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Of course, now the remodeling has been completed there's been fuck all interest shown

Of course, now the remodeling has been completed there's been fuck all interest shown
Iā€™ve learned that my cat takes a month to acknowledge any changes made to the flat for his comfort or entertainment. I built him a climbing wall, got him a cat bed, etc and he would totally ignore them for that period. After a month itā€™s not uncool anymore to check out new stuff and then he will start exploring. In the past I simply took stuff away after a week or two, which he showed no interest in, but now Iā€™ve learned to leave it out.
My WFH had an entertaining if frustrating interlude today, as Missy brought in a live mouse. It hid under the TV stand and she scuttled like a maniac trying to get it to come out. I'm sure she was even panting a bit, out of breath, which is extremely un-cat-like. When I got it to run out by moving the stand, she went berserk after hit, and yet would only pat it with a paw when she got it. There were points where they were staring at each other at very close quarters.

After realising she was having too much fun to do the honourable thing and kill it, I had to eventually scoop it up with a waste paper bin and take it outside. It didn't appear injured at all. For something so small, it couldn't half move quickly.

That's funny, Dylan brought us a (dead thankfully, though not for the mouse) mouse on Friday, which is impressive for him as we rarely get creatures, we mainly get empty crisp packets and other packaging. I reckon he thinks that when we go to work we're going out to hunt, and where we've been at home so much, he's worried we won't be able to feed him anymore! So he's taken it on him to go out and get the food now.

Anyway got a couple of goos shots just now...


That's funny, Dylan brought us a (dead thankfully, though not for the mouse) mouse on Friday, which is impressive for him as we rarely get creatures, we mainly get empty crisp packets and other packaging. I reckon he thinks that when we go to work we're going out to hunt, and where we've been at home so much, he's worried we won't be able to feed him anymore! So he's taken it on him to go out and get the food now.

Anyway got a couple of goos shots just now...

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šŸ˜‚ love the straight face then a big yawn
I got a bit scared this afternoon, thinking Missy couldn't have been asleep on the bed that long (roughly 6 hours). Then I heard the cat flap go, so she was obviously in need of stretching her legs before the next shut-eye Marathon.
Calamity1971 maybe this is a fluffy cat thing, this airing of the belly? Donut lies around like that all the time. I had assumed it's because he's so massive that he has his own gravitational field and can't stay upright for too long.
It's not restricted to fluffy cats. This is one of the biggest compliments a cat can pay you, it's a sign of trust as the belly is a cat's most vulnerable part. When a cat shows you its belly, that means "I feel safe around you".

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Just had a phone consultation with the vet about our 17 year old girl cat Nico. Looks like her kidneys are failing. I've got to take her in for them to see her tomorrow morning and it's unlikely she'll be coming home. And all I can do is leave her at the door.


Her brother Lou died just over six months ago.
RoyReed - that is horrible even in normal times. Is your vet definite about that? When I went up to ours during lockdown last week we had to wait outside but were sure that our cat would be given back to us, all the signs they had up on the door said "unless in exceptional circumstances" - that would count, so do check (should it come to that).

Either way I feel terrible for you and your beautiful cat.
"... but reserve the right to savage any part of your body that goes near it."
My cat has never attacked me. There are some behavioural things we can do while kittens are being socialised to make such behavior less likely. One of the biggest mistakes people make with kittens is that they attract their attention by playing with their hands, teaching them to look at hands as playthings and to attack them. Almost everybody who meets my cat for the first time does that, because they want to get the catā€˜s attention.

If you get to a kitten once itā€™s out of the socialising stage, which is most of them, there is not much you can do once they have gotten used to it. Itā€™s not necessarily innate cat behaviour though, even if unintentional. Itā€™s learned behaviour, because just about everybody thinks, thatā€™s how you approach cats.
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