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Still no love for the lap, which I think must be down to the heat. She jumped up on the arm of the sofa next to me as I watched the TdF this afternoon, but isn't happy there unless I give her 100% of my attention. I thus plonked her on my lap, which went OK for five minutes, but then got up and walked off.
Chloe watching the final


Chloe sleeping through the final

Now it looks like Jakey may have hurt one of his legs, it is hard to tell as he is a lazy sod and rarely moves faster than a slow saunter, but he isn't jumping up on the sofa the way he normally would when heading up there for naps - he is kind of putting one leg up to the sofa and then rethinking how he is going to do it.

I think I know exactly what has happened, he leaped off the back of the sofa yesterday but got a claw caught in the fabric of the sofa cushion and ended up with his leg at a bit of an awkward angle, I expect he has pulled a muscle. He can get around ok and doesn't grumble (he is OSH and they are usually vocal when in discomfort) when I flex and extend his legs so I suspect it is very minor, will keep an eye on it.
Says it's an "Outdoor Calla Lilly"
e2a It's been put outside

All parts of the lily plant are considered toxic to cats, and consuming even small amounts can cause severe poisoning. Kittens are particularly prone to being poisoned as they explore their environment, and older cats are often affected simply because they brush against the flower and get pollen on their coats.
great conclusion on that link
Prevention Unfortunately the only way to prevent your cat from eating lilies, and to ensure they're don't suffer any of these effects is simply not to have lily plants in your home
Thanks again quiet guy !

Could have been horrific!

Treatment of Calla Poisoning in Cats​

Treatment of calla lily poisoning in your cat will address both the symptoms and the underlying cause. Your vet will first address any life-threatening symptoms. In some cats, irritation from calla lily poisoning can be so severe that it causes the tissues of their mouth and airways to swell making drinking, eating and breathing difficult. If this is the case, your vet will administer anti-inflammatory drugs to your cat, which will help ease the swelling. Drugs that open up the airway passages may also be given in connection. Finally, your vet may give injections of pain medication to help make your cat comfortable.
Since cats rarely ingest large quantities of calla lily plant, forcing your cat to vomit isn’t generally needed for this type of plant poisoning. Your vet will most likely perform oral, throat and, in some cases, stomach lavage of your cat in an attempt to rinse away any remaining crystals. This will involve squirting saline into your cat’s mouth via a needle-less syringe and allowing the fluid to drain out of their mouth. This will be done repeatedly to attempt to ease your cat’s reaction. IV fluids may also be given to help prevent dehydration until your cat is able to take fluids orally.
Veritable cat fest this morning. But no sign of Bloom.
Went out with my son to walk to Lewisham station.
First off there's Napoleon who is Blooms twin brother (!) sitting on my front wall.


Then there is feral Harry awaiting breakfast two doors down in his usual place.


Down on the corner there is the beautiful talking Tabby looking surprised at seeing my familiar face out so early.


And finally John from down the road (you have to look carefully) who has three little dogs he takes for their walk, but his cat does not like to miss out so follows them at least as far as the South Circ.

Well tonight, whilst madam tucked-in to her dinner, an occasional treat feast of tuna. The lurker came out of the undergrowth and sat for a while opposite me whilst I had a cup of coffee at the top of the garden. He then patrolled the garden right round me before going-on his way


Well tonight, whilst madam tucked-in to her dinner, an occasional treat feast of tuna. The lurker came out of the undergrowth and sat for a while opposite me whilst I had a cup of coffee at the top of the garden. He then patrolled the garden right round me before going-on his way



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