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Tried to take the boys for their boosters today but Vic was too quick for me. Captured Lil’ Bob but he made a break for freedom only to find I’d locked the cat flap. The look on his wee face when he realised the game was up….
Got to the vet and (as suspected) he’s got fleas so got those dealt with. Even though I wanted to get them both jabbed together the vet advised me to let him have his shots anyway as there is apparently a National shortage of pet vaccines due to all efforts diverted to Covid (incl. the containers) and she couldn’t guarantee that there will be any left in January. Quite a worrying situation. Lil’ Bob tried to make a break for it and hid in the sink in the corner of the consulting room so I had to pry him off and return him to the table to face the music. Anyway, he was a brave boy and I think he’s preparing himself to forgive me - possibly because he’s realised his fleas are no longer biting. Always feel like a Royal bastard taking them to the vet but it’s got to be done.

That was BEFORE you had trouble getting treatment for her under his name because of the debt with the vet, you had to take her on as yours to get appropriate veterinary care for her. If you'd got her treated on his vet account and he'd been billed for it then he would have a valid argument, but he clearly left with a load of unpaid debt relating to past care of Lilith and no provision made for her ongoing care.

One can't just say "you look after this and pay for it for now and I'll come back and claim it when I feel like it" - shit doesn't work like that.
He gave the cat to you.
She's yours.
Dont worry too much.
Thank you. He's probably not spiteful enough to go down that route anyway, and as you say, he chose to leave her with me; I didn't snatch her. And as others have pointed out, all her medical paperwork is in my name after he got in debt and I've been buying all her food. It's just a bit unpleasant to deal with, but I know I'm in the right and I have people to back me up.
Just had a pleasant few minutes playing with lurking kitty out in the garden.

He still hisses/snarls like he means it if I get too close but will happily chase the end of a long bamboo cane if I rustle it around in the undergrowth.
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