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there was something on the BBC a few years back tracking a village's kitties

think this is it

There was a documentary on Arte about a similar study in Weimar (there are copies on youtube if you understand German - or French , I don't know if there's an English dub somewhere). The cats in it are very cute.
Kizzy is running after and pouncing on Misty any time she breaks cover for food or litter tray, also heard them fighting in the night :(
Don't want to but might have to separate them in the house so Misty feels safer
Got feliway on the go but only been a few days
Kizzy is running after and pouncing on Misty any time she breaks cover for food or litter tray, also heard them fighting in the night :(
Don't want to but might have to separate them in the house so Misty feels safer
Got feliway on the go but only been a few days
Poor Misty. I can't remember for sure, but didn't you say they got on well before, at their old place? If this is out of character for Kizzy, then it's probably that she's still stressed. It can take time.
Are they both peeing ok? Might sound like a silly question but problems with that often go hand in hand with stress.
Poor Misty. I can't remember for sure, but didn't you say they got on well before, at their old place? If this is out of character for Kizzy, then it's probably that she's still stressed. It can take time.
Are they both peeing ok? Might sound like a silly question but problems with that often go hand in hand with stress.
Thanks, No idea tbh, we got them from rescue place who said Misty was more nervous and that Kizzy steals her food so keep an eye on that.
They seem to be peeing and pooing fine which is a relief.
Kizzy is boisterous, with us even
Hoping the feliway helps
As it is a new place for them, part of settling in is one asserting dominance so they sort out between themselves which areas are "owned" by which cat - cats don't have strict heirarchical dominance, rather that one cat may own the sofa and the other a particular spot on the bed etc.

There is usually a clear difference between these dominance spats (which usually involve staring, chasing, pinning down/neck biting, slapping) and an actual fight between cats who hate one another (screaming, fur being pulled out, blood).

I think the feliway is a good idea, but unless they are pulling chunks out of one another it is best IMO to let them get on with it and sort out who is in charge of which areas of your home :)
As an addition to the above, if one of them has food aggression and chases the other away from her food - Jakey had that issue when he first came to live with us - if you can have some set mealtimes for them each day and separate them while they eat, this worked well for us. Jakey did eventually settle down mind you and now they will not eat at all if they are separated, they just wail to one another :rolleyes:

As adult cats, twice a day for this would be fine either side of work or however it can fit in with your schedule. This would ensure that the shy one is getting enough to eat while leaving them together most of the time.
The vet phoned earlier to let me know that Sonic's urine tests all came back normal and healthy.

This is good of course, but we're still no closer to finding out why he lost weight -aaarghhh! I tried to establish whether anyone had checked his mouth/teeth and it was unclear - as I haven't been in the room for every consultation I have no idea.

I'm going to book an appointment for him in a week or two to have him weighed again and have his mouth checked. He does feel like he has put some weight back on though, so might have been a one-off thing like he went off the previous bag of dry food a bit or something.

No idea, just hoping that he isn't still losing weight (I don't think he is).
So the OH saw a video of a cat going nuts over mackerel loin and ordered some.

Apparently we’ve entered into a competition over who is his favourite.

I’ve been hand feeding him Dreamies. One at a time to draw out the pleasure without giving him too many at once. This is her counter bribery.

I was at work but am told he scoffed the lot in 3 mins flat.

He also likes King Prawn pieces as much as Dreamies we discovered the other day.
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Milo brought in a rat bigger than his head last night and plonked it down in the middle of the front room, looking very proud of himself.

Fortunately he'd despatched it properly before bringing it in, though I've got no idea how given his lack of front teeth.
I knew somebody who called their cat ‘Perkins’ after the Diesel engines.
Wouldn’t be that environmentally friendly these days!
Didn’t TS Eliot write some musings on cats names?
I agree Reggie is a great name. For some reason our neighbour has called Bloom’s brother (black and fluffy) ‘Napoleon’.
How do you all choose the names?
I knew somebody who called their cat ‘Perkins’ after the Diesel engines.
Wouldn’t be that environmentally friendly these days!
Didn’t TS Eliot write some musings on cats names?
I agree Reggie is a great name. For some reason our neighbour has called Bloom’s brother (black and fluffy) ‘Napoleon’.
How do you all choose the names?
Our cat is called Tiger. He arrived with his name pre-issued.
When people hear he is called Tiger they assume he is a ginger tom.
They’re right.
So there must be some convention that ginger cats are called Tiger.
Milo brought in a rat bigger than his head last night and plonked it down in the middle of the front room, looking very proud of himself.

Fortunately he'd despatched it properly before bringing it in, though I've got no idea how given his lack of front teeth.

At least it was dead. The worst presents are those that have virtually no physical harm, because they're an absolute fucker to catch. About a year ago Missy brought in a mouse in perfect working order, and let the little thing run under the TV stand. It emerged several times and each time she caught it again, but was having too much fun to finish it off.
Wilko have added some of their cat foods to the same recall as the AVA/Applaws/Sainsbury's recall

Recalled products​

Item codes​

Wilko meaty feast cat rabbit/chicken/veg 950g - 0267053

Wilko best salmon& tuna dry cat 800g - 0463508

Wilko best beef &chicken dry cat 800g - 0463507

Wilko cat food active health salmon 800g - 0470811

Wilko active healthcat food chicken 2kg - 0481421

Wilko active health cat food salmon 2kg - 0481422

Wilko dry cat food active health 7+ 800g - 0470808

PDF from wilko re: the above:
Jakey caught and dispatched another mouse today, I took it off him (not really ok with them eating them in case someone put down old-style poison somewhere and Jakey doesn't have any teeth anyway) and gave him a little bit of tinned tuna as a treat instead and a lot of praise. Sonic watched with a look of disdain - he's purely decorative bless him. :D
Fuck knows what times Fifi decided that she needed to do her heart breaking yowl at the top of her voice, but both times it was still dark and immediately woke me up.

She's now fast asleep and snoring her head off at the bottom of the bed. I'm toying with the idea of getting something quite loud and waking her up from a deep sleep to see his she likes it... Twice
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