord has also said he's not welcome and we should send him packing. I'm looking forward to seeing my family but anxious about leaving Lilith and am half hoping for another lockdown so I can stay in London with her. My mum and brothers like cats but wouldn't appreciate me missing a family Christmas because of one!
Not as of yet, thanks for asking. I blocked ex-housemate as he sent me a couple of passive aggressive messages implying an accusation of things I hadn't done. But I asked the other HMs to let me know if he gets in touch again or says he'll come round. I'm going to my mum's in Birmingham for Christmas and considered taking Lilith but don't want to put her through the long train journey. So my HMs will feed her while I'm away and have made them promise not to let this guy in if I'm not there. The landlord has also said he's not welcome and we should send him packing. I'm looking forward to seeing my family but anxious about leaving Lilith and am half hoping for another lockdown so I can stay in London with her. My mum and brothers like cats but wouldn't appreciate me missing a family Christmas because of one!

Sounds like a plan. Stay strong 🙂
How long is the trip home? Lillith might be ok if she's with you and can see you from her basket or whatever you have to carry her round.

Would your family be happy if she was with you?

Whatever happens I am so glad your housemates are strong and supportive and that Lillith is in hood hands. Good on the landlord too for their support.

Chuffed for you and Lillith that this has worked out for you.
How long is the trip home? Lillith might be ok if she's with you and can see you from her basket or whatever you have to carry her round.

Would your family be happy if she was with you?

Whatever happens I am so glad your housemates are strong and supportive and that Lillith is in hood hands. Good on the landlord too for their support.

Chuffed for you and Lillith that this has worked out for you.
It's at least an hour and a half from Euston to New Street, and that's not counting the tube ride beforehand. Lilith found it unsettling enough being put in her carrier for the five minute walk to the vet, so I don't want to put her through that if not necessary. Plus once I'm at Mum's house there'll be people visiting and the risk she might bolt out into the middle of Ladywood and never be seen again! I'm getting her microchipped this week before I go though, before we fix the cat flap and I can feel better about her going in the garden.

Thanks for the support, I appreciate you and everyone else on Urban.
It's at least an hour and a half from Euston to New Street, and that's not counting the tube ride beforehand. Lilith found it unsettling enough being put in her carrier for the five minute walk to the vet, so I don't want to put her through that if not necessary. Plus once I'm at Mum's house there'll be people visiting and the risk she might bolt out into the middle of Ladywood and never be seen again! I'm getting her microchipped this week before I go though, before we fix the cat flap and I can feel better about her going in the garden.

Great that she will be microchioped.
Unusually Vastra has spent most of the day curled up on our bed - here in a rare fully awake moment.

she does not look happy

is she having one of her mid life crises?

I know when he’s caught something as he squeaks in a weird way (probably because his mouth is full) but he prods the unfortunate rodent in my direction as if to say “There y’go - that’s dinner sorted!”. I thanked him, gave him a Dreamie and discreetly disposed of the mouse 🙂

Be thankful that he isn't determined to deliver the gift direct onto your lap while it's still alive glares at Jakey :eek:
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