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You can get nappy bags the same. Quite flimsy and don't try and over pack them like me! Tkmaxx stock em but expensive when you have 3 shitting felines like me.
You're not meant to put cat poo in the loo! Can You Flush Cat Poo or Litter Down the Toilet? | PetMoneySaver

I used to do this until I started working in waste and we advise people not to. This was before everyone found out that the tories had run out of sewage treatment chemicals too.

Fair enough if that is the advice, but just thinking about it logically, I wonder...

a) People are more likely to catch toxoplasmosis from handling raw meat or eating rare meat than they are from a cat (most cases are from meat)
b) Cats with toxoplasmosis only shed the parasite in their faeces during the initial infection, most cats are not shedding it
c) HUMANS who catch toxoplasmosis (either from livestock, raw/rare meat or from cats) shed the parasite in their faeces during the initial infection.

We don't ask people in group c to bag up their shit and put it in the rubbish bin instead of flushing it, so how come sewage treatment is handling their waste ok?

It just doesn't 100% add up in terms of logic IMO.

EDIT to add:

d) do we have an estimate of how many cases in humans are caused from the water supply?
e) why is flushable litter legal and advertised as such?
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Fair enough if that is the advice, but just thinking about it logically, I wonder...

a) People are more likely to catch toxoplasmosis from handling raw meat or eating rare meat than they are from a cat (most cases are from meat)
b) Cats with toxoplasmosis only shed the parasite in their faeces during the initial infection, most cats are not shedding it
c) HUMANS who catch toxoplasmosis (either from livestock, raw/rare meat or from cats) shed the parasite in their faeces during the initial infection.

We don't ask people in group c to bag up their shit and put it in the rubbish bin instead of flushing it, so how come sewage treatment is handling their waste ok?

It just doesn't 100% add up in terms of logic IMO.

EDIT to add:

d) do we have an estimate of how many cases in humans are caused from the water supply?
e) why is flushable litter legal and advertised as such?

No idea, but it's the official advice and it's very widely available - here is my water company on it. I am not here to argue or judge but won't be flushing my cat's shit.
No idea, but it's the official advice and it's very widely available - here is my water company on it. I am not here to argue or judge but won't be flushing my cat's shit.

Aye, it just makes me wonder is all!


- if it is a problem, litter manufacturers should not be allowed by law to advertise their products as flushable... a lot of these products say in their marketing "can be flushed down the toilet" - so people are actively encouraged to do so!

If it is an issue as indicated, then companies should not be able to say to flush it and that needs to be challenged and changed. Otherwise of course people will flush their cats' waste, it says to do so on the side of the bag!!
I may have posted this before.

Vic is in disgrace. We occasionally leave the bedroom door open in case one of the boys wants to sleep on the cat chair but last night Mrs SFM was woken up by Vic humping her foot and squeaking in a quite alarming way. He was banished from the boudoir forthwith - the wee nonce 😾

ETA He’s snuck back in this morning and is the picture of innocence but, as Terry Scott once said, “You don’t know what he’s dreaming about”

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Lilith's taken to playing with my housemate's mangos which he keeps on the windowsill in the lounge. So I put a couple of her toys there, only for her to bring them back upstairs!

there's a decision making process here.

question - did hooman intend this thing as a cat toy?

yes - ignore it completely

no - play with it

(the process for deciding whether to sleep on something, and whether it was intended as a cat bed, is similar...
Lilith's taken to playing with my housemate's mangos which he keeps on the windowsill in the lounge.

One of my cousin's farm/house cats got very attached to his special potato (just a raw ordinary spud) which was just the right size/shape for hunting and playing with. Luckily the house is a cold rural pile so the potato lasted several weeks. Cat showed occasional interest in later potatoes but never the same attachment. Clearly it was the Ideal Toy Potato.
I've found out that one of my cats prefers eating dry food off the floor rather than out of a bowl or from a plate. I noticed that she would headbut my hand when I was putting down dried food, which I thought was just the normal cat thing but then realised she was eating all the ones she knocked out onto the floor before eating anything from the bowl. I tried a flat plate in case it was the bowl but no different. I'm just chucking dried food out on the floor at the moment and wondering what this means. I'm a bit concerned about hygiene but she's eating more and has put on weight (a good thing) since I started just putting the dry food out on the floor.

Some of you may remember I found my cats as a stray mother with six kittens, and have the mother (frida) and one "kitten", 4 years old now (Rosa).
Rosa was the runt of the litter and when there were seven of them I couldn't get seven bowls down and she was shy so wouldn't come straight away anyway and then would grab some food off the plate/bowl because there wasn't enough space for all of them to fit around it so it's possible it's just a kind of learned behaviour from that time that she will grab food out of the bowl.

I'm wondering if she wants to play with the food a bit and whether I should get a puzzle bowl?

Does she not like the bowl cos of whiskers and the plate cos it's china? should I find a flat plastic cat plate and try that?

Should I just not worry about it?
BiG Tom
Wouldnt really worry once the floor is clean. Maybe get a large tile that looks like floor and spill out some dried food on it for her.
She may have menories of other cats eating the food in the bowl or maybe she quantifies what's in the bowl in her own way and is more tempted to eat when there are bits out of the bowl?
Maybe she thinks the bits on the floor are in shorter supply? So she hoovers them up first.
BiG Tom
Wouldnt really worry once the floor is clean. Maybe get a large tile that looks like floor and spill out some dried food on it for her.
She may have menories of other cats eating the food in the bowl or maybe she quantifies what's in the bowl in her own way and is more tempted to eat when there are bits out of the bowl?
Maybe she thinks the bits on the floor are in shorter supply? So she hoovers them up first.

Cheers - bit in bold definitely not the case, she won't go back to the bowl even if she finishes what is on the floor and there's usually some left on the floor (now anyway).

Large tile sounds like an idea thank you.
I've found out that one of my cats prefers eating dry food off the floor rather than out of a bowl or from a plate. I noticed that she would headbut my hand when I was putting down dried food, which I thought was just the normal cat thing but then realised she was eating all the ones she knocked out onto the floor before eating anything from the bowl. I tried a flat plate in case it was the bowl but no different. I'm just chucking dried food out on the floor at the moment and wondering what this means. I'm a bit concerned about hygiene but she's eating more and has put on weight (a good thing) since I started just putting the dry food out on the floor.

Some of you may remember I found my cats as a stray mother with six kittens, and have the mother (frida) and one "kitten", 4 years old now (Rosa).
Rosa was the runt of the litter and when there were seven of them I couldn't get seven bowls down and she was shy so wouldn't come straight away anyway and then would grab some food off the plate/bowl because there wasn't enough space for all of them to fit around it so it's possible it's just a kind of learned behaviour from that time that she will grab food out of the bowl.

I'm wondering if she wants to play with the food a bit and whether I should get a puzzle bowl?

Does she not like the bowl cos of whiskers and the plate cos it's china? should I find a flat plastic cat plate and try that?

Should I just not worry about it?

If I feed either of our boys raw meat offcuts while I’m cooking, instead of eating it straight from the bowl they tend to hook it out and eat it off the floor. Very odd 🙂
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